Chapter Ten: Witness Protection

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The apartment proved to be on the third floor of a three storey building. It was spacious with three bedrooms and a large open plan living room/kitchen area with high ceilings and redbrick walls broken in places by white walls. A large black leather couch, framed by two matching armchairs, faced a well proportioned black entertainment unit. A mock electric wood stove off to the right gave the place a homely feel when turned on and an electric fire with a black surround also helped to make the place look cosy. Adam and Kevin had chauffeurred the two siblings to their new living quarters straight after Will and Jay had left Voights' office. Jay had not been happy about the change of address but was in so much pain by that stage that he did not voice his opinion merely glared back at his boss before heading for the stairs. On arrival, seeking some time alone, the weary man had asked which room was his and was shown by a concerned Adam to the largest bedroom which had the benefit of an ensuite. After thanking his friend Jay had asked him to tell Will and Kevin not to disturb him as he needed time to think. Although Adam had argued that his older brother would insist on checking him Jay had offered only one sentence. He was not able to go off by himself in his present state but he was feeling crowded. Adam had left his friend with a promise that he would do his best. Will had not been impressed and in fact had started towards the bedroom but Adam had insisted the injured man needed space as he was feeling trapped. Kevin also took up the cause by pointing out to Will that at the moment things were being done outside of Jays' control and respecting his wishes would give him some of that control back. Eventually Will had agreed with the two men although it was clear he was not happy.

That had been three nights ago and if anything Jay was looking worse as the Unit and Conor Rhodes discussed the situation with him in the apartment. Antonio had reported that they had not been able to locate any witnesses as he sat in the armchair beside the couch and Jay. The other man had made the end of the couch his domain as it proved to be kindest to his battered body.

"Do you have any idea why he would try to kill you," Al asked from where he was leaning by the window.
"No," the pale man answered too quickly.
"You know you can tell us anything. It won't change our opinion of you," Adam offered sincerely.
"What is it?" Will prodded by his side.
"Look .... it doesn't matter really."
"Yes it does 'really"," Hank leaned forward on the armchair he sat in, resting his arms on his knees, giving his full attention to his young Detective, "now the quicker you tell us the quicker we can move on."
"He ...," Jay subconsciously brought his left hand up to his ribs and focussed his gaze on the fire in front of him rather than looking at anyone, "he heard the guys talking at Mollys."
"What guys?" the Sergeant persisted.
"Lance, Jack and Mark. They were talking about the ....... ceremony I guess and he overheard."
"He refer to the ceremony during the attack?" Hank put in quickly before Adam could ask about the ceremony giving him a slight shake of his head to put him off.
"Yeah but like I said it doesn't matter. If it wasn't that it would have been something else. Think I became a release valve for him. When he was angry he'd take it out on me."
"You're talking past tense there," Antonio noted, "is this the first time he's attacked you as an adult?
"Yeah," Jay answered and raised his gaze from the artificial flames dancing before him to look at the men gathered, "when I was 18 he tried to beat me up but I fought back and I think I scared him. Think he thought up until then I was afraid of him. I was but not for the reason he thought. I was afraid if I fought back before that he would have started hurting Mom. Couldn't take that risk."
"So what changed when you were 18?" Conor asked.
"Mom passed. He had no hold over Jay then," Will answered for his brother when he wasn't forthcoming, cursing himself again for letting him down.

"So at the moment there is an APB out on him," Kevin reminded from the kitchen where he was making himself a coffee, "but you still can't remember who the other guy was?"
"I didn't get a good look at them."
"Them!" Hank exclaimed angrily.
"Just how many men were there as well as your father?" Al tried to keep his rage subdued knowing it would not benefit anyone.
"Three," Jay replied casually.
"Three!" Adam expressed the surprise of everyone, "we assumed there was just one other man involved."
"Sorry," Jay apologized as he rubbed his aching forehead, "I just remembered that now. Some Detective I am!"
"Jay you have a Grade 3 concussion. You're still in a lot of pain so you aren't expected to be thinking clearly," Conor consoled his patient sharing a glance with Will before continuing, "Dr. Charles has offered to help build a profile on your father."
"That might be useful," Hank spoke as if he had not known about the offer already.
"How much does he know?" Jay frowned.
"Just that you were attacked by someone you know," Will supplied, "it's up to you Kiddo."
"Not a kid," Jay automatically fired back before becoming serious, "guess I don't have a choice. He might go after someone I care about and besides I can't live here forever."
"I like it," Will teased glad that they didn't have to convince him to avail of the Psychiatrists' aid.
"Way above my pay grade."
"Mine too," Adam joined in with a grin.


"So where are ye in checking his usual haunts?" Jay reverted to 'him' or 'his' when referring to his father and no one blamed him.
"We've checked all the places you and Will suggested but nothing has turned up so far," Al replied, "we're going to follow up on all the addresses again though because no one even admitted seeing him."
"That raised alarm bells," Kevin pointed out for the two non police personnel, "considering ye said he spent a lot of time at those locations we should have met someone who knew him."
"So what's the plan for tomorrow?" Adam looked across at his superior.
"You and Kevin stay with Jay. Al and myself or Antonio will swap with ye tomorrow evening," Hank rose as he replied and nodded towards the door, "come on let's start again in the morning."
"You need anything at all Jay just give me a call," Antonio patted his colleagues' shoulder, "we'll see you in the morning."
"Thanks," Will watched the Detectives head for the door, their boss bringing up the rear.
"No need to thank us," Al saluted as he opened the door.

"Serge can I have a word with you?" Jay carefully forced his body up and followed his team out into the corridor ignoring his brothers' questions.
"Sure," Hank motioned for the other two men to go on ahead.
"I think I can bring him out of wherever he's hiding," Jay spoke after he closed the door behind him and he was alone with his boss.
"Look Kid I know what you're going to suggest," Hank pre-empted the suggestion he knew was about to be made, "you are in no fit state to act as bait. Besides it's early days yet."
"Look this isn't really a matter for the Unit and you can't waste resources on it."
"Nobody tells me what I can or cannot do. For now it's a priority. Attempted murder of a Police Officer is definitely within our remit."
"Will you at least think about it Sarge? I couldn't live with myself if someone got hurt because of me," Jay betrayed his real concern.
"I will," Hank acquiesced after a brief pause, "but you try anything on your own and you'll be the one behind bars until this is sorted."
"Yeah okay."

Inside the apartment Will turned to the remaining Detectives with a frown.
"Any idea what that's about?"
"Beats me," Adam shrugged his shoulders but gave himself away when he looked at his partner.
"What is it?" Conor asked this time.
"Hey he didn't tell us anything," Kevin protested honestly.
"But ye can make a guess," Conor informed with confidence.
"Tell us," Will ordered impatiently.
"He might be suggesting we use him as bait to lure your father out of hiding," Kevin reluctantly gave in.
"Damn!" Will stood up and headed for the door just as his sibling re-entered.

"Are you okay?" Will checked.
"Yeah," Jay sighed , "think I'm going to turn in. See ye tomorrow."
"I'll check your ribs before I go," Conor picked up his black bag and followed the slow moving man to his bedroom despite his obvious disapproval.
"Doc?" Adam walked over to Will when Jay and Conor were behind the closed bedroom door.
"Don't tell him what we said. It will only upset him and he has enough to deal with."
"Yeah, you're right."
"You want a coffee?"
"Might as well," Will accepted gratefully, glad his brothers' friends cared a great deal about him.
"I'll let him sleep in tomorrow if he doesn't wake up early."
"Good idea mind you knowing Jay he'll wake up early," Kevin spoke as he sank down in an armchair after double checking the locks on the door were closed properly by Jay.
"Yeah. He was always an early riser," the redhead admitted, "I on the other hand could stay in bed all day."
"Me too," Adam walked over and handed a steaming mug to the Doctor and then handed one to Kevin before going over to the counter to get his own.
"Wish this was over. It doesn't seem real," Will confided, "our mother was the opposite of our father. She was kind and always helped anyone who was in need. She told us we took after her side of the family," he smiled, "she was born in Cork in Ireland."
"And she never had a clue of what was going on?" Kevin asked.
"No," Will stated adamantly, "if she did she would have confronted him. But he picked times when she was at work. Well at least he did when Jay got the injuries I knew about."
"I've learnt on the job that people like your father can be really clever when it comes to hiding their tracks," Adam sipped his coffee.
"They must be to fool their partners."
"Yeah," Kevin agreed sadly.
"What a world we live in," Adam shook his head as he looked out the window at the torrential downpour thinking the rains suited the mood he and the others were in.


Tolerance Book I (Chicago PD/Med FF) by Frances51163Where stories live. Discover now