Chapter Ninety-Seven: : Rendevous on Santa Monica Pier

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A week later Jay stood at the end of Santa Monica Pier.   He had not been lying when he had commented that he always wanted to visit the world famous venue.   Just a pity he was working.   It was everything he had imagined and more.   Heck there was even a small Police Station with two squad cars parked outside.  Only in America he thought would you find a Police Station, a rollercoaster, amusement arcade attractions and  a carousel all perched on a pier. The pier in question was also a popular venue for amateur and sport fishermen.  He walked a few steps back from the end barrier to sit down on the black wrought iron seat facing the choppy waters and after a few minutes one of the fishermen  casually walked over and sat down on the opposite end of the seat after depositing his tacklebox on the ground by his feet.   Bending over to search through the box the man began talking quietly.

"You find out anything about the manufacturing warehouse?"
"No," Jay ran a hand under his nose as if it was itchy to block his mouth moving although their location at this end of the pier made it a safe enough rendezvous spot, "Jimmy and Paul mentioned Wilshire Boulevard this morning but it can't be there."
"Too open."
"Exactly.  Anything I need to know?" Jay needed to find out what information  had been gleaned by his friends and colleagues.
"Brown is pushing Petrocelli to go ahead with another deal in New York.   He isn't too eager.  We haven't got the specifics yet but it does relate to Bright Glow."
"Jimmy and Paul think Bright Glow is the one to make them rich."
"Petrocelli give them shares or something?"
"Don't know," Jay  coughed in the cold air, "but they've both told me, separately, that he's very good to them.  They do genuinely seem to like the guy.  Brown is still suspicious of me but I don't think there's anything I can do to convince him I'm okay so I'm just ignoring him, when I can."
"Your name comes up a lot when he's talking to Petrocelli but the old guy won't listen to the warnings."
"He has his own agenda," Jay confessed unhappily, thinking of the photograph in an expensive intricately designed sillver frame which sat on Petrocellis' desk in his office in the house, "I really do look like his son."
"Yeah you do," Adam affirmed as he rustled around supposedly looking for a suitable fly, "not your fault Jay.  You didn't know."
"Wish I did," the young man coughed, "better go.  I'll try to be here on Friday morning."
"You feeling okay?"
"Sure," Jay got to his feet pulling up the collar of his leather jacket, "ye work out where the warehouse is leave the light in the end bedroom on.  If anything's urgent leave the downstairs hall light on."
"Will do.  Any message for Will?" Adam asked hopefully, the elder Halstead sibling was giving them all grief, via texts and calls, about his younger brother, especially Adam.
"Nope," Jay chuckled at the cursing sent his way as he strolled off.

He passed the deserted Pacific Park on his right with its' quiet rollercoaster and Big Wheel.  Come peak season he knew the place would be packed.   Several fishermen and women were ignoring the winter chill in suitable layers of thick clothing and enjoying the fishing.   He had never understood the enjoyment people got out of catching fish.   As a young child he had refused to partake in the activity when his father had taken Will and himself to the cabin.  Will had seen nothing wrong with catching fish by a cruel hook, through an eye or stomach, but Jay had been repulsed by the act.   They didn't need to kill the fish to survive and nowadays Jay knew a significant number of people let the fish go after a catch but to him that was still cruel.  Guess each to their own he thought ruefully as he passed a couple of men standing with rods leaning over the wooden barrier and sharing a joke.   The small stalls were open but the presence of tourists was minimal.    The pier was obviously a better place to visit during the hot months.  Arriving at the building which housed the carousel near the start of the Pier the Detective frowned as he observed Paul walking towards him.

"You enjoy the view?" the heavily built man asked as he approached.
"Not much to see with the weather so dull.  Probably nicer during the summer."
"Brown was looking for you.   Told him you had a few hours off."
"Bet he was thrilled about that," Jay grimaced as he rubbed his hands together to generate some heat, "you tell him where I was?"
"Told him you were taking in the sights.  Didn't mention here though," Paul replied as they headed out under the famous wooden sign announcing entrance to 'Santa Monica Yacht Harbor Sport Fishing Boating Cafes'.
"Thanks," Jay understood the kind gesture of keeping his exact whereabouts unknown, it was a sign of trust which the older man willingly gave, "so what are we doing today?"
"Boss wants us to check out the production warehouse," Paul explained as he fished his car keys out of his pocket awkwardly, unwilling to take off his warm glove, he hated the cold, "seems some packages have gone missing."
"Only an idiot would try to steal from the warehouse, " Jay commented ruefully as they reached the car and Paul sat in behind the steering  wheel beside Jimmy who was munching on a sauce dripping hotdog.
"Well whoever it is won't be an idiot for long," Paul spoke grimly as he turned on the ignition and reversed out of the parking space,  catching the younger  mans' eye in the rearview mirror, "Brown wants to make an example of the guy."
"Don't think I want to know," Jay sighed, his relief at finally gaining access to the production warehouse tempered by the likelihood of bloodshed.

Three cars back Antonio and Al listened to the conversation thanks to a listening device planted a couple of days before by Jay.   Like their friend they were glad they were eventually making some progress but the threat of violence  had them worried.   Especially if Brown was involved.   The experienced Detectives knew that there was a strong possibility he would put Jay to the test again and they wondered if there was anything they could do to forestall things.

"Hell this is going to get messy," Al stated as he signalled right, keeping an eye on the car they were following.
"Should we call for backup?" Antonio wondered as they turned down a street lined by factories.
"Not much point till we find out where we're going.   We're not going to be able to hear them when they go inside the building."
"Should have got better equipment," Antonio groused, knowing it would place their friend in extra danger.

Authors' Note

Have spelt 'Harbor' the American way as that is the spelling used on the sign on Santa Monica Pier.   In Ireland we spell the word with a 'u' - Harbour.

Tolerance Book I (Chicago PD/Med FF) by Frances51163Where stories live. Discover now