Chapter Ninety-Two: Surveillance

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In the Task Force offices the Unit and Morettis' people had meshed together as they went over the files they exchanged, each hoping fresh eyes might catch something previously overlooked.  So far they had not had any luck. Mouse had become a right hand to the IT Specialist, Mark Hillman, a thirty something bearded man who was as obsessed about IT as Mouse was which cemented a burgeoning friendship.  Some people simply worked IT for the pay but the two men shared a love for their work that went beyond the job.  For them the IT world was like a magic kingdom to be explored, with new possibilities opening up around every corner.  The two had spent hours in Hillmans' expansive work station pouring over the data on hand trying to find anything that would lead to the source of Bright Glow.  The death number rose daily and it soon became clear that its' distribution was not confined to Chicago and LA.  It had also turned up on the streets of New York and Miami.  This heralded an expansion of Petrocellis' lucrative, if lethal, business.  He had never had success in the Big Apple market before.  Previously he had confined himself to the Windy City, the City of Angels and Miami.  It seemed with Bright Glow he had finally found a means to broaden his horizons.  This in turn added impetus to the investigation,

Six nights after the accident Antonio and Adam were on surveillance duty across from the expensive house Petrocelli owned in the suburbs.  Although the large redbrick house on the tree lined street did not have a wall for protection Petrocellis' men took turns providing security sitting in a car outside.  What the affluent neighbours thought of this was unknown.  At the moment Jay and Paul were taking their turn.  Looking through binoculars from a house across the street, which was conveniently up for sale and vacant, Antonio had related to his worried companion that their friend looked pale but otherwise okay.

"You surprised Voight left Jay in?" Adam checked as he rubbed his hands together to generate some warmth in the dark upstairs main bedroom.
"Petrocelli is a big fish and him expanding his operation is not good.  I reckon the expansion is one reason he left him in, in addition to the military angle," Antonio put down the binoculars with a thoughtful expression, "of course there's been no mention of anything with the military since so maybe Jay got it wrong."
"Doubt it."
"Well the accident could have delayed any plans Petrocelli had to use Jay."
"Doubt he's worried about Jays' health!" Adam scoffed.
"No but maybe he needs him to be fit to do the job he has in mind."
"Maybe. What do you make of Moretti?"
"He seems to be one of the good ones," Antonio gave his opinion readily, "his team seem to respect him and like him. That says a lot."
"Yeah. Phillips said he's been after Petrocelli longer than we have. Surprised he agreed to let us in on the investigation."
"Well with Jay under Sarge had the right bargaining chip.  I didn't notice any attitude from Moretti though. He genuinely seems glad we're on board. Why? You pick up on something I missed?"
"No," Adam shook his head in the negative as he picked up the binoculars as the front door across the way opened, "looks like we're on the move. Petrocelli looks mad about something."
"About damn time," Antonio noted as they headed downstairs quickly, shrugging on their jackets.
"Just hope Jay comes out of this okay."
"About time we caught a break," Antonio stated as they left the house and jogged towards their car clinging to the shadows of the old trees.

On Jays' part this unexpected trip at ten before midnight had him worried.  So far he had been unable to plant any bugs in Petrocellis' house as Brown proved to be a constant presence and he could not risk being found out planting a device as such an occurrence would ultimately lead to the end of the operation.  Of course it was likely it would also signal the end of the road for him but that danger was part and parcel of undercover life. Upon seeing the 'For Sale' sign across the road on arriving at the house after being discharged from the hospital, the young Detective had known his team had the perfect location for surveillance.  That was one source of comfort he consoled himself as he drove the silent Petrocelli and Brown towards the address he had been given. Jimmy and Paul were in the blue sedan following dutifully behind. Both men had appeared to accept his new role of chief driver without any resentment for which he was relieved.  Being the driver meant that he could hear the two men talking in the back and hopefully glean some useful information.  The older men had been silent so far this trip however and apart from suggesting a slight detour, due to road works, the Detective had not been addressed at all.  Ten minutes later he pulled up outside a non descript house in a quiet suburban neighbourhood.  The house lay in darkness.  Frowning Jay looked in the rear view mirror for some instruction as to what to do now.  Normally he would automatically have gotten out and opened the door for the mob boss but he sensed that was not appropriate in the present circumstances.

"You said before you would be willing to deal with Billings for me," Petrocelli met the gaze in the mirror with cold eyes.
"Sure boss," Jay nodded wishing he had a wire but thinking ironically it was probably just as well he wasn't wearing one because all the listeners would have heard was the thunder of his rapid heartbeat.
"Turns out he's staying with his brother," Brown offered as he fiddled with something in his gloved hands out of sight.
"I want you to kill them," Petrocelli spoke casually, as if stating a meal preference.
"No Sir. I can't."
"No?!" Brown erupted impatiently looking from his boss to the driver and back again as fury raged in his features.
"Son you said you would do this," Petrocelli reminded neutrally.
"I said I would deal with Billings," Jay countered as he shifted his gaze to the outside world finally seeing something which eased his worries a bit, "his brother is not part of the deal."
"You listen to me you ........," Brown tried to cut in.
"He does have a point," Petrocelli observed with a slight chuckle then continued, "but why leave the brother alive?"
"He doesn't deserve to die for what his brother did Sir. I believe a man should be responsible for his own actions not someone elses."
"So you will kill Billings?"
"Well you better make sure you aren't seen," Brown ordered crossly as he passed the object he had been fidgeting with forward, a luger handgun, "as soon as it's done get back here."
"Aren't ye a bit conspicuous here?" Jay asked calmly, there were still some lights on in other dwellings and this seemed a risky venture to him.
"You shouldn't be long," Brown pointed out evenly.
"What if there's an alarm?"
"Deal with it!" Brown muttered in exasperation.
"Whatever you say Sir," Jay addressed his comment to Petrocelli, knowing it would irk the second in command and looked at the handgun, no silencer was affixed to the barrel he noted.

Hell this wasn't a risky venture at all, it was a set up!  He knew this was a test of his loyalty.  It was bound to come at some stage he just hadn't been expecting it this soon. Looking back through the mirror again he caught the smug look on Browns' face and knew he had instigated this little episode.  A glance at Petrocelli revealed blank features and even blanker eyes.  This was also a test for him Jay realized.  If Brown was right and the new man could not be trusted then Petrocelli would lose face for he had favoured the young man.  Just like an Undercover Officer lived on a knife edge so did the head of a crime organization for there was always someone waiting in the wings willing to take his place.  Double checking the cartridge Jay wordlessly opened the door and got out heading off without a backward glance.  This was going to be interesting to say the least.


Tolerance Book I (Chicago PD/Med FF) by Frances51163Where stories live. Discover now