Chapter One Hundred and Forty-Two: New Angle

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21st Precinct

The following day Jay had been really eager to get to work for it was the first time he would get a chance to talk to Michael Williamson.  The Detective had spent a rare night sleeping without nightmares after the party in Mollys and the Unit members had noted a subtle change in their friend that morning at breakfast.   The smudges under his eyes weren't as visual and he actually managed to eat a proper breakfast.   Looking over at Jay now as the two men waited for the arrival of the older Williamson brother for questioning Adam leant against a wall in the interview room and eyed his partner.

"It was good to get together last night.   Everyone was glad to see you."
"Like I said that never happens again," the injured man reiterated, 'it's too risky."
"I know but it did you good to get out for a while,"
"Sure," the injured man, "but like I said last night no more get togethers for me."
"Well we'll have to have a proper night when this thing is finally over and you can get back to normal."
"We'll see," Jay rubbed his temple already feeling another headache threatening, "back in a minute."
"You okay?"

Jay headed out to the kitchen and quickly retrieved a Mars bar and a can of Fanta.  Opening the can he downed half before he took out two painkillers and washed them down with the remainder of the drink followed by half the Mars bar.  Sitting at the table he rested his head on his good hand and closed his eyes, willing the medication to take the pain away.  A knock on the door twenty minutes later startled him out of a doze.   He looked over at his Superior blinking.

"Williamson can wait another couple of hours," Hank walked in closing the door behind him as he assessed his subordinate, "you go lie down in my office.  Give the meds a chance to deal with your headache."
"Sarge there's no ....,"
"Yes there is a need.   You clearly slept well last night but one nights' sleep doesn't make up for months of lack of sleep.  You do as I say Kid and we'll let Williamson stew in the cage."
"You sure Sarge?" Jay stood up carefully deciding reluctantly that his Boss made sense and besides he needed to be able to concentrate when he interviewed the prisoner and a headache would hinder the process for everyone.
"Yes.  Use the couch.  I can work from Mouses' desk since he's after extending his IT vacation."
"No need to use your office Sarge I'll just sit at my desk."
"Kid you're going to lie down on my couch.   Now come on while I just grab a couple of files."
"Yes Sarge," Jay knew when to accept defeat.

Ten minutes later the blinds had been drawn and the Units' youngest Detective was lying down on the surprisingly comfortable black couch with a wet cloth handkerchief, courtesy of Hank, across his forehead.  He wasn't sure how Hank knew but sometimes he found the cold worked just as well as warmth and the cold tendrils soon numbed the pain sufficiently enough for him to doze off.

Outside in the bullpen the men were working quietly, occasionally shooting glances to the closed office which hid their friend from view.  Antonio looked up from the file he had been reading thoughtfully,

"Guys I've been thinking.  What if whoever is out there now had nothing to do with Halstead Senior at all?"
"That's always been a possibility," Al shrugged.
"I know that but maybe we're looking at this the wrong way," Antonio elaborated now he had everyones' attention, "we've been concentrating on the school angle but what if this is work related?"
"How do you explain the Williamsons and the others?" Kevin countered.
"Maybe they're just collateral damage.  Yes Michael Williamson must have got them involved but our guy is killing them off so obviously there's no relationship with them."
"We went through all Jays' arrests when he got attacked," Adam reminded, "nothing showed up."
"What if this guy has a more recent grudge?"
"Spit it out Antonio," Hank ordered gruffly.
"I've been thinking about Petrocelli."
"But Brown is dead," Kevin pointed out.
"Who else would blame Jay for Petrocelli being shut down?" Adam asked quietly.
"Not De Luca and Lombardi.  They like the Kid," Hank noted, "and they would go along with whatever Petrocelli wanted."
"Moretti ever get back about his Brother-in-Law Sarge," Antonio asked softly referring to the corrupt Head of Narcotics they had learnt about in Los Angeles.
"No.  Last time I checked in with Moretti they were still going through all the files Petrocelli left with Jay but there's no mention of Tom Franklin."
"Ye really think this is to do with Petrocelli?" Adam demanded unhappily.
"Once ye question Williamson we might have a better idea," Hank concluded as he glanced across at his office and wondered how he was going to tell his youngest Detective of the latest development.


Authors' Note

This Chapter is short as I am publishing it with the previous one.  

Tolerance Book I (Chicago PD/Med FF) by Frances51163Where stories live. Discover now