Chapter Twenty-Three: The Profile

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By the time Will and Adam had escorted Jay upstairs any hint of mirth had disappeared and as the group listened to Dr. Charles outline his profile the cold climes of  outside seemed to  breach the office walls.  With the exception of Jay everyone in the room had shivered at the rundown of his physical abuse.  Even Hank had felt a chill run down his spine when Charles had spoken of how the elder Halstead had tormented his young friend by telling him beforehand what he was going to do.  Glancing over at the man in question, sitting at Antonios' desk instead of his own, the gruff Sergeant saw impassive features but he knew the lack of concern was only an act, a defence mechanism.

"Given the information to hand I would say we are dealing with a mixture of psychopathy and sociopathy."
"I thought you could either be a Psychopath or a Sociopath," Adam mused as a watcher of too many movies.
"Yes and no.   The two have traits in common such as failure to feel remorse or guilt and disregard for rights of others," Charles elaborated as he wrote the shared traits on the whiteboard, "because of the overlapping traits sometimes a diagnosis is extremely difficult."
"So which one does he lean towards Doc?" Hank queried with interest.
"Given that he was mostly organized and planned how he was going to hurt Jay I'd say more of a psychopath.   Sociopaths are disorganized and erratic.  More spontaneous."
"But he couldn't know when Jay was going to be sick," Will pointed out from where he leant against Antonios' desk, "that's more opportunistic isn't it?"
"Yes but you told me Jay used to get migraine headaches so he was home sick a lot."
"What?" Jay spoke quietly, for the first time since the Psychiatrist began, glaring at his brother.
"I just said that you used to miss school over migraines," Will frowned, not sure why his brother was upset.
"I don't want you talking about me with anyone you got that?   I spoke to the Doc so that we can catch that piece of you know what before he hurts someone but you do not get to talk about me to him or anyone else!" Jay replied angrily standing up.
"Whoa Jay!" Adam hastily approached the two men who were now the centre of attention and placed a hand on his friends' shoulder to guide him back down on the swivel chair.
"Jay I asked him why you were home so often," Charles offered but stayed at the whiteboard in front of Voights' office so as not to overcrowd the upset man.
"Why didn't you ask me?" Jay demanded changing his gaze to Charles.
"Because I knew you would have downplayed the reason.   And it does show how detached he could be," the older man reasoned calmly, "that you were in a lot of pain and he still inflicted more."
"Jay the more we know the better chance we have of catching him," Antonio spoke from where he occupied his friends' chair near the whiteboard.

"How about we take a breather?" Adam looked from his superior to Jay and back.
"Up to you Kid," Hank stated easily letting his injured Detective set the pace for he knew the origin of the outburst was the lack of control he had in the present situation.
"Just finish it," Jay shrugged as Adam leant against the wall behind him, "please."
"Well like I said at the beginning no profile is ever complete until a subject is interviewed but what I think is important to remember in this case is that psychopaths are not only manipulative but also charming.  They are people who don't feel emotions but learn how to mimic them.   From what Jay told me about his mother I know she was well loved by her sons and she would not have known about Halstead Seniors' actions.   Many psychopaths function as apparently normal people."
"There is something I want to ask," Will looked at his brother on the other side of the desk and then up at his colleague, "why would he have focussed solely on Jay and not the two of us?  Even the few times I tried to intervene he stayed focussed on Jay so although he may have planned what he was going to do he obviously didn't have plans for every single thing he did to him.  And I know most of the attacks took place when Jay was alone."
"Well yes and no.  He probably knew what injury he was going to inflict but like you said there were unexpected occasions when he hurt him when you were there.  Unfortunately until he is interviewed the triggers for those attacks will be unknown.   This is also where some of his actions would indicate sociopathy.  Like I mentioned there is an overlapping of the criteria for either diagnosis but as the majority of the injuries were given at times when Jay was by himself psychopathy is the most likely.  And like any diagnosis whether mental or physical it will be specific to him."
"Doc think I got lost there.  What do you mean," Adam asked with a raised hand, "for those of us without a Medical Degree."
"Well put it like this," Charles explained, "two men go into their respective Doctors' offices and both get the exact same terminal diagnosis.   They will have similar symptoms but one may decline in health quicker than the other because there are other factors involved, specific to that individual.  For instance one man may be insured and the other man may not be so medications may vary.  That's just an example of one outside factor that can play a role in the outcome of a diagnosis.   And of course a persons' attitude and personality can also have a bearing on the outcome of a diagnosis.   If each man is told he has one year to live one may just accept it and the other man may fight it.  The outcome is likely to be the same but the journey they each took to reach the end of the road will have been vastly different and individual to them.  I would venture to say everyone in this room has been touched by cancer in some way whether through a relative or friend," Charles looked at the nods of agreement, "yet every single persons' story was theirs alone, it was unique to them.  Whether physical or mental an illness or anti-social disorder will differ in each person."
"Anti-social disorder?" Kevin frowned.
"Psychopathy and sociopathy come under that heading," Charles explained.

"But would there be just one trigger that set him off initially years ago?" Kevin checked.
"Well Jay mentioned that he overheard an argument where he was complaining about not wanting a second child but we may never know.  Truth is there is a lot we have still to learn about the human psyche."
"Sometimes I think that might be a good thing Doc," Al joined in for the first time.
"I agree," Charles concurred with a smile, "just don't quote me.  Wouldn't be good considering my job."

"So Doc why would he have decided to go looking for Jay now," Hank brought the discussion back on track, "he went to Mollys to find Jay.  We know that much because he asked a couple of the Bartenders if he had been in."
"Yeah and it was just rotten timing Jays' friends happened to be there and he overheard their conversation," Antonio added.
"Something must have set him off to get him to go to Mollys looking for Jay," Charles suggested.
"So what he overheard wasn't the trigger?" Al frowned having understood all along that the conversation in Mollys was the cause of the attack.
"And he mentioned it to Jay during the attack," Will reminded casually checking his brother only to freeze, "Jay!   What's wrong?" he walked around the bulky desk hurriedly as Adam walked to the other side of the chair.
"Jay!" Will raised his voice intentionally, trying to get through to his sibling.
"Doc what is it?" Adam demanded as he looked at his friends' glazed eyes.
"Kiddo you gotta talk to me," Will kept his voice raised as Charles came over to join them.
"Do we need an ambulance?" Kevin asked worriedly.
"No but maybe some privacy," Will prompted.
"No problem," Hank nodded and quickly issued orders to the men now standing with him by the whiteboard.

"Jay I want you to listen to me," Charles spoke calmly as Will reluctantly stepped aside, "you're okay.  There is nothing that will hurt you here.  You're safe.  Just listen to my voice."

It took a few minutes but eventually the dazed look evaporated like a mist rising and Jay blinked looking around.

"What happened?" he looked from Charles standing before him to Will and Adam with a frown as he wiped sweat from his brow.
"Nothing," Charles patted his shoulder, "your boss figured he had enough of my lecturing for today so we'll finish it another time."
"But ..... ," Jay looked around the office and noted Al, Antonio and Kevin were nowhere to be seen as Hank approached.
"So ye ready to head out yet?" the gruff man asked casually.
"Sure," Adam tapped his friends' shoulder to get him moving.
"I don't ....., " Jays' words were cut off by his superior.
"We're going to the apartment now.   Move it!"
"I'll be there after I drop Dr. Charles off at Med," Will informed his brother as he watched him being  guided towards the stairs, "and Adam? Remember we're paying for whatever takeout he wants."
"We're going halves Doc.  You made the offer after all," Adam winked in unspoken reassurance he would look after the shaken man.
"He remembered something didn't he?" Will turned to his colleague as soon as they were alone.
"Yes," Charles agreed sadly.
"Hell," Will thumped the desk, "it's got to be bad to upset him that much doesn't it?"
"Yes and you had better brace yourself because more memories could resurface."


Tolerance Book I (Chicago PD/Med FF) by Frances51163Where stories live. Discover now