Chapter Thirty-Three: Traits Revealed

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Once the meal had been consumed and the dishes cleared away the men sat around the large oval oak table in the pale yellow dining room drinking coffees.

"So it's time we set up a rota," Hank got down to business without preamble, "I want three on watch 24/7. I'll let ye pick whose with who but I want a note kept in the kitchen so there's no confusion."
"I have a rota prepared Boss," Antonio handed over an A4 typed sheet to his superior and then passed copies to the Unit members, with the exception of Jay.
"I'm on watch," Jay grabbed the sheet from Adam beside him and shook his head confirming his name was absent, "not arguing about it."
"Kid you're still dealing with broken ribs and a serious concussion. You need to take it easy," Hank pointed out reasonably.
"I'm either on watch or I get the hell out of here."
"If I put you on watch you going to give me your word you won't leave?"
"I ...," Jay looked at his hands on the table, "no .... but I'm on watch anyway."
"From day one this guy has stood up to me," Hank looked around the room as he pointed towards the younger Halstead, "he even stopped me doing something when no one else could.  This Kid has a streak of integrity which runs right through him ....,"
"Hey Sarge," Jay tried to interrupt as his face reddened.
"And he will never let anyone take it from him," Hank ignored the attempted intervention, "I've seen him stand weaponless in front of a kid with a rifle to protect him from us and SWAT.  I've seen him willingly risk his life to save others knowing the outcome was not favourable and I've watched him being tortured without giving up any information."
"Ah man," Jay went to stand up but found himself held in place by Adam on one side and Kevin on the other.
"What Sarge is saying Kid," Al spoke softly from across the table, "is you're one hell of a man and we all admire you."
"What the hell is this? Embarrass Jay day?" Jay looked around the table glaring at his friends.
"Nope. That's tomorrow," Adam deadpanned.
"Kid we just want you to know that you're worth protecting.  That's all," Hank looked at the flustered man as he stood up, "come on it's time we had that talk."
"I'll get payback for this," Jay spoke as he rose to his feet unhindered.
"Hey we're the good guys remember?" Kevin reminded.
"Yeah, yeah," Jay was unimpressed as he trailed his superior to the library across the hall.

"He always so ...... shy?" Conor asked for want of a better description when they were alone.
"Jay isn't shy. He's quiet okay but not shy," Adam frowned at the Doctor.
"I wouldn't have thought so," Conor nodded, "but he definitely doesn't like compliments."
"It's not that," Will joined in thoughtfully, "when we were growing up our father would never praise him.  If he heard someone saying something good about Jay it enraged him. He made sure Jay knew he was worthless."
"Bastard!" Antonio pounded the table with his fist.
"It's a miracle he's turned out the man he is," Will added, "all our father ever taught him was hurt and humiliation.  If it wasn't for our Mom I don't think he'd have survived.  She meant the world to him."
"He's pretty fond of you too Doc," Adam offered.
"I know. Just wish there was a way to undo the things he went through. I only know a fraction of the injuries he suffered and we all know words can cause as much damage."
"Yeah," Kevin nodded, "maybe when we get this sorted his load will be a bit lighter to carry."
"Sure hope so," Antonio put in, "now who's up for poker?"

In the library Jay looked across at the older man on the other side of the log fuelled flames and wondered what he wanted to discuss.

"It's been bothering me," Hank eventually broke the silence, "why your father is going after you now.  You know we had a theory that the guns meant he needed you for a job of some sort but that was negated by the attack."
"I know," Jay nodded in agreement.
"Is there anything at all that you can think of which may have set him off?"
"Not really. He never needed much of an excuse to get angry."
"So there's nothing you're holding back because you think it's trivial?"
"You been talking to Will?" Jay checked.
"About what?"
"Nothing," Jay shook his head, maybe he was getting paranoid, "there may be one thing but it's not likely."
"What is it?" Hank leaned forward on the comfortable armchair.
"It's just Will mentioned the time of year."
"He'd get mad during the holidays. The last time he ........ well you know ...... it was Christmas and I was seventeen."
"I don't know but I can imagine. Just you and me here Kid.  You can tell me anything and I won't be shocked."
"Seem to remember saying those words a time or two myself to victims."
"Because they're true. Tell me about your 17th Christmas."
"I don't really think .....,"
"Just talk to me," Hank encouraged, "if you don't want me to I won't talk to the others about it but you need to tell me."
"It was the worst time," Jay spoke quietly as he looked at his hands clasped tightly together, "Mom was in hospital for tests. Turned out after it was cancer.  Anyway he got mad about something one day and ...... beat me ...... then he locked me in my room for five days without food or water.  Hell I couldn't even get out to use the toilet."
"What exactly did he do to you when he beat you?"
"Ah the usual. Broke my ribs and my arm."
"Will know?"
"He thinks he broke two ribs."
"How many did he break?"
"Four. But I dealt with the pain it was the fact that I was trapped.  That's what really got to me."
"Like you're feeling now. With all of us," Hank stated rather than asked, "reckon he's drawing out your torture just like then."
"Sarge I want to draw him out. I know ye mean well but I can't go on like this."
"When you're a bit healthier I promise I'll consider it."
"I'm ready now and if anything this whole situation is delaying my recovery."
"We'll talk again in a few days," Hank offered a compromise after looking at his Detective for a few moments.
"Nothing is going to change in a few days."
"There's another reason we're here," Hank added, "someone gave out the apartment address."
"I know. You think it was someone in the 21st," Jay spoke with certainty.
"Any ideas?" the gruff man did not confirm or deny his suspicions.
"None. Didn't think I had any enemies in the precinct," Jay rubbed his forehead, "maybe I was wrong."
"Platt's doing some digging but hasn't turned up anything yet."
"Damn Sarge tell her to stop," Jay got up, "I don't want her hurt over me "
"Hey she offered," Hank tried to put the younger man at ease, "she's being tactful."
"Somehow tact isn't the first word which springs to my mind when I think of Platt."
"Mine either," Hank grinned "but when she wants to be tactful she can be.  Besides I've seen the looks she gives you."
"Put it this way if she wasn't married you'd be in trouble."
"Sarge!" Jay could feel his face reddening.


Tolerance Book I (Chicago PD/Med FF) by Frances51163Where stories live. Discover now