Chapter Twenty-One: Ambush Revisited

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As morning yielded to afternoon the Chicago skies continued to shed crystal white flakes as the men in the apartment were once again brought back to a scorching day miles away ......

After Jay was quickly treated he approached the last group of Soldiers who continued to exchange fire with their opponents who luckily had been decreased in number. Jay and Gonzalez had consulted and agreed their mission was not possible. The option to return to camp was easily made. Gonzalez had then headed off with the second last group so Jay looked at Lance, Jack, Mark and Will as they continued to engage the enemy. Walking quickly up to Lance he started giving instructions.

"We head out in ten. Make sure everyone has water and ammunition," Jay spoke as he took the mans' place and began firing his assault rifle which he had retrieved from his pack foresaking the Mk 11 Sniper rifle.
"Ready Sir," Lance returned a few minutes later.
"Everyone has two extra clips."
"Good. We'll head south and then west. Should make the rally point on time."

The group finally left the ramshackle shelter of the ruins and pulled back, ignoring the dry heat of the early morning hour. Jay reminded the men to stay hydrated. It was no idle suggestion. Out here a life could easily be lost due to lack of water. They had not encountered any trouble by the time they had trekked south and then two klicks west. Taking a break behind the skimpy shade of sun bronzed bushes Jay again consulted the map and then lifted his binoculars to the horizon. To his surprise he saw two humvees in the distance, heading towards camp presumably. Jay frowned as he unknowingly placed a hand up to his painful shoulder. They had not been advised of any other activity in this sector. Protocol mandated that front line troops be made aware of any patrols which might cross their path. This was done primarily to avoid any cases of friendly fire. He debated whether or not to signal the humvees but the decision was taken out of his hands when the vehicles stopped and turned in their direction. He wondered if it was just a coincidence or if they had been spotted, which was doubtful.

"Lieutenant are we expecting visitors?" Lance asked casually from where he was crouched down beside him, rifle at the ready as the other man double checked the route.
"No," Jay put away the binoculars as the vehicles could now be seen by the naked eye.
"Guess we're in luck," Jack put in as the humvees came closer then stopped a few feet away.
"Lieutenant Halstead?" a voice called as a figure emerged from the first humvee.
"Ye out sightseeing?"
"No Sir," the confident voice assured as the man moved forward, "we were sent to get ye back."
"Lance you and Will are with me. Jack and Mark go in the second humvee," Jay quickly ordered as he rose from cover to greet the new arrival, "Gonzalez send you?"
"Yes Sir. He met us at the rally point. Ye're the last ones in Sir," Corporal Miller explained as his eyes automatically kept scanning the horizon.
"Let's move it!" as the two had been talking the Soldiers were quickly donning their packs and checking ammunition.
"Sir," Jack saluted with Mark and the two made short work of reaching the second vehicle.
"After you Corporal," Jay instructed as he motioned for Miller to move.
"Sir you're injured ....," Miller pointed to the bloody green shirt.
"Move it!" Jays' voice brooked no argument.
"Sir," Miller obeyed and Jay motioned Lance and Will forward following behind, covering them with his rifle.
"You first Lieutenant," Will stated after Lance had climbed nimbly into the dark cavern.
"You first! Move it Soldier!"

Once Jay pulled the door shut and sat down beside Will he allowed himself a sigh of relief. Lance across the way was smiling broadly. He knew exactly what he was thinking. Another day survived, even if it wasn't even seven in the morning yet. The rest of the day would be spent with Jay in debriefing and the men on downtime.

"Let me take a look at your ......," Will began only to be cut off.
"Stay where you are," Jay insisted, "I'm good."
"But ...,"

Whatever Will was about to say was lost forever as the humvee seemed to disintegrate around them. Jay was flung up into the air colliding with a lifeless Miller. The world had been reduced to deafening noise, splashes of red and splinters of metal. Jay never knew how long he was out but he suddenly jerked awake as a dark shape emerged through the sand blocking the skies. Sitting up he looked around to see only one humvee. He saw Lance a few feet away shakily getting to his feet and he decided he better join him. Rising he paid no heed to the pain encompassing his back and shoulder. Stepping over Millers' corpse he made his way over to Lance and saw Jack and Mark approaching apparently uninjured. Becoming aware of the noise overhead again Jay decided to investigate and saw a helicopter hovering as it came in to land.

"Don't think anyone else survived from your humvee," Jack explained.
"Any casualties?" Jay asked of the second vehicle.
"No Lieutenant."
"Spread out. Just in case," Jay didn't need to finish they knew what he wanted as he turned away.
"Sir!"Mark raised his voice as the three got their first glimpse of their friends' bloodied back.
"Look for survivors!" the younger man headed off as the helicopter was set down.
"Damn," Lance looked at the two men beside him, "sooner we confirm the numbers sooner he'll accept help."

He received reluctant nods of agreement. A Medic had already been ordered away as Jay walked amongst the remains. He hadn't seen any sign of Will so still held out hope. Something gleamed catching his attention. He tripped as he approached it. Looking down at what had tripped him caused his stomach to churn. A hand lay by his boot with a familiar ring. Will! A new voice behind him caused him to turn startled and he made himself fall to avoid standing on the dismembered limb.

"I want him on a drip now!" a strong voice ordered and Jay felt hands on him turning him on his side and finally on his stomach, checking for injuries.
"I'm ...," Jay attempted to get up but hands held his arms down above his head.

"Lieutenant stay where you are," Corporal Peter Hicks, a forty year old veteran Combat Medic, easily forced the young man to obey, "your wounds need to be dressed."
"How many fatalities?" Jay asked as a needle prick on the back of his right hand notified him of the drip being set up as someone placed a hand on his wrist checking his pulse.
"You don't need to worry about that," Hicks evaded as he quickly gave the injured man a shot of morphine after picking up his left arm and finding a vein.
"Don't need .... morphine," Jay protested futilely.
"Dressings are done," a younger Medic by the name of Johnson pointed out as Lance approached with Jack and Mark.
"Lieutenant Miller and Will were the only two fatalities," Lance reported gently as he crouched down and squeezed the other mans' unencumbered hand as Hicks moved away to ready the stretcher, "some broken bones but you're the most seriously injured," Lance continued.
"We'll have you out of here soon."
"Hand ...," Jay tried to keep his thoughts on track, just how much morphine had he been given?
"I'll look after it," Lance assured for he had already removed the appendage hoping to save the younger man from the sight, obviously it was too late to shield him.

"We're going to move you now," Hicks spoke as Jay felt hands turning him on his side, "let us do the work."
"Hand ..," Jay ignored the older Medic and focussed with blurry eyes on Lance, "bring it ...,"
"Don't worry," Lance squeezed the hand in his and watched the eyelids finally surrender to the powerful drug, "I promise I'll look after it."

The heat of early morning in Afghanistan evaporated as Lance concluded his sorry tale. No one spoke. Adam once again chanced a look at his friend. If possible he was even paler. His skin almost matching the white of the snow building on the window sill behind him. The Detective decided he'd have a word with Conor as soon as possible to see if the talk with Dr. Charles should be put off. He hoped Voight would agree if it was necessary as he knew the lack of progress might make the Sergeant plow ahead.


Tolerance Book I (Chicago PD/Med FF) by Frances51163Where stories live. Discover now