Chapter Three: Aftermath

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Four days later Jay sat on the side of the hospital bed willing the pain to ease. He was after struggling into his jeans and the effort had sapped his strength but he had decided to sign himself out while Will was off shift figuring he would be one less obstacle in his way. Jay had convinced Adam and Kevin to give him some privacy saying he just needed some alone time but as soon as the two men had taken up their posts outside his room he had got out of bed. He knew he would win the argument about leaving better if he was dressed. At the moment though he was trying to get his arms into the black shirt and it was taking way longer than it should. If he didn't hurry up he realized Will would be back and that he did not want that. He gave a sigh of relief as he finally got his arms in and ignored the pain in his chest as he raised them to pull the material over his shoulders. Quickly, well what passed as quick for him these days, he did up most of the buttons. Another glance at the door calmed his nerves and he wiped the sweat from his brow before calling Adam in.

"You called ...," Adam stuck his head around the door then paused as he whacked Kevins' shoulder out of sight, "hey man you shouldn't be up and about yet."
"I'm gone," Kevin whispered and headed off at a run to find Rhodes.
"Adam I need my boots. Can you put them on for me?" Jay flushed in embarrassment.
"How about we wait till you're discharged."
"Adam I'm asking a favour. Never asked for one before."i
"Damn man you know how to make a guy feel bad," Adam reluctantly took the boots out of the wardrobe and put them on willing Rhodes or anyone to appear.
"Thanks," Jay sighed in relief then got more comfortable on the bed.
"What are you doing?" Adam checked happy but surprised he wasn't going to have to forcibly keep the pale man in the room.
"Waiting for whoever Kev finds to come."
"You couldn't have told me you'd wait earlier," Adam scolded.
"Where would the fun be in that?"
"You shouldn't push it you know," Adam became serious, "it's going to take a while for your injuries to heal."
"Yes Dr. Ruzek."

"Hey I heard you want out of here," Conor walked in with Kevin following behind.
"Where do I sign Doc?" Jay asked pleasantly enough.
"I didn't say I would discharge you."
"I can go anyway but at least if you sign my release Will won't be too worried."
"Have you met your brother?" Conor enquired sarcastically as he moved forward and without preamble opened the black shirt to listen to his patients' chest, "take a deep breath and another."
"Man what's wrong with staying here for a while?" Kevin tried.
"Bed's yours if you want it," Jay stated but there was no mirth behind the remark.

All three healthy men in the room knew that there was something going on here besides the desire to get out of hospital. In fact just the evening before Conor, Will and the team had discussed the matter when the two Doctors called into the 21st precinct. Voight had explained his concerns from the outset of the conversation. Although he had asked about being discharged on the night of the attack Jay had not brought the subject up again which surprised everyone. The main worry they all had had however was that the young man seemed to have withdrawn into himself. He was never boisterous or an attention seeker but since the attack he had become even quieter. Questions about the beating were answered simply with a quiet 'I don't remember' or 'I can't recall'. Will and Conor had separately suggested that Jay speak with Dr. Charles but he steadfastly refused saying he just needed some time to recover and he was fine. So when Voight received the text from Kevin notifying him that Jay was trying to get discharged he was surprised but also worried. Obviously the kid had something on his mind the problem was he had no idea what it was.

"Your concussion symptoms are still going to cause problems," Conor pointed out as he put the stethoscope around his neck and did up the shirt buttons after gently pushing aside the trembling hands.
"Had concussion before Doc I know what I'm dealing with," the bone weary statement struck everyone in the room.
"Well you're not going to be on your own anyway," Adam pointed out as the door opened and Will walked in with Hank.

Tolerance Book I (Chicago PD/Med FF) by Frances51163Where stories live. Discover now