Chapter One Hundred And Two: Staying Under

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To say that Voight was surprised by Adams' call was an understatement. They were finally getting somewhere with the investigation and Adam was after telling him that the Undercover Detective was looking worse than ever and needed to be pulled out. Although the Sergeant understood his subordinates' concerns he had told him to continue with the surveillance and said they would review the matter tomorrow after they ascertained what medical care Petrocelli had in mind for the young man. Voight stood alone in Morettis' dark office long after he had hung up. Looking out at the dark skies he wondered what the next day would bring and if the investigation was going to have to be called off. He knew if he made the decision to pull Halstead out Adam and the other members of the Unit would understand fully. Morettis' men however were a different matter. Sure they wanted Haltstead to be alright but they had no personal investment in the case. They didn't know the Kid except by way of the photograph each man had been handed at the first briefing to ensure there was no incident of friendly fire. To further ensure the LA men remembered the young Detective Al had pinned an A4 sized photograph of their friend up on the main board. A noise behind him caused him to turn.

"Thought Moretti was after coming back."
"Nope," Al walked in leaving the lights off, "you worried about the Kid?"
"Ruzek wants me to pull him out."
"You said no."
"I said not yet," Hank admitted quietly as he turned back to the night skies, "we're never going to get another chance at Petrocelli like this."
"I'm getting too old for this."
"You and me both," Al advanced into the room, "Jay will call a halt if he can't do the job."
"You sure of that?"
"Yeah I am. He wouldn't jeopardize the investigation by being sloppy. If he's not well enough to go on he'll let us know. We got to trust him on this."
"I do trust him. Hell that boy has a streak of honour which runs through him which puts everyone else to shame," the Sergeant shook his head sadly, "you remember that story Will told us about Jay insisting he had to fix the damaged model airplane himself?"
"Yeah, yeah I do."
"How the hell did he survive Al?"
"He's a survivor. No other word for it."
"Yeah well I want this damn investigation over with as soon as possible so he can get proper care."
"I know and so does Ruzek," Al stated knowingly, understanding the burden of leadership was a hard one at the best of times and this was definitively not the best of times, "and so do the others."


The following morning Jay, much to his dismay, found himself being brought back to LA Memorial Hospital. Jimmy had informed him over a late breakfast of pancakes, in a tone that brooked no arguments, that he was going back to see Dr. O'Sullivan. The fact that Jimmy and Paul remembered his brothers' friend alarmed Jay greatly. They called him by his name. He needed to keep the Doctor out of this. His attempt to do so by suggesting he go to a local Clinic was brushed aside by Paul who informed him quietly that the ER Doctor at Memorial was familiar with him so it made sense to go back to him. Jay wasn't quite sure what to make of this interest in his welfare. His health had certainly never been a consideration by the bad guys in other operations so his mind went into overdrive. Okay so he knew Jimmy and Paul were like big kids at times and had taken him under their wing but first and foremost they were hardened criminals. As Jimmy pulled into a space in the car park of the busy hospital Jay decided it was time to take back some control as Paul in the back seat began to get out and Jimmy undid his seat belt to do likewise.

"Guys I'm not a kid. Stay here. I shouldn't be long."
"Boss said to make sure you get checked out," Paul got out of the car as Jimmy shook his head at the pale young man in the passenger seat.
"I'm a grown man," Jay got out of the car slowly and looked across the roof of the car at both men, "ye move from this car and we're going to have a problem."
"I think he means it," Jimmy noted without rancour as he looked at the man beside him, "what do you say Paul?"
"Okay but this stays between us Jay."
"Shouldn't take that long," Jay grinned in relief as he headed off towards the Emergency entrance glad he was going to have a chance of a break from the op even for a small while.
"Took you long enough," a voice greeted from his right as he entered the foyer.
"Didn't expect to see you," Jay didn't look at Adam but kept on his intended route, a seat in the Emergency waiting room just in case his minders did decide to follow him.
"Follow me," Adam, wearing scrubs, tugged the nearest arm and gave his friend little choice but to divert his course into a cubicle, "I have some people here who want to see you."
"Ah hell!" Jay cursed as the cubicle curtains were quickly closed behind him and he found himself facing O'Sullivan, Voight and Antonio.
"You have a problem Detective?" the Sergeant asked with a smirk.
"No Serge, just got somewhere to be."
"They wanted you checked out," Antonio reminded unhelpfully, "so let's get you checked out."
"Whoa man!" Jay out a hand up to forestall the Doctor approaching but then had to give into a bout of coughing.
"Damn that even hurt me," Antonio commented ignoring the glare sent his way as he went over to stand beside Adam.
"Take a seat Jay," the medical professional ordered placing a hand on the younger mans' left arm and guiding him over to the gurney.
"There is no need for this," Jay protested when the bout passed, surprised to find he was sitting down.
"Your chest infection is getting worse," O'Sullivan frowned after opening the reluctant patients' shirt and checking his breathing before he knew what was happening.
"Ye don't need to be here," Jay scowled as he pulled the shirt closed looking at his Superior and colleagues.
"Sorry Kid we need to talk and this is the perfect opportunity," Hank pointed out as he nodded to the Doctor to continue.
"They remembered Davids' name," Jay divulged his worry as the shirt was again pushed to the sides and his brothers' friend checked his ribs, "I can't be seen here again."
"Hey Jay they brought you here," Adam reminded as they got a good look at the younger mans' torso, noting he had obviously lost weight.
" Yeah," Jay sighed as the probing hands were finally removed and the Doctor stepped away, "about that. What do ye think the concern for my welfare is all about? Hell usually I'm getting beaten up on an undercover gig not being brought for a check up."
"What do you think it means?" Hank queried knowingly, cutting off whatever Antonio was about to say.
"He needs me for a special job ........," Jay frowned as his arm was extended and a blood sample taken but didn't argue knowing it would only waste his energy.
"What do you mean?" Adam looked at his Sergeant, they had figured it was definitely due to whatever job Petrocelli needed doing.
"I'm asking Jay," the older man sent a silent order to the Detective to be quiet, "what else could he want you for?"
"His son," Jay finally muttered, looking at the floor.
"Go on."
"He could be .....," the weary Detective paused and looked up at the Doctor who was writing details on the blood sample vial as if he wasn't really listening to the conversation and then over at Adam and Antonio who were both frowning.
"Halstead," Hank insisted firmly with an unspoken order.
"He might be ....," Jay hesitated before airing what had dawned on him as a possibility on the way to Memorial "looking for someone to take on the business."
"What the hell?!" Antonio looked from the Sergeant to his friend and back again.
"What makes you think that?" Adam checked.
"He's been acting different apparently since I came on the scene," Jay looked at the men carefully, "look it's just a feeling I have. I could be reading things wrong. It just struck me on the way here."
"It's time to pull you out," Hank stated resolutely, none of them had foreseen this coming, Jay reminding the mob boss of his son was becoming too much of an unknown variable.


Tolerance Book I (Chicago PD/Med FF) by Frances51163Where stories live. Discover now