Chapter Sixty: Showdown Looming

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The snow continued to reign down ten minutes later as Jay and his father stood at the side of the ice skating rink by McCormick Tribune Plaza as the twins joined the other skaters gleefully.

"Why did you bring them?" the Detective asked keeping his gaze on Gerald and Martin Porter who held onto each other as they slowly skirted the edge of the busy rink grinning happily.
"You insisted."
"Figured you'd have them close by."
"You ready?" the older man asked coldly as he turned away from the packed rink.
"What do I have to do?"
"Come with me and you'll find out."
"Okay," Jay couldn't believe it was going to be this easy to get the siblings away from his father but he wasn't going to ask any questions.
"They're staying here," his companion informed him with a knowing tone, "think it's time you and me have a talk. Let's go."
"Fine," Jay replied nonplussed and followed his father back to the imposing Cloud Gate sculpture unwilling to show his relief that things were finally coming to an end.
"I could have taken someone else."
"True but you didn't."
"Why are you so sure of that?" Halstead Senior enquired as he led the way towards Chase Promenade.
"Because I figure you've finally found the nerve to face me one on one as an adult."
"That smart mouth of yours always got you into trouble as a kid.  Some things don't change!" the older man spoke viciously but quietly so their conversation could not be heard by the others walking along the tree lined promenade.

As they walked through the crowd Jay took note of the CCTV cameras in place and knew that by now the Unit would be aware of his location.  He wanted to get away from Millennium Park as quickly as possible.  The relief of knowing the siblings were safe was tempered by the fact there was still a slight possibility that his father had taken someone else to use against him.  He knew he could tackle his father there and then and overcome him but, despite his words, he was not willing to take the risk that someone else was in danger.  He wondered what test had been chosen for him this time.  Sirens in the distance quickened his fathers' steps and by proxy his own.  His friends would be frustrated they had missed him.  He'd have a lot to answer for ....... if he survived.

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Hanks' group consisting of Kevin, Will and Jack arrived back at the 21st after delivering the apparently unharmed siblings to Med for the prerequisite medical examination.  The two men had not been able to provide any useful information after they had been removed from the ice skating rink, despite their protests.  The pair identified Halstead Senior as the man who had taken them from the Care Home but it soon became clear that they understood he was working for the facility and was looking after them.  The siblings confirmed they had been taken care of and had not been hurt.

"Well at least they're safe," Will observed as the other men returned coming up the stairs.
"They thought they were on holiday," Hank added thoughtfully then looked at Mouse as he came out from the back, "you have any luck?"
"No.  Like I told you I lost them when they reached Columbus Drive.  Got lost in the crowd before I had a chance to zoom in.  I've gone over the footage again and again."
"How did Jay look?" Conor pounced before Will had a chance.
"He's still pale," Mouse replied as he sat down at his temporary desk, "didn't seem to be coughing, which is something I guess."
"So where do we go from here?" Lance queried as he leant against Antonios' desk.
"We interview the Porters again as soon as they're cleared at Med.  They're being kept under guard.  Ruzek you and Al can do the interview.  Ye've been to the Care Home before so it might help."
"We're not interviewing them here?" Kevin frowned.
"No. They'll be more comfortable at the Home."
"In the meantime we recheck the employees.  Four people going missing is a red flag."
"We already looked into everyone and all their background checks are clear," Al agreed, "guess we'll dig deeper."
"Do," Hank nodded, "in the meantime I'm going to arrange for Police patrols to be prominent and also I'm going to have a couple of uniformed Officers on duty at the Home until this is sorted."
"You think he'll try something there?" Jack looked at the Sergeant in surprise.
"Not sure but until we know why he picked St. James's it's best to take precautions."
"Why didn't Jay tackle the old man when they were away from the Porters?" Ethan brought up the question that had been on his mind ever since Mouse had notified them of the siblings' safety.
"He wouldn't take the risk that someone else is in danger," Kevin offered what the rest of the Detectives were thinking.
"You said he went willingly," Mark looked over at the IT expert, "any chance there was a gun trained on him?"
"No. Jay followed behind. He wasn't being coerced. In fact there were plenty of opportunities for him to get away. If he wanted to."
"Well we know he wouldn't want to," Will shook his head unhappily, "this time he really is going to end it."
"So we heading out again today?" Jack enquired.
"No.  Now that it's only Jay and the old man they're going to be out of sight," the Sergeant pointed out before continuing, "we have to hope Jay will contact us."
"If he can," Adam added with a heavy sigh.
"If he can," Hank repeated reluctantly, "in the meantime Antonio check with Missing Persons again to see if anyone else has been reported missing since Christmas Eve."
"You think he abducted someone else?" the Detective rubbed his chin as he considered the possibility.
"That's what we need to find out.  Could explain why he let the Porters go."
"Damn," Will cursed in frustration before asking rhetorically, "just how much more damage can he do?"

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Once they reached the car his father was using the older man had told him to drive.  This confused Jay for he knew it was unlike the man to give up control, even in relation to something as minor as driving.  Following the directions given to him Jay found himself back at the abandoned warehouse where he had been taken with the Samsons.  This also confused him but outwardly he didn't portray any emotions. Upon entering the ramshackle building ahead of the other man he noted that it was much the same as he had last seen it with the exception of two sobering observations.  One, there was a large red stain marring the concrete just to the left of the door, evidence of where the Samson brothers had been killed.  Two, an additional table had been placed inside with a single item on it, a handgun. Unlike its' battered counterpart the second table was unmarked and stood out in contrast to the delapidated surroundings.  The cold wind whistled through the drafty building as the older man roughly shoved his unresisting younger companion forward.  Jay had heard his companion locking the door behind him but had turned his attention to making sure the warehouse was deserted.  He was relieved to find it was.  The shove brought his attention back to the more immediate matter.  His father.

"So what do you want old man?" Jay was about to casually take a step closer to his nemesis when a sound caught his attention causing him to still, a cry.
"What's wrong? You never heard a dog cry before?"
"What ....," Jay felt his heart pounding, it couldn't be.
"Hey this is one of my favourite films," the smiling man brought up his hand revealing a mobile phone and held up the screen displaying in vivid colour the subject of Jays' nightmares, Max being bludgeoned to death.


Tolerance Book I (Chicago PD/Med FF) by Frances51163Where stories live. Discover now