Chapter One Hundred and Eighty-Two: Changing The Profile

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Frank Burke was familiar with the brutal devastation left in the wake of bombs but he never got used to it.  He figured the day he did would be the day he resigned.  Checking out the charred remains of what was once an SUV, which he had narrowed down as the epicentre of the explosion, he had come to the conclusion that this bomb was totally different in character to the others.  Reporting his findings to Voight he was surprised the older man took it in his stride.

"You don't seem shocked," Burke observed.
"Given that he's after changing his victim profile it makes sense," Voight explained, "he's getting more confident as time goes on."
"Look I already spoke to Jay and Adam the day they visited West Point about the possibility of someone working with Wells. They said although ye couldn't rule it out fully ye were pretty sure he's doing this solo .... ,"
"And?" Al stepped closer as he prompted the Bomb Disposal expert to continue.
"The other bombs were all the same. This is totally different."
"Not just in size?" Voight checked grimly.
"No, not just in size.  There were clearly different components used for this one," Burke stated confidently, "bombers have their own signature.  I can tell without the Forensics' Report that this bomb was different to the previous ones."
"Great so now we have to find two Bombers," Al commented morosely.
"Wells claimed the credit for this," Voight mused aloud, "and gave the note to a Paramedic."
"Maybe someone else did it and he's just trying to throw us off guard," Jay spoke up as he approached the trio with Adam at his side.
"Ye get all the Statements?" Voight queried as he looked over to where the last ambulance was pulling away.
"Yes Boss," Adam replied, "not that there was anything really helpful.   They didn't see anything suspicious before the explosion."
"Hell of a way for a shopping trip to end," Jay sighed, most of the walking wounded had simply been out shopping and were unfortunate enough to be in the wrong place at the wrong time when the SUV blew up.
"What did the kid want?" Al questioned.
"His dog is missing," Jay replied tersely, he really didn't want to dwell on it, "so what now Sarge?"
"We head back and find out what exactly is in the note."
"I need to do something first," Jay turned away as he spoke not giving anyone a chance to question him.
"Of all people that kid had to talk to he chose Jay," Al shook his head in disgust at the fickle hand of fate.
"Should I ask?" Burke eyed the three men noting their gazes followed the young Detective as he approached a member of the Forensics Team.
"No," Voight answered without rancour, he couldn't blame the man for being curious but he had no intention of disclosing Jays' personal information to anyone outside of the Unit.


It was a sombre affair in Murphys' office as he finished reading the short note.

"Well at least he didn't try to taunt Jay this time," Kevin was the first to speak.
"It's still addressed to him," Adam argued.
"So does anyone have any idea why he suddenly upped the ante?" Murphy looked around the room.
"None of it makes sense," Jay rubbed his aching forehead, he could feel another headache coming on, "he killed James then takes out twelve?"
"Body count will probably be higher," Parker voiced what they all knew, "there are at least five on the critical list."
"Damn," Burke wasn't used to this type of investigation, in Afghanistan you knew who the bad guys were most of the time and even where to target them.
"Burke believes this bomb was set by someone different," Voight disclosed without preamble.
"But the note ...," Parker frowned.
"Whoever set it is working with Wells."
"Oh this just gets better and better," Antonio threw his hands up in a gesture of surrender.
"What do you think Doc?" Voight glanced across at the Psychologist.
"It doesn't fit with the profile," Parker stated, "but as I've told ye before a profile isn't complete until the suspect has been interviewed."
"Why are you so sure about another person?" Murphy asked Burke.
"The bomb itself is totally different to the others."
"Forensics haven't finished yet," Murphy countered.
"And this time there weren't specific victims.  It was random," Jay had reluctantly come around to Burkes' conclusion on the journey back to Headquarters, "there was no way to know who would be in the area at the time."
"Good point," Kevin nodded.
"What if .....," Jay paused.
"Go on Halstead," Voight encouraged.
"What if one of the businesses was the real target? I mean they were in situ ...... so Wells could have ascertained the routines of the Shop Owners and other businesses and their employees."
"So are you saying you don't agree there's a second Bomber?" Antonio voiced his confusion.
"I don't know," Jay replied in defeat, there were so many angles to the investigation that he was beginning to understand what being trapped in a maze was like.

"Where does a second Bomber fit in with your profile?" Voight looked over to where the Psychologist sat on tbe edge of a window sill in the crowded room.
"Well given what we know about Wells, which isn't a lot, I'd say the second Bomber would be taking orders from Wells."
"He'd be subserviant?" Jay questioned as he considered the serious ramifications of two Bombers on the loose.
"Definitely.  Wells is an alpha.  He won't give up control willingly."
"Question is is this guy new to the scene or has he been with Wells all along?" Adam eyed his companions.
"Not like Wells could go advertising for a Bomber," Mouse ruefully stated as he looked up from his ever present laptop.
"Maybe he could," Burke drew surprised looks, "those who know about bombs belong to a small community. Word of mouth goes a long way."
"Have you ever been approached?" Antonio understood what the man was saying.
"No but a few guys I know have been. It's all done anonymously so they never knew exactly who was putting out feelers."

"The bomb was in the SUV," Murphy spoke as he eyed Jay, "your suggestion that one of the businesses was the prime target is ruled out by that.  The driver was killed instantly but from what we know the registered owner had no priors.  He was a Salesperson on his way to work."
"Do we know for definite that the registered owner was actually driving the SUV? Antonio asked in surprise, it was very early to have body identifications completed.
"You think someone else was driving?" Burke frowned.
"Maybe," Antonio shrugged, it was a possibility.
"At this point in time we believe it was the registered owner, one Vincent Dawes, " Murphy interjected, "according to his wife he left for work at the usual time but his office confirmed he didn't show up."
"If he was just an innocent victim how did Wells or whoever get the bomb in the SUV?  It was a big bomb," Burke voiced his curiosity.
"The SUV had been in for repairs," Murphy glanced at a file in front of him, "it was delivered back to Dawes by a Mechanic this morning.  We're running checks on everyone at the garage."
"So we're saying Wells or his accomplice planted the bomb in the SUV while it was in the garage?" Burke double checked.
"At the moment that seems to be the most likely scenario," Voight concurred.
"I don't think so," Burke shook his head negatively, "when I say the bomb was big I mean it was too big to go unnoticed.  The level of damage tells me the bomb was large."
"But Dawes didn't turn up for work," Adam argued.
"If it wasn't Dawes driving it doesn't make sense," Jay spoke as they considered various scenarios, "Wells was hardly going to get someone willingly to drive the bomb somewhere and it was in traffic when it blew. It wasn't parked.   Maybe ....,"
"Maybe what?" Voight urged his youngest Detective to continue.
"Maybe it blew up by accident.  Perhaps it was meant to be parked."
"Which would go with your theory about one of the businesses being the prime target," Al nodded.
"It would also explain the large casualty count," Voight noted.
"The count would still have been high if the SUV had been parked but not as high as it was," Burke agreed.
"I've sent Johnson to interview Dawes' wife," Murphy referred to the FBI Agent, "of course formal identification will have to be done through dental records but we're putting a rush on that.  We should have forensics in an hour. We'll hold a full briefing then," Murphy rose to signal the end of the meeting.

"We need to talk," Voight spoke as he watched the men file out.
"Yes we do," Murphy replied and motioned for the Sergeant to take a seat once they were alone, "I vouch for my men Voight.  Wells doesn’t have an inside man here."
"How did you know what I wanted to talk about?"
"It seemed logical what way you would be thinking after Carlisle.  I don't blame you but ...,"
"You're loyal to your team," Voight stated easily before continuing, "thing is though sometimes people have a way of surprising you."


Tolerance Book I (Chicago PD/Med FF) by Frances51163Where stories live. Discover now