Chapter Fifty-Six: Asking A Favour

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The following morning found an almost empty house as Jay went downstairs at fifteen before nine.  He followed the muffled voices he heard and walked to the kitchen to find Will, Conor and Ethan sitting at the island counter enjoying breakfast.  Seeing the three medical professionals alone his steps stopped at the entrance and automatically he went to turn around before he could be seen.  Unfortunately luck was not with him.

"Hey Jay, " Conor greeted as he stood up and walked over to his patient, noting he still looked to be in pain, "you're just in time to try some of my scrambled eggs.  My specialty."
"Take a seat," Will pulled out the stool beside him as his sibling was guided over.
"Nah.  Ye're grand.  I'm just going to make a coffee," Jay informed the trio around a cough.
"Hey man if we have to eat Conors' cooking so do you," Ethan gestured to the empty stool, "take a load off."
"Promise you'll like it," Will smiled as he tugged the pale man down next to him.
"Kay," Jay spoke distractedly as he rubbed his forehead.
"Here," Conor walked over and placed a small plate of eggs in front of the quiet man along with his pill bottle.
"How did you get these?"
"You left them downstairs last night," Ethan explained as the Detective went to put the painkillers in his jeans' pocket, "might be an idea to take a couple now with food."
"Don't need to," Jay stated as Conor returned with a mug of coffee and a small glass of water.
"You still have a headache," the Surgeon pointed out as he retook his seat.
"It's not bad," Jay took a bite of scrambled egg after sprinkling some salt over the plate, "this is actually okay."
"Compliments will go to my head," Conor chided with an eyeroll before becoming serious, "you want to be ready for tomorrow you need to take it easy today and try not to aggravate your headache.  The painkillers will help you do that."
"I'll take some later if I need to," Jay confirmed as he took a sip of coffee.
"Stubborn," Will observed without rancour, determined not to upset his brother.
"You're calling Jay stubborn?" Conor nearly choked on his final bite of toast.
"Well he is."
"Oh I know that.  Just surprised you would say that."
"Okay," Will looked at his three companions with misgiving, "I'll bite.  Why would you be surprised?"
"Well the saying about pots and kettles springs to mind," Ethan answered for Conor, who was still busy choking, throwing a wink at the grinning Detective.
"Ye think I'm stubborn?!" the redhead demanded with a huff.
"Oh yeah," Ethan nodded without hesitation.
"You saying you aren't?" Jay finally joined in the banter appreciating the mens' efforts to lighten the mood.
"Hey! I'm not as stubborn as you!"
"Course you are.  You're older."
"Just what has age got to do with anything?"
"Well you've been around longer than me so it makes sense that you've been stubborn longer than me."
"That ..... that  doesn't even make sense!"
"Give up Will," Conor suggested with a chuckle as he took his ware and cutlery over to rinse under the tap, "three against one.  You lose."

"So where is everyone?" Jay became serious as he looked at the three men.
"Voight and the rest went down to the 21st," Will replied, "Lance and the others are outside on patrol."
"Sure," scepticism dripped from Jays' tone.
"Why say that?" Conor walked back over and retrieved the pale mans' plate, glad it was empty.
"Nothing," Jay shrugged not willing to divulge that he knew his friends would be outside to make sure he didn't disappear if he felt so inclined.
"So you feel like a game of cards?" Will changed the topic.
"Bit early to be gambling."
"Not when you're playing for sweets," Ethan bent over on his stool and brought a large container of sweets out from a shelf under the counter before offering ruefully, "figured these might save anyone else losing their weeks' pay."
"I did warn ye," Jay reminded them of the conversation he had with them about betting more than $10 when playing with the Unit and visiting ex-Rangers.
"True," Will conceded punching Ethans' arm, "but someone got carried away."
"Yeah, yeah," Ethan passed the container to the taller man, "I'll leave ye to it this time."
"You sure?" Jay checked although he had been hoping for a chance to talk to his older sibling alone before the others got back.
"Yeah.  I want to make a couple of calls anyway."
"Come on," Will motioned for the younger man to follow him.
"How about you Conor?"
"No thanks Jay.  I've got a few supplies to collect so I'm heading out shortly.  You need anything?"
"Ah ......," Jay looked from the Surgeon to his sibling before looking at the floor.
"Will why don't you set up the cards?" Conor prompted with a warning look
before the other man could say anything.
"Sure.  You keep him occupied while I mark the cards," the redhead agreed hiding his worry as he headed out into the hallway.

"So what do you need?" Conor asked gently as he shut the kitchen door and walked back over to the Detective.
"I .....," Jay shifted uncomfortably on his feet, "could you pick up something in the pharmacy?"
"Jay," Conor laid a hand on his friends' shoulder to get him to look at him, "it's only me here okay?  So you can tell me anything and it stays between us.  Just tell me what you want?"
"I ..... don't know."
"What do you mean?" Conor tightened his hold to stop the other man from turning away.
"I need ...... could you give something in a shot ...... that would stop the coughing?"
"The antibiotics are doing their job Jay.  Coughing is actually good for you.  Helps to get the infection out of your system."
"You can't do it?"
"What am I missing Jay?" Conor could feel the younger mans' distress but did not understand its' origins.
"Between us?"
"Between us.  I promise," Conor assured solemnly, knowing that whatever was coming was not going to be good.
"You know ....... I'll have to do ....... tests tomorrow.  He doesn't like when I'm sick. Agravates him more."
"But it's not your fault ......,"
"That won't even come into it," Jay cut his friend off, "I'm not ....... feeling 100% and ........,"
"Obviously you're unwell," it was Conors' turn to interrupt.
"Just let me finish okay?"
"Sorry.  Go on."
"He'll make things harder ...... because I'm sick.  If he doesn't know I have a chest infection it will be easier.  I ..... can't let them die Conor.  I can't!"
"Sit down a minute."
"What?" Jay asked as he sank down on a stool.
"No matter what happens you will not let anyone die.  I know enough about you to know that you would risk your life to save a stranger.  Just like you're going to do tomorrow. But if the brothers die it will not be your fault.  Under any circumstances."
"Wish I could believe you," Jay confessed.
"When did you last take your antibiotics?" Conor thought of something.
"A few days ago."
"You knew he'd ring?"
"We all knew he'd ring."
"But you knew he'd ring yesterday?" Conor guessed.
"Knew there was a good chance he would."
"I thought you weren't coughing as much because the antibiotics were working but if you stopped a few days ago it's probably the opposite.  The infection will take hold again because you're not expelling anything."
"Look forget I said anything," Jay stood again, the older man immediately at his side.
"Jay there is nothing I could give you to stop the coughing fully.  You stopping the antibiotics was the right thing for what you need to do," Conor said worriedly, forcing himself not to add a caveat about the likelihood that he would develop pneumonia, "but I could give you a bronchodilator, Aminophylline.  It would help."
"You sure?" Jay couldn't hide his relief.
"Yeah," the dark haired man suppressed a sigh, "but there is one condition."
"You let me examine you.  No arguments."
"Okay thanks," Jay headed for the door not about to argue, "and thanks for breakfast. Don't think it gave me food poisoning, yet."
"Gee thanks," Conor watched his friend walking out.

He wondered if he had any other choice but to help his friend in the manner he requested.  It was clear Jay was determined to deal with his father sooner rather than later and they all knew the toll it was taking on the young man.  Conor also knew that if it wasn't for his worry about the Porters the ill man would never have admitted feeling unwell let alone sought medication willingly.  Things were going to get rocky from tomorrow .........


Tolerance Book I (Chicago PD/Med FF) by Frances51163Where stories live. Discover now