Chapter One Hundred and Seventy: Obsession

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Adam had been watching his friend re-read the note and saw what little colour he had disappear from his features as he sat up straight.

"What's wrong Jay?"
"It's not a bomb!"
"He says it will go off at 12 noon," Murphy argued.
"But he doesn't actually mention a 'bomb'.  He mentions a surprise and we assumed it was a bomb. We know he carries out his threats .......,"
"So whatever he was going to do has already been done," Voight finished.
"So who would he target to impress Halstead?" Keating queried.
"He's convinced he knows Jay well," Parker explained, "he doesn't but he probably knows about his military background."
"What did you do in the military?" Tom Benton, an FBI Agent, asked in surprise.
"This and that," Adam answered as his friend shifted uncomfortably in his seat, "a lot of it is classified."
"Part of the time I was a Sniper," Jay forced the words out knowing the information could prove relevant.
"Any dignitaries or celebrities visiting at the moment?" Al questioned.
"This is New York. dignitaries and celebrities are a dime a dozen," Murphy replied, "some visits we know of, some we don't."
"How good were you?" Jefferson eyed the younger man in a whole new light, and he wasn't the only one.
"I was okay," Jay looked at his hands rather than the Agent.
"He was the best of the best," Voight stated proudly.
"Sarge there's no .....,"
"Kid I just stated a fact. Besides if Wells thinks he can be as good as you he must have some military training himself "
"Not necessarily," Parker cut in noting the embarrassment of the Detective in question, "remember we know he has convinced himself that he is familiar with Jay even though he isn't."
"You're saying he could convince himself he's a top Marksman?" Murphy was clearly doubtful.
"The mind is a powerful instrument."
"But even if he believed he was a skilled Marksman that wouldn't give him the ability," Antonio countered.
"No in most cases it wouldn't," the Psychologist agreed, "which is good and bad."
"What do you mean?" Jefferson scratched his forehead.
"Well it's good in that if he tries to kill someone as a Sniper would he'll probably fail. The bad news is that if he fails he is likely to become enraged and will act out accordingly."
"This just gets better and better," Benton grumbled disheartedly.
"You said 'mostly'. What does that mean?" Antonio queried.
"In some cases people have been known to exhibit the same skills as the person they are fixated on.  Usually however it's been less intricate abilities such as cooking or singing "
"But some do perform the intricate acts? Al sought clarification.
"Yes a small percentage do," Parker nodded.
"Is this guy psychotic?" Adam wondered aloud
"At this stage it's too early to say."
"Sampson I want you to contact the Mayors' office," Murphy addressed a sandy haired young man at the back of the room, "find out what high profile engagements he has today.  If they're uncooperative tell them there's a credible threat."
"Yes Sir," Will Sampson left quickly.
"Okay everyone we meet back here in one hour if we haven't heard of any assassination attempts," the HS man ordered, "in the meantime keep looking into Wells and check in with informants."

As the other Agents began to file out of the room the Chicago team by unspoken agreement remained seated.  Closing the door on the last Agent Murphy sat back down at the head of the table and folded his arms.

"Ye investigated Halstead," Voight broke the silence with a terse statement.
"We did what we had to."
"His military background is not up for further discussion."
"I understand where you're coming from but if ...,"
"No 'buts' he has the right to ...,"
"Excuse me gentlemen," Parker interceded gently, "this isn't helping Jay."
"What?" the Sergeant turned and eyed the younger man noting the pinched expression, damn he had another headache!
"I didn't mean to upset Detective Halstead," Murphys' self chagrin was obvious as he too noticed the pained features.
"You didn't," Jay insisted, "you were doing your job. I get it."
"Well how about you go back to the house for now," Parker suggested with a nod of approval from Murphy, "until we know where something is going down there's nothing for ye to do."
"Think you're being too optimistic," Jay observed, "whatever Wells had planned has already taken place."
"But we haven't received any reports," Kevin argued.
"We'll know when he wants us to."
"For now we head back to the house," Voight declared purposefully as his men got to their feet.
"I'll be in touch as soon as I hear anything. No need to come back in an hour," Murphy assured.
"Some of us will be here," Voight promised and left before any response could be given.

Once the door closed on the Chicago men Murphy turned to the Psychologist.

"You want to tell me why you're taking such an interest in this case?"
"You asked me to prepare a profile remember?"
"Sure I remember because Harris is tied up in Court," Murphy frowned as he referred to their resident Profiler, "but you've helped out before "
"Don't give me the runaround.  What is it about this case that has you going to a crime scene?  You've never gone before."
"To be honest I went this time because of Halstead," Parker admitted, "given what we know he has been through, and there's probably a lot we don't know, I figure the sooner we catch Wells the better.  He doesn't look well."
"Yeah I noticed that too "
"You don't believe he's tied to Petrocelli do you?"
"No I don't but unfortunately not everyone shares my opinion."
"It's the nature of the beast," Parker acknowledged sadly.
"Yeah when you spend your days questioning things it's hard to turn off."
"Well their Unit seems pretty tight so he's in good hands."
"Let's try to get him home in one piece. 
I can't imagine what it's like having an unknown entity after you."
"Me either," the Psychologist sighed.


Twenty minutes after the Unit was back at their temporary residence the men, bar Jay, sat around the spacious den drinking coffee as they discussed
the case.

"Jay is taking this very personal," Al opined after a lull in the conversation.
"You can't blame him," Kevin scoffed angrily, "this whole thing has made him a target of suspicion over his undercover work with Petrocelli."
"True but the Kid has something else on his mind as well," Voight glanced at the closed door before continuing in a lower voice, "he thought Wells might be soneone from his school days."
"Hell he never said anything," Adam shook his head, "you said 'thought' as in past tense.  He doesn't believe it now?"
"No because he didn't recognise him and yes I did point out someone would change a lot over twenty years," the Sergeant pre-empted the questions he knew would follow, "I've also asked Mouse to do some digging."
"Nothing's shown up yet," the IT Specialist put in morosely.
"Guess he's slways going to wonder if there are more out there," Antonio spoke quietly as he tried to imagine what that would be like.
"You mean that his father contacted?" Adam frowned.
"Yes and even ones who had no contact with that b******d."
"We spoke about this guys," Al reminded, "Jay has probably always been waiting for someone to show up."
"Must be like living with a damn timebomb," Adam groused.
"He has us now," Voight reminded trying to boost morale, truth be told they were all feeling the strain of the last few months.
"And Wells will have go through us to get to him," Antonio stated vehemently.
"If Parker is right he isn't going to go after Jay, at least not yet," Kevin pointed out, "at the moment he's trying to prove he's as good or better than him."
"Yeah but who is he really trying to impress? Petrocelli or Jay?" Mouse looked around the room.
"Maybe both," Al replied succinctly.


Tolerance Book I (Chicago PD/Med FF) by Frances51163Where stories live. Discover now