Chapter Thirteen: Divulging Secrets

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The daylight was beginning to fade from the dull skies when Jay woke again.  He cursed when the clock told him it was fifteen before five.  Getting out of bed he dressed himself before heading out.

"About time you woke up," Adam chided from where he sat with the others playing cards.
"Dr. Charles," Jay frowned, "sorry I didn't know you were here."
"No problem," Charles placed his cards down on the table to a chorus of groans, "only got here a while ago.  Couldn't resist  a quick hand ... full house," he stood up with a grin and walked over to the injured man.
"You need to eat something," Will rose as they abandoned the game.
"Not hungry," Jay shook his head then looked back at the Psychiatrist, "you mind doing this in my room?"
"Wherever you want is fine," the stocky man agreed picking up the notepad and pen he had brought.
"You should eat ..," Will began only to be interrupted.
"I'll eat when I want to."
"But ...,"
"Doc let's do this," Jay ignored his brother and ushered the Psychiatrist into the bedroom before he went to close the door only to find his brothers' foot in the way, "what?"
"I'm sitting in," Will stated confidently.
"No you're not," Jay looked over his shoulder at the two watching Detectives, "I agreed to do this but I'm not doing it with an audience."
"Dammit Jay I want to hear everything," Will explained crossly.
"Well hell guess it sucks to be you," the pale man spoke resolutely and pushed his unsuspecting sibling back locking the door quickly.

"Jay!" Will pounded on the door once but then stopped knowing his brother would not give in.
"Reckon he's trying to protect you," Adam spoke into the strained silence.
"Ye know about this?" the redhead turned around in disgust.
"He never said anything," Kevin put up his hands in surrender, "but I figure it's going to be hard enough on him without having to worry about you as well."
"He keeps forgetting he's the baby brother," Will pouted as he plopped down on the sofa.
"Have to admit the way he acts I assumed he was the eldest," Adam confided.
"You saying I'm immature?"
"That's not what I said!"
"Sure sounded like it to me," Kevin put in unhelpfully as he gathered up the playing cards.
"Thanks," Adam rolled his eyes "so who's cooking dinner?"
"Not me," Will quickly replied.
"I cooked yesterday," Kevin pointed out smugly.
"Heating takeout in the microwave is not cooking," Adam protested.
"Guess it's your turn," Will grinned.
"Okay," Adam shook his head as he went to retrieve the numerous takeout menus they had accumulated.

After locking the door on his brother Jay had a brief moment of doubt but quickly brushed it aside telling himself Will would only be upset if he sat in.  He turned to find Charles across the room sitting by the window.

"So what do you want to know?" the Detective asked as he sat down on the chair by the bed, glad of some distance.
"Jay there's no need to feel nervous about this.  I've worked with ye on profiles before. Believe me there is nothing you can tell me that I haven't heard before," the older man explained patiently, "you decide what you want to tell me.  You're not under any pressure."
"You going to tell Voight what I tell you?"
"Although I'm doing the profile for the CPD they will not be given access to my notes, only the completed work."
"They're still going to find out things aren't they?  From the profile," Jay stated quietly.
"Yes," Charles replied honestly, "they are Detectives after all so they'll be able to read between the lines.  Your brother will also be able to do so."
"Okay," Jay straightened up as he forced his resolve to take over, "how do we do this?"
"The easiest way may be to start with the first time your father attacked you," Charles opened his notepad with pen poised, "you want to stop at any time that's fine.  You're in charge.  We can finish another day."

"Today will be enough," Jay spoke softly before closing his eyes, "I was around seven or so. I remember being home from school sick.  I was upstairs lying down and I don't know what happened but next thing I remember is feeling fire in my side and seeing ...... him ..... walking out of the door.  My side was bruised and really sore for weeks after but I didn't say anything cause I wasn't sure what had happened."
"Yet you didn't think to ask questions?" Charles pondered.
"No," Jay shrugged, "I can't remember why I didn't .... it's weird."
"So when was the next incident?"
"A few months later.  Mom had taken Will to the Dentist."
"And," the older man probed after a long silence.
"I was after getting a puncture in my new bike.  I brought the bike into the back yard and went into the kitchen to get a scissors to pull the nail out of the tyre ...... he came in and asked what I was doing.  When I told him this look came over him ... it scared me.  It was a rage I had never seen.  He started yelling and walked over and caught me by my arm .... think that was the first time he broke a bone," Jay scoffed, "should have done something!"
"You were a child.  He knew you couldn't fight back."
"Guess," Jay said unconvinced.
"So you still didn't say anything to your mother or Will?"
"No. I mean yeah it hurt but I honestly didn't know how to tell my mother.  She always looked so sad.  I didn't want to make her sadder.  I think she missed her home, Ireland."
"You were very young to have those thoughts.  Had you seen her ill or hurt before?"
"No.  Why?"
"Because usually a child at that age wouldn't be thinking of protecting his mother.  At that age he would be just being a child, not taking in the nuances of relationships," Charles explained thoughtfully, "so as you grew older did the attacks increase in frequency or violence?"
"No.  There was no pattern .... well other than he usually only did it when Mom and Will weren't around.  Course he could hardly do it with an audience!"
"And this went on until you were eighteen right?"
"Dr. Rhodes said he had your permission to show me your x-rays and scans."
"Yeah," Jay shifted uncomfortably on the chair.
"You suffered multiple broken bones over the years.  You obviously have a high pain tolerance."
"Never thought about it."
"Jay I want to ask you something but before I do I want you to know I will keep it out of my profile if you wish."
"What?" Jay knew what was coming and blushed.
"Did he ever sexually molest or assault you?"
"No," the pale man met the Psychiatrists' eyes so he would know he was telling the truth.
"I'm glad," Charles smiled sadly, "sorry but you know I had to ask."
"Yeah Doc."
"Now ......,"

Outside in the living area after tidying up the empty Chinese takeout cartons Will bade farewell to Adam and Kevin as Hank and Antonio took over.

"So how long has he been in there?" Hank checked as he headed over to the kitchen and turned on the coffeemaker.
"Too long," Will shook his head looking at his watch yet again, "over two hours."
"Should be finished soon then," Antonio offered as he sat down on his favourite armchair after disgarding his jacket.
"Jay isn't up to this," Will complained to a new audience.
"Your brother can handle a hell of a lot," Hank walked out with a cup of coffee, "waters hot if ye want some."
"No thanks."

Will went over to look out the window as more raindrops collided with it, following one droplet on its' downward journey until it reached the window frame and merged uncontrollably with the rainwater flowing over the precipice hoping his brother survived the unwanted journey he was on and didn't get swallowed up in its' grip.


Tolerance Book I (Chicago PD/Med FF) by Frances51163Where stories live. Discover now