Chapter One Hundred and Ninety-Four: The Waiting Game

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As Jay had anticipated Voight had his own idea of what being 'bait' meant. Although the young man had been set up in a nearby hotel he was not alone. Turning from the curtained window Jay looked at his companion unhappily.

"This isn't going to work if there's someone with me."
"We know Wells did his research," Antonio reminded patiently, "he'd expect us to keep an eye on you when you're sick. He knows how tight the Unit is."
"It will put him off coming here," Jay insisted wearily as he eyed the opulent Penthouse Suite.
"Think that's the idea," Antonio eyed his friend patiently, "we've gone over this. Voight wants him to contact you rather than meeting up then we have some chance of calling the shots."
"Be easier if he came here when I'm alone."
"Too dangerous."
"Hell danger comes with the job!"
"Look Kid no matter how many arguments you make Sarge won't let you deal with Wells one on one," Antonio rose from the white leather couch and headed over to the black marble kitchen area to replenish his coffee, "you want one?"
"No .... thanks," Jay returned his gaze to the outside world and thought back to the discussion he had with Voight the day before ..........

"This is our best chance of getting Wells," Voight led the pale Detective into the exclusive Penthouse Suite.
"Sarge let me do this by myself," Jay dropped his gearbag beside the expensive looking couch and surveilled his new residence.
"The whole floor is yours," Voight ignored the suggestion, "civilians shouldn't be a problem. As discussed whoever is with you will get whatever food you need. Too dicey to chance having a Waiter come up here."
"Sarge ......,"
"Kid you have two choices. Do this my way or book yourself a seat on the next flight home."
"But ....,"
"Do you want me to check the flights for you?"
"Well that's settled then."

"You think he'll make a move?" Jay eventually asked in the ensuing silence.
"Yes I do," Voight sank down onto a very comfortable looking armchair, "you're the one he's focusing on. Remember what Parker said. Wells will feel compelled to seek you out. By now he probably knows you're off work for a while."
"Have we found anyone who could be feeding him information?" Jay asked the question without much hope.
"Not yet," the Sergeant answered, "Murphy still thinks it's not an inside job."
"But you have your doubts," Jay observed knowingly.
"Too many things point to someone on the investigation team."
"Whoever it is was able to gain access to medical records as well," Jay noted.
"Mrs. Carlisle and Dawes had terminal illnesses. Another reason to believe it's someone in the Police. A badge opens a lot of doors if someone uses it illegally but maybe it's someone who just has access to the investigation rather than an active role in it?"
"A higher up?"
"Maybe," Jay shrugged, "after Murphys' talk following the Morgue photos the door was left open to give anyone an out if they were approached."
"In theory yes but you and I both know things aren't always black and white."
"About that Sarge is a hotel the best option to draw Wells out?"
"You would be sent to a hotel if your health was in question during any investigation out of town," Voight commented, "best to stick to known practices since Wells seems to have gained a lot of knowledge about Police tactics."
"Which is why he's still out there."
"If your plan works he won't be free for long."
"My plan was to let him come to me," Jay reminded evenly, "he won't approach me when I'm with someone."
"We want him to contact you not to kill you," Voight pointed out firmly, "you going to be okay?"
"Using you being unwell as a trap isn't an ideal option but right now it's all we have."
"I'm good."
"No you're not," Voight stated wrily, "but you won't let anything interfere with this investigation. That's why if I think you're not up for it I'll pull the plug."
"Sarge you can't do that!"
"I can and I will," the older man stated resolutely, "Kid you're always willing to stand up for anyone else but since you won't look out for yourself I will."

.......... With a sigh Jay came back to the present wishing something, anything, would happen to help them catch Wells. Although as an Army Sniper he was well acquainted with the waiting game he never enjoyed it.  Hours and days of waiting were a part of every Sniper assignment, with patience being a prerequisite for the role.  Movement to the left caught his attention and he watched a Robinson 22 helicopter make a graceful landing on the rooftop of the hotel opposite. It was a testament to the strength of the glass that no sound penetrated the penthouse. He could make out a figure approaching the aircraft.  He envied the person.  If only he could be flown away from his problems.  A sound from behind reminded the young Detective he was not alone and he turned with a forced smile.

"You ready to lose some money?"
"Hell no," Antonio grinned as he retrieved a deck of cards from his back pocket, "with you being unwell this is my best chance of beating you!"
"Heard that before," Jay left his lookout point and walked over to sit across from the older man, "who's relieving you?"
"You anxious to get rid of me already?" Antonio checked as he doled out five cards each after shuffling the fifty-two cardboard cards.
"Nope just figured the sooner you leave the sooner I get a better opponent."
"I'm hurt. How many do you want?"
"You should be used to it," Jay stated unrepentantly as he eyed the hand before him, "I'm good."
"Don't blame me," Jay winked mischievously, "you gave me the cards after all."
"Talk about shooting yourself in the foot!" Antonio tossed down three cards in disgust and dealt out fresh ones to complete his hand.
"I'll raise you twenty."
"I know when I'm beaten."
"Well you have had plenty of experience," Jay placed his five cards face up on the small table between them, "full house."
"Don't know how you do it?
"Do what?"
"Cheat when I'm dealing!"
"Very funny," the Italian-American collected the cards as there was a loud knock on the door, "we're not expecting anyone."
"The others will ring before they come up," Jay agreed as he rose, "guess you're going to earn your keep as a Bodyguard."
"Guess so," Antonio nodded as he checked his gun, "don't suppose you'd agree to go to your room."
"Like hell I will!" Jay responded vehemently as he checked the clip on his weapon.
"Figured you'd say that.  If you get hurt Voight will kill me!"
"Guess you'll have to chance it," Jay shrugged without concern as they watched the brass door handle on the large oak door move, "didn't think he'd make a move this fast."
"Me either."

Downstairs in the lobby twenty minutes later Adam waited impatiently by the private elevator which serviced the Penthouse and a shocked expression was born on his face as the metal doors slowly opened to reveal an unconscious occupant. No wonder his calls had gone unanswered!


Tolerance Book I (Chicago PD/Med FF) by Frances51163Where stories live. Discover now