Chapter Fifty-One: A Beating Replayed

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Voight had been certain that Jay knew who was helping his father but he believed Adams' words that the ill man had only just recalled about the tape so that negated his theory. They had finally heard back from Tom in Forensics that the tape had Halstead Seniors' prints on it as well as Mancinis.  It looked as if Mancini had been despatched, presumably by the old man, a few days earlier.  A bullet to the back of the head meant he never knew what happened.  Voight regretted that.  The man deserved to suffer before he died.  The Sergeant decided to view the tape down at the 21st rather than the safehouse figuring his workplace would give the young Detective a better chance of being detached when he watched it.  Another stipulation Jay made was that Mouse was not to see the footage.  This had surprised them all but speaking to the others privately Voight had pointed out that Jay was only letting them look at the footage in case they picked up on something that might help track down his father.  The fewer people who saw the video the better as far as the ill man was concerned.  Glancing over at the cause of their concern Voight saw the pale man once again sitting at Antonios' desk with his features schooled.  He looked around at the others.

"Let's do this."
"Sarge," Antonio nodded and pressed play before leaning back on Jays' empty desk and watching the scene from his friends' childhood come to life .....

Inside a wooden shed, stifling with a summer days' heat, a young boy stood facing a grown man already angry over something.

"You really think you're going to stay quiet? Answer me!"
"We'll see about that!" without warning the adult suddenly shot a right fist forward and connected with the childs' jaw but no sound escaped, "you remember what happened to Max don't you?"

Tearing his eyes from the screen Adam shot a glance at his friend and saw the stricken look.  Looking back he tensed as another blow landed on the still silent boy ...

"So you're getting better," the big man taunted sarcastically, "but that's okay we got some time.  Your Mom and Will won't be back till later.  You going to say anything to them?"
"Right answer," the man agreed before suddenly punching the boy in the stomach with his left hand causing him to fall to the ground although still no sound breached his lips .....

The tape ran for an hour.  It showed Jay being beaten with a stick until he fell unconscious.  The adult brought him around eventually with a glass of water thrown over his face and assured him he would fail the test next time.  The boy didn't make a sound as he struggled up onto his feet and walked out of the shed unsteadily leaving his father behind.  The video showed the adult walking towards the camera and turning it off.  Nobody spoke.  The office was silent as the tape ejected itself unnoticed.

"Okay," Hank eventually turned to face the open plan office after making sure his disgust wasn't obvious for fear his subordinate might mistakenly think it was directed at him, "anyone pick up on anything?"
"The guy's a sicko," Kevin muttered angrily.
"Apart from the obvious?" the Sergeant continued after throwing a warning look at Atwater, he had warned them to keep their emotions in check.
"One thing Sarge," Antonio spoke but looked at Jay first as if for permission to continue and received a slight nod, "he's ambidextrous.  We were looking for a right handed shooter. Might be worth checking left handed shootings."
"Might find other victims," Al put in softly, "just in case he's been active since Jay was 17. He's killed five already that we know of."
"Alright. Anything else?"
"Didn't pick up on anything else," Adam admitted as he casually walked back to lean on Antonios' desk.
"How about you Jay?" Hank asked gently, not liking the glazed look in the blue eyes.
"What?" Jay sat up straight, it was clear he had not been paying attention to the conversation.
"Did you pick up on anything?" Adam looked at his friend carefully.
"Okay let's work on checking left handed shootings that might have a possible link."
"Don't think it will get anywhere," Jay frowned looking at his team disinterestedly, "he wasn't ambidextrous."
"But ...," Kevin began but was quickly cut off.
"Easy enough for a grown man to .... hit a ..... child with a non dominant hand.  He's right handed.  That was the only time he used the left hand."
"When he was attacking you?" Al reluctantly put a voice to the unspoken question which needed answering.
"You feel like heading back?" Adam asked as he stood up.
"The house."
"Kay," the Detective rose with a cough and immediately headed for the stairs without looking at the others.
"Wait for me!"Adam ordered with forced lightness after sharing a look with the others and grabbing their jackets.

"What do ye think?" Al asked once they were alone.
"He doesn't think the old man killed anyone before now," Hank stated.
"So do we follow up on left handed shootings?" Antonio sought clarification.
"You just said ....,"
"I know what I just said.  We need to check everything."
"You going to tell Jay?" Kevin ventured bravely.
"Kid already knows," Hank observed ruefully.


Will, Conor and Ethan stood in the kitchen preparing lunch as the ex-Rangers, including Mouse, sat around the large island counter.

"He's always been independent," Will looked up from his task of tossing salad in a large glass bowl, "Mom used say it was the Irish streak in him."
"I've heard you say that before but you're independent too," Conor added as he took out the plates.
"Not like Jay."
"Still don't know why I couldn't watch the tape," Mouse groused as he sipped from a bottle of soda.
"You know why," Conor rolled his eyes, they had been over this more than once, "you telling me you'd have no problem with people watching some of your worst moments in life?  No matter how close you are to them?"
"Well .....," Mouse thought about it, "when you put it like that ...,"
"Exactly," Mark nodded enthusiastically, glad the other man finally understood their friends' need to keep some things to himself.

"How come you didn't insist on going with them Doc?" Mouse looked over at Will.
"Because I've learnt I need to respect Jays' wishes even if I don't agree with them."
"Bet that hurt to say," Ethan chided as he took out the cutlery.
"You can't imagine," Will shook his head wrily before becoming serious, "anyone have any ideas about why he's being so quiet?"
"Doc Jay is always quiet," Mouse looked over.
"Heard that before too," Conor grinned.
"I mean more quiet than usual," Will shot the Surgeon a dirty look.
"He's dealing with a hell of a lot," Ethan stated needlessly.
"I know that!"
"You think he's keeping stuff to himself?" Conor placed glasses on the island counter.
"There are always going to be things he keeps to himself even after the old man is caught," Will looked at the others, "but right now I'm wondering why he isn't kicking up more of a fuss about everyone being away from home for Christmas."


Tolerance Book I (Chicago PD/Med FF) by Frances51163Where stories live. Discover now