Chapter Fifty-Three: Conors' Promise

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When Jay woke he was surprised to find himself sitting opposite Conor.  The Surgeon had been keeping an eye on his patient for the past half hour.  He knew the shot would be wearing off and had used the opportunity to examine the young man before he came around.

"Damn," Jay shrugged off the throw as he sat up straight on the armchair yawning, "what time is it?"
"Ten after midday."
"Didn't intend to sleep that long."
"So how are you feeling?"
"How about you tell me the truth," Conor suggested firmly, "Will had to give you a shot because the pain was bad. How long have you been getting headaches?"
"You know," Jay replied with obvious confusion, "it's part of having a concussion."
"The headaches should be easing off by now.  What happened after your swim?"
"What?" Jay squinted even though the slats on the shutters had been closed fully.
"You decided to go for a swim in the lake.  You told us that much but you glossed over the immediate aftermath."
"It doesn't matter," Jay said feeling self conscious at the way his friend was assessing him.
"Tell me."
"I .... got a bit .... sick."
"A 'bit'," Conor voiced his scepticism mildly.
"Jay it's only me here," Conor spoke gently, "I need to know."
"I .... I developed a chest infection."
"We know that much.  Anything else?"
"I had a fever for a while," Jay shifted uncomfortably, he hated talking about his health problems, it made him feel embarrassed.
"Well whoever gave you the antibiotics obviously knew what they were doing."
"I tell ye about them?"
"Nope.  Found them in your stuff at the warehouse.  Mind you with the label gone they couldn't trace who gave them to you."
"Is that all?" Jay demanded not willing to expand further on who had helped him.
"No," Conor folded his arms across his chest, "you didn't say how long you had the fever."
"A few days .... I think."
"Well that could explain the continuing headaches. If they don't ease off though you'll need an MRI.  Listen Jay you know you can trust me don't you?"
"That was too easy," the older man observed sadly, "I'm telling you you can trust me okay. And whatever problems you have I promise you you can come to me and I'll help you."
"I appreciate everything you've done Doc."
"I know that.  Don't want your gratitude.  I want something else."
"What?" Jay was unknowingly rubbing his still aching forehead.
"I want your word that you'll tell me when you're unwell."
"Kinda hard to hide things when we're all under the one roof!"
"Well I'm not just talking about this situation," Conor looked at the pale young man seriously, "I'm talking any time in the future."
"There's no ....,"
"Jay you're my friend and I want to help you whenever I can."
"Anyone would think I was a trouble magnet," Jay tried to deflect the serious conversation and avoid answering.
"I mean it.  Any time," Conor insisted solemnly not willing to be distracted before smiling, "for now how about you eat something and then lie down for a while? It's a big night after all."
"Why? What's happening?" Jay checked as he slowly rose as the Surgeon walked over to help him up.
"Santa is coming tonight," Conor grinned despite his concern.
"Funny Doc," the pale man rolled his eyes as he headed for the door then paused, "you gotta tell Will about the fever and stuff?"
"Nope.  You're my patient.  You tell me what you want him to know.  He will be wondering why you're still getting bad headaches though."
"Okay what?" Conor frowned as they reached the door which the other man slowly opened.
"Tell him what I told you but ..... tell him I'm good now."
"Oh like he's going to believe that!"
"Was worth a try," Jay spoke in defeat as they walked along the hallway to the kitchen where voices could be heard and then stopped, "will you tell him not .... to fuss?"
"You ...," Conor was about to give a glib response when he caught a flicker of fear in the pale mans' eyes, the request had been a serious one, not a joke as he assumed, "can count on me."
"Thanks," the Detective seemed to straighten his shoulders subtly before moving forward into the busy kitchen.

Conor watched the younger man enter the half filled area and knew that although he had made some headway with him he had a long way to go to gain his trust fully.  No doubt his childhood gave birth to many trust issues.  Hell he had thought his father was bad. Turns out he was a Saint compared to Halstead Senior and that was a sobering thought. Watching as Jay smiled at jokes as he made his way to the large refrigerator he realized that he was putting on an act. Convincing the others he was okay.  Well trying to at least if the concerned looks sent his way at the door were anything to go by.  The Surgeon shook his head slightly to avert any questions about the coughing mans' health.  For now he'd make sure Jay ate some solid food before lying down.  He shook his head, that would no doubt lead to another argument.  He was getting way too much experience dealing with stubborn Halsteads.


The men delegated to shopping duties had returned with everything requested and a few additional purchases.  Al had decided they should make a traditional turkey dinner for the following day so with all the necessary ingredients Hank, Antonio and Ethan set about making various dishes. Antonio and Ethan volunteering for cooking duties had been eagerly accepted. Hanks' announcement that he knew his way around a turkey however coincided with Adam taking a sip of coffee, which promptly spewed out of his nose and mouth, as everyone else bar Al, just eyed the Sergeant like he had suddenly sprouted horns.  Eventually Al confirmed that his old friend was in fact quiet adept at cooking turkey so everyone went about their other tasks looking forward to a mouth watering meal the following day.

Will cornered Conor in the midst of the domestic chores going on as soon as his sibling had retreated to his room, albeit under protest.

"What did he say?" the redhead asked as he led the way out the back door.
"He developed a chest infection after the swim."
"We knew that," Will nodded as he rubbed his hands together, "what else?"
"He said he had a fever for a few days. He wasn't sure really how many days he had it."
"You're thinking the headaches are from that?"
"You know as well as I do they could be. I told him if they continue he'll need an MRI."
"He agreed?"
"Didn't really say anything."
"What else did he say?"
"Will I'm not reciting the whole discussion for you," Conor warned, "he is my patient."
"Okay, okay. It's just hard when he won't talk to me about stuff."
"He needs time."
"Yeah. I know I have to be patient.  I blew it last time."
"You did," the Surgeon agreed for they had spoken about this issue a number of times.
"I'll be patient," Will repeated.
"Well if you're not I'm sure Adam will remind you to be," Conor grinned.
"I'm not that bad!" Will turned and opened the door.
"Yes you are," Conor trailed him in.

Upstairs Jay tossed in the throes of another nightmare.  Tears fell down his cheeks unchecked as small hands lifted shovel after shovel over the newly dug hole, burying his faithful confidante.  An adults' cruel words in the background mocking him.  Never again would he fail he promised himself as he strove to ignore the pain inhabiting his body, physical and otherwise.  Never again.

Waking with a gasp Jay collapsed back onto the pillows.  So much for promising never again to fail he chided himself.  Five people were dead.  It needed to stop there.
Rubbing a tear away he tried not to think of Max as he had last seen him.  It was an impossible task however.  He just needed to get some strength and then he would end things.  Once and for all.


Tolerance Book I (Chicago PD/Med FF) by Frances51163Where stories live. Discover now