Chapter Sixteen: Escape

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Ten minutes later Adam had pulled the covers up over the sleeping man and asked Will to check on his brother.  Carrying his friends' weapon he went out into the living area automatically garnering everyones' attention.

"He's out of it again," Adam spoke quietly as he began emptying the rounds out of the Glock 19 before he handed the gun, clip and bullets over to Al, "might be best to keep that locked up for now."
"So what's going on?" Will asked as he gently closed the door behind him after carrying out a quick examination.

"Jay woke up as we got here," Adam explained as he accepted a coffee from Antonio and sat down on the spacious couch beside Conor and Hank, "he thought he was back in Afghanistan again."
"So why did ye think he would hurt me if he thought I was Jack again?" Conor asked.
"It's not likely that he would have Doc but I didn't want to take a chance.  Apart from anything else if Jay hurt you, or any of us, he'd never forgive himself."
"And he has enough to deal with as it is," Al put in nodding in agreement.
"I don't understand how thinking I was hurt or worse had him re-living Afghanistan again," Will voiced his confusion.
"Unfortunately it turns out one of the men killed in an ambush, maybe the one he had a flashback to just after the attack, was called Will.  An I.E.D. exploded and this Will was blown to pieces in front of him apparently," Adam shivered trying not to imagine the scene as he continued, "it seems Jay found his hand when he tripped over it."
"Damn!" Hank rose angrily and started pacing.
"We get the profile yet?" Kevin asked after a while.
"Nope," Hank sighed, "he said he'll have it finished by tomorrow."
"I don't like that we don't know most of the players," Al conceded bringing up the matter which was causing the most concern.
"He could have met these guys in a bar and offered to pay them money," Kevin suggested, "let's face it he doesn't seem to have a large circle of friends."
"Yeah," Antonio concurred "that's likely but I wonder what's changed in the recent weeks to trigger this level of violence and planning.  He's been able to do what he likes when he likes for years yet the rage only seems to be coming out now again."
"But I thought Jay said our father had overheard his army buddies talking about the medal ceremony," Will looked around at the gathered Officers, "wasn't that the trigger?"
"We assumed it was but maybe there's something else going on," Hank mused, "you got any ideas Doc?"
"None," Will shook his head, "it made sense that he got enraged when he found out Jay was going to be awarded a medal.  He hates him so much he'd be jealous."

"I've been thinking about that, the ceremony," Adam elaborated, "when I was told about it one thought struck me."
"Which was?" Kevin probed.
"Jay wouldn't want any ceremony.  Wouldn't your father know that?"
"I guess so."
"So if it wasn't the ceremony which triggered the attack what was it?" Adam looked at the men seeking an answer.
"Beats me," Antonio conceded.
"We need to know what else his army buddies spoke about," Hank decided, "first thing in the morning I want them here."
"Here?"Adam frowned.
"Yeah it might be easier to have the conversation here than down at the precinct."
"You want him to talk about the ambush don't you?" Al spoke insightfully.
"Probably.  If it's what they spoke about," Hank agreed seriously, "Kid needs to talk about it anyway.  Figure this is the best excuse we're going to have to get him to open up."
"I'm free in the morning.  I'd like to sit in," Conor spoke as he rose.
"Me too," Will joined in.
"Will I know this isn't easy but Jay will be more likely to talk if you're not there," it was Adam who spoke before Hank blew up.
"He's right Doc," Al tried to persuade, "he wants to protect you from the bad stuff."
"I'm the older brother!" the redhead argued heatedly.
"That doesn't matter to Jay.  He feels he has to protect you," Adam pointed out.
"No one is ever going to convince the Kid that he's not meant to protect you," Hank stated honestly.
"I'll keep an eye on him," Conor added.
"Okay," Will reluctantly gave in.
"I only want Al ...," Hank began to assign duties for the following day.
"I want to be with him Boss," Adam spoke resolutely before he could be given another task.
"Good idea," Al gave his approval knowing his old friend valued his opinion.
"I was just going to have Al and his buddies here," Hank pursed his lips in thought, "but okay."
"He needs a young colleague with him," Will decided to lighten the mood.
"As I was saying," the grizzled Sergeant rolled his eyes, "Al and Adam are here with me in the morning.  Antonio and Kevin I want ye to go over the eyewitness accounts in the Harrison case.  Then go back and call to everyone ye spoke to previously about Halstead Senior. Maybe by now someone is willing to talk.  We'll hold a briefing in the afternoon when Charles gives us his profile, if it's completed."

"So who's doing the first watch?" Antonio asked once Al and himself had been left on their own after the others departed.
"I'll toss you for it."
"Nah," Antonio shrugged easily, "I'll do it.  Besides I'm convinced you have a double sided coin."
"You'll never prove it," Al grinned serenely.
"I know it," Antonio admitted.

Before the dark skies began to show the first hint of morning light Jay woke and took in his surroundings.  He was glad to find he was alone as the previous nights' events came back to him.  He felt the blush creeping up his face as he recalled Adam holding him after another flashback.  It was humiliating being so out of control.  He knew the people around him did not hold it against him but he was sick of being at the whim of others. Knowing any request to be left alone would not be granted, even for a short amount of time, the young Detective decided that today was the day he took his life back.  Dressing quickly and shoving clothes and toiletries into a small black knapsack, which he luckily always kept in the suitcase his brother had filled for the move to the new apartment, he gave one last look around.  Spotting the pill bottle on the bedside locker he went over and retrieved it then headed for the window.

Opening the window cautiously he stepped out onto the sill and made short work of climbing onto the balcony of the apartment below.  His ribs complained but he was in no mood to listen.  As he stealthily made his way from one balcony to the other he wondered briefly if he was doing the right thing but pushed his doubts aside.  He needed time to think and work out exactly what to do.  As he reached the final balcony on the ground floor he sighed in relief.  Landing on the plush grass he rolled as soon as he made contact managing to avoid further aggravating the still healing ribs.  Glancing up he was relieved that no lights had been turned on so he knew his escape went unnoticed.  Walking away at a slow but steady pace he could already imagine the trouble Al and Antonio would be in once his absence was discovered.  He purposely buried any guilt he felt.  He had more pressing matters to deal with.

"Well fancy meeting you here?" a familiar voice spoke suddenly at his side as a figure separated from a tree.
"Damn!" Jay cursed trying to calm his breathing, knowing he had just made everything worse.


Tolerance Book I (Chicago PD/Med FF) by Frances51163Where stories live. Discover now