Chapter Eighty-Five: Experienced Officer

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The safe house was quieter than usual that night as each man worried about the youngest in the group, now out on his own. This wasn't a new scenario for the Police Officers gathered but this time the worry was increased exponentially by their friends' health issues and everything else he was dealing with. Will had been unusually quiet since his arrival at the safe house with Conor and Ethan after their shift. His voice was rarely heard during the usual chatter around the table and though a few of the men had attempted to draw him out he remained withdrawn. After clearing away the dishes the men retired to the comfort of the spacious living room. Finally Hank decided to bring up the elephant in the room.

"Will do you have any questions about what is likely to happen?"
"You don't know what's likely to happen so why would I ask you questions? the redhead asked pointedly.
"Will this is what Jay has done countless of times," Al interjected before the Sergeant could respond, "even before joining the Unit. Of us all he has the most experience undercover."
"I know he has experience. Hell I saw the state he was in after some of those operations. He'd never discuss what went on but there were a few times I was really worried about him."
"It takes a lot out of someone to live as another person," Adam joined in, "I've never been under long but it's hard to settle back into real life once a long undercover operation is over. I have a couple of friends who told me the actual stress of readjusting to life afterwards can be just as stressful as the work itself. Of course it depends on the case."
"Jay was mighty eager to join Intelligence when the opportunity came up," Antonio recalled thoughtfully, "but he's good for the work."
"Why do you say that?" Ethan asked curiously, hoping to get a proper insight into the life of an Undercover Officer.
"He's calm under pressure. He's able to adapt to unexpected situations quickly and he's patient which is essential."
"Making a move too soon can have serious consequences," Al answered with his signature pragmatism, "but Jay is suited to the work also because he isn't going to be lured in by the trappings. His integrity is a real asset in undercover work."
"Does it happen often? Cops going over to the other side," Conor wondered.
"Not a lot but unfortunately one Cop going over to the other side is one too many," Hank put in seriously.
"Ye won't have any means of contacting him until he gets in touch will ye?" Will got back to the real concern.
"No," the Sergeant replied honestly, "it was too risky to place any tracking devices on him. The guy we're after is known to be very cautious."
"Surely all of yer targets are cautious."
"Yes they are but to different degrees."
"This guy is known to be excessively cautious," Adam supplied, "that's why it's better to let Jay set the pace."
"But how is he going to contact ye if he's being watched?" Ethan asked understanding what the Officers had implied without voicing the words, the young man would be under constant scrutiny.
"He'll call if he can or we have various places arranged where he can leave a sign or a note. He'll be in touch," Hank spoke without any doubt, "we just have to be patient."


As Hank was trying to allay Wills' fears Jay was settling into a three bed house with Jimmy and Paul.  The fact that he had been separated from Johnny after his chat with Petrocelli worried him but he did not air any questions.  After the boss had summoned Brown, the second in charge, had informed him that the house had a spare bed and Petrocelli wanted Jay to be close by for when the three were needed.  Jimmy and Paul had exchanged a glance at the news of their new housemate but had not commented on the new living arrangements.  Once Brown left the trio alone in the house Jay stowed his gearbag in the room Jimmy told him would be his and then went downstairs to the kitchen hoping the pair would divulge something to enlighten him.

"We ordered Chinese," Jimmy looked at the newcomer as he sat down at the kitchen table opposite him.
"Good I'm starving," the young Detective rubbed his hands together.
"You seem to have impressed the boss," Paul put in as he took three beers out of the refrigerator and crossed over to the table in the small kitchen placing a bottle in front of each man before sitting down, "want to tell us why?"
"Beats me," Jay shrugged, "we didn't talk about much."
"Well he likes you," Jimmy took a sip of beer, "I'm guessing the fact that you look like his dead son is one of the reasons."
"He told me about his son," Jay frowned, unsure what to make of this new development, "did ye know him?"
"Yeah. Vincent was a good kid. Decent," Paul sighed sadly, "he loved his old man but hated the business. That's why he changed his name.  Said he wanted to do good in the world."
"And look where that got him," Jimmy shook his head angrily.
"Sounds like he was a good kid," Jay acknowledged, it was clear the pair were still dealing with the loss, "when did he die?"
"February, 2009."
"The anniversary is next month," Paul said unnecessarily.
"They say losing a child is like no other pain," Jay spoke quietly, the upcoming anniversary could be the clue as to why Petrocelli decided to take him on in which case things had suddenly become even more delicate.

The following winters' morning Jay was relieved to find Johnny at the warehouse when they arrived.  Saluting his friend he threw him a wink to let him know all was okay.

"The boss here?" Jimmy asked without greeting the younger Jackson.
"Inside," Johnny replied uncomfortably as the heavy built henchman walked by him.
"How you doing?" Jay asked casually, not liking the way the young Jackson was being treated.
"Good. Got a new job so I won't be around for a while," Johnny replied as he rubbed a hand across his forehead, the agreed signal that he was fine.
"Damn we only just met up," Jay said unhappily, "and you still owe me five bucks."
"Hey I never forget what I owe," Johnny said agrievedly as he offered his hand, "see you soon Jay. Gotta go."
"Call me," Jay instructed nonchalantly, trying to fight the knot of worry which had begun to develop in his stomach.

"You okay?" Paul checked as Jay saluted his school friend as his truck drove past.
"Me? Yeah."
"Boss wants to talk to us."
"You know what he needs me for?" Jay asked for the first time as they followed Jimmy into the building.
"You took long enough to ask."
"Well I was too busy beating ye at poker last night," Jay chided with a smile.
"You don't look like you'd make a good card player."
"Didn't know there was a look," the undercover man scoffed as they walked over to stand in front of the large desk again and this time looking at Petrocelli he knew he was finally going to get some answers about what he was needed for.


Tolerance Book I (Chicago PD/Med FF) by Frances51163Where stories live. Discover now