Chapter Ninety-Eight: Confronting Brown

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For his part Jay shared his friends' concerns about the probability of violence. Stifling a cough he tried to hear the conversation going on in the back of the car but it was not easy as Brown and Paul were speaking quietly.  He chanced a glance at Jimmy across from him and noted his usual friendly demeanour was missing.  No doubt he too was anticipating a messy situation.  The weary Detective sighed internally as he gave up trying to work out what was being said by the second in charge and concentrated on following the directions he was being given by his front seat passenger.  It was ironic Jay thought. Whoever was following would know exactly what was being said thanks to the listening device he had inserted under the back seat.  He however was going in blind and catching Pauls' eyes in the rearview mirror he saw only trouble looming ahead for him.

After further deliberation as they headed towards the outskirts of LA Antonio and Al had decided to call in back up rather than waiting for the exact location.  Hank was now on his way with Adam and three of the LA team in unmarked vehicles and one patrol car was sticking with Hank.  Adam turned to his Sergeant as they drove along the busy streets.

"You think Jay is going to be tested again?"
"We all knew it was going to happen."
"Damn.  Wish Brown would get off his back!"
"So how do we get him out of trouble this time?" the worried Detective asked quietly as he looked in the side view mirror at the squad car following them and another SUV also in tow.
"I'm hoping Jay can talk his way out of it," Hank finally spoke, keeping his eyes on the road.
"But aren't we using the uniforms?"
"We already pulled that stunt once. Don't think Brown, or Petrocelli, will believe it was simply a coincidence a second time."
"Guess you're right Boss," Adam sighed as they listened to Jay coughing, "he should be at home in bed."
"Ruzek this is his choice.  I wish there was another option to take Petrocelli down but there isn't. We work the hand we were dealt.  The Kid knows that."
"Yeah he does and he'll never let his own welfare interfere his job."
"Hell the whole damn Unit's like that," Voight chided as he indicated to turn right into a side road, checking the following vehicles kept with them.
"Yeah but Jay is ........," Adam paused, unsure if he should go on.
"Jay is what?" Hank eventually asked as the three vehicles parked, it would be a while before Jay reached LA, Santa Monica was over an hours' drive away.
"Ah nothing Boss. Don't mind me."
"Tell me."
"Jay more than any of us puts himself out there.  Hell I know we all take calculated risks. It's part of the job.  Jay though has a calmness about him which is downright scary at times.  I used to put it down to his military background but after everything we've learnt recently I reckon it's from his childhood.  Hell none of us talk about the fear but we all know it when the bullets are flying.  Then afterwards there's that high of making it through.  Another thing we don't discuss.  Jay though is the same as he was before an incident.  He shows no fear and no rush of adrenalin."
"You studying psychology?" Hank asked without rancour.
"No Boss," Adam sighed, "just Jay.  I'm worried about him.  The things he went through are unimaginable."
"I know.  We get a glimpse through victims' lives of the cruelty they endured but Jay has experienced it, lived it, first hand.  I'm amazed he turned into the man he is.  With a nutjob like that as a father it's incredible."
"Yeah," Adam shook his head sadly, "and as long as he's alive the old man is going to cause problems for Jay."
"For now we deal with Petrocelli," Hank glanced at the time on the dashboard, "the rest we will deal with later.  They should be close in another thirty minutes."

Petrocellis' Warehouse - Two Hours Later

The large warehouse on the edge of LA proved to be thriving with people when Jay followed the other men in.  To the left of the main entrance there were rows of tables where people worked in sleeveless tops packing the drug which had taken the country by storm into small bags which were then sealed and placed in front of the packer.  Jay figured the sleeveless tops were unnecessary considering the fact there were a dozen armed men walking up and down between the tables but this was not the first time he had witnessed such a scene.  He turned upon hearing Jimmy talking to him.

"You okay Jay?"
"Guess I never wondered about this side of the drug scene," the pale man played his role easily, glad he wasn't supposed to be a drug dealer on this occasion.
"I keep forgetting that you're not used to this work.  Seems like you've been with us for ages," Jimmy noted as Brown approached the pair with a stern look then warned softly, "be careful Jay.  He's dangerous."
"I can look after myself."
"You two have some work to do," Brown gestured to an office on the right hand side, "let's go in to see who's been stealing from us."
"How could anyone steal anything in here?" Jay asked innocently, ignoring the shocked look from Jimmy as they followed the older man over towards the closed office.
"People will try anything," Brown observed crossly as he opened the door and led the way in.

The first thing which greeted Jay was the stench of old blood.  The second was the sight of an emaciated twenty something young man tied to a chair with various wounds betraying the ordeal he had gone through.  He was still alive though and that gave the Detective hope.  Jay looked at Paul who stood inside the door with an impassive expression.  Jimmy was now wearing the same face. Unfortunately Petrocelli was not there.  He had been hoping his presence would avoid another test but obviously that was not the case.  Two men stood on either side of the chair.  There was no need to guess who had inflicted the injuries.  Brown nodded to the two and they walked out of the office after sending Jay piercing looks.  It was clear they were not happy with being dismissed. Jay knew why.  He was about to be given their job.  At least that's what Brown was going to suggest.  Jay moved closer to the tied man, noting he was barely conscious.  He frowned as he looked up over at Brown who had been watching him carefully since he entered.

"So what is he accused of stealing?"
"The product," Brown stated after some deliberation.
"Bit hard to hide anything isn't it?" Jay probed, purposefully ignoring the warning looks from Petrocellis' old henchmen.
"That is of no concern to you."
"So what are you going to do with him?"
"I'm not going to do anything to him," Brown replied calmly, "you however are going to kill him."
"No I'm not."
"Excuse me?!"
"Sure. You're excused," Jay caught Jimmys' eyeroll over Browns' shoulder, "but I'm not killing anyone on your say so."
"You are employed to do anything you are told."
"True.  Mr. Petrocelli gives me an order I'll do it," Jay agreed readily as he advanced closer to the second in command then paused, "if I can.  You're not Mr. Petrocelli."

Jimmy and Paul exchanged concerned looks at the confrontation building before them. They knew Brown had it in for the Kid.   They also knew Brown didn't take well to being challenged.  This was going south fast. Paul looked more closely at Jay and noted he seemed paler than earlier.  He doubted if it was the beaten body which was the cause for he knew his young friend would have seen much worse in Afghanistan. Jimmy sighed internally.  Things were about to get ugly. Sometimes he hated his job.


Close by Hank, Adam. Al and Antonio fought to control their worries.  No eyes and ears left them clueless as to what their friend and colleague was facing.  They just had to hope Jay could handle whatever situation he had walked into.  The Sergeant had arranged for an ambulance to be on standby just in case but unless they heard shots they would remain out of sight.


AUTHORS' NOTE - 17.01.18

I finally got back to writing! It's always been an escape for me from real life so it's good to be back! I want to say thanks to everyone who stuck with the story and hope it continues to keep ye interested. I will try to get back to trying to write and publish every 1-3 days from now on.

Tolerance Book I (Chicago PD/Med FF) by Frances51163Where stories live. Discover now