Chapter Forty-One: Slow Recovery

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Set on Hinman Avenue, a quiet residential street two blocks from Lake Michigan, the Homestead Hotel was a good place to stay and wouldn't have been somewhere Jay would have chosen. That very reason was why Jimmy Ortega had chosen it.  He knew his young friend was in trouble, on the run for some reason. For the past two days Diego and himself had not only fought to bring the fever down but fought to restrain the ill man as he struggled and screamed about demons only he could see.  After the initial bouts of delirium brought on by the high temperature it became clear to both men that the ill man was re-living nightmares from his childhood.  Without being asked Diego had promised his father he would never speak of what they learnt, even to the Detective himself.  His promise had confirmed once again that the young man had chosen the right profession to get into.  Darkness had fallen and Diego had gone out to refresh the medical supplies and buy some essentials.  A movement on the bed caught Jimmys' eye and he turned from the window to see clear eyes watching him in confusion.

"What the hell ...... happened?" Jay forced the words out through a dry throat.
"Your fever got worse," Jimmy walked over and sat down on the side of the bed placing a hand on the sweaty forehead, "but it has finally broken."
"Here drink some water."
"So how do you feel?" Jimmy checked as he pulled back the covers and listened to his patients' breathing, relieved that the wheezing had subsided.
"Okay.  Why are you still here? Told ye to go."
"Well you did but then you passed out."
"Didn't pass out. I went to sleep."
"If you say so," the older man pulled the covers back up, "but that was two days ago."
"Still going to tell me you were asleep?"
"But ..... were you here the whole time?"
"Diego and myself."
"Damn," Jay blushed and it was the first sign of colour on his pale features in a long time, "did .... did I say anything .... when I was out of it?"
"Nothing that made sense," Jimmy readily assured deciding that this one lie was for his friends' benefit.
"Didn't ..... want to put you out."
"You didn't," Jimmy put away his stethoscope as he stood up, "now how about you take a shower and I'll get fresh bedclothes."
"You saying I stink?"
"Would never say such a thing!" Jimmy denied as he walked back over to help the weak man up.
"Where's Diego?"
"I sent him to the pharmacy."
"Well when he gets back ye can go," Jay spoke as he concentrated on reaching the bathroom after he was handed a fresh pair of briefs.
"Yeah, yeah," Jimmy shook his head as he picked up the receiver to ring Housekeeping.
"I mean it," Jay tried to force strength into his voice as he finally reached his objective.
"We'll talk when you're cleaned up," Jimmy stated as he went over and stripped the bed, ready to swap the bedclothes with the fresh ones, "you be okay in there by yourself?"
"You want a black eye?" Jay closed the door before he could hear the response.
"Stubborn .....," Jimmy grinned, glad his friend was improving.

When the younger Ortega returned he was surprised but happy to find Jay awake and sitting up in bed, even if he was scowling.

"Hey about time you came back to us," Diego walked over and sat down on the side of the bed automatically, as he had been doing while the other was unconscious, "you're looking better."
"Yeah," Jay looked at the hands in his lap, "listen thanks for looking after me.  Didn't mean to cause you hassle."
"It was no hassle," Diego looked across to where his father was emptying the bags he had brought which included a flask, "brought you chicken soup from home.  You'll love it."
"Not sure my stomach can handle anything right now thanks anyway.  Maybe later," Jay said around a yawn, "damn how can I be tired after two days' sleep?"
"You weren't asleep," Diego frowned and looked at his father again, "you were unconscious."
"I'm not saying anything," Jimmy stated putting his hands up in surrender.
"What?" Diego asked innocently.
"Ignore him. He's being stubborn," Jay ordered around another yawn.
"Pot and kettle," Diego grinned and stood so the other man could lie back down on the bed, "get some rest.  We'll be here when you wake up."
"Stubborn ..... just like your father," Jay uttered the words as he finally fell into a genuine sleep.

The next time Jay woke daylight was streaming in through the large window.  Turning onto his back he lay there taking stock.  He felt stronger.  The nagging weakness caused by the fever seemed to have fully abated he was relieved to note.  He had a headache but figured that was a continuing result of the concussion.  He recalled Conor had warned him he could get headaches for weeks afterwards in addition to bouts of dizziness if he stood up or bent over too quickly.  Rubbing his forehead he was unaware that he was being observed until his friend spoke.

"Finally decided to wake up did you?"
"What time is it?"
"Lunchtime. Diego had to leave but I promised him you would stop by the house when you get a chance."
"Sorry you got him involved in this."
"Want to tell me what exactly 'this' is?" Jimmy walked over with a half bowl of hot chicken soup as the ill man sat up against the pillows he fixed at his back.
"It's complicated," Jay gratefully accepted the bowl as his stomach grumbled announcing its' need for filling.
"Think I figured that out," Jimmy spoke ruefully as he pulled the bedside chair closer, "now tell me why you are running around with broken ribs and swimming at this time of year."
"It's ...," Jay paused debating how much to tell his friend, knowing that he owed him some explanation at least for all the trouble himself and his son had gone to.
"Tell me."
"I was staying in a safehouse but it was getting too dangerous so I decided to cut loose," Jay explained in between sips of the delicious broth, "don't suppose you got any rolls to go with this?"
"I do but let's just see how that goes down.  You haven't eaten in four days.  Now go on with what you were saying."
"Well I ...," Jay began but then paused, spoon midday to his mouth, "four days!"
"You fell into a sleep after your shower the other day.  Don't worry it's normal after the high temperature you had. Now please go on."
"Well when I left the safehouse I took a shortcut and left my wallet behind.  That's why I contacted you.  Wasn't expecting any of this," Jay gestured to their surroundings.
"So why did leave the safehouse? Presumably there were Cops there.  Why leave?"
"Didn't want anyone getting hurt over me," Jay reluctantly admitted as he finished the soup and his friend placed the bowl on the bedside locker.
"So you decided going it alone was a good thing?"
"It is."
"The person whose after you, did he give you the broken ribs?"
"Yeah," Jay spoke after a lengthy silence had lingered.
"What else?"
"Doesn't matter."
"Does to me."
"Just a concussion."
"There is no such thing as just a concussion. How bad is it?"
"It's fine."
"I meant what grade is it," Jimmy rolled his eyes in exasperation.
"Grade 3."
"Well that explains your headache."
"Didn't say I had one."
"Didn't have to.  Now want to tell me why the guys you work with aren't helping you.  You told me they are good men."
"They are."
"They were the ones in the safehouse with me."
"They must be going out of their mind with worry."
"I know," Jay conceded unintentionally raising his voice, "but I can't let anyone get hurt over me."
"You always were a protector, even in Boot Camp," Jimmy sighed wondering how he was going to persuade the younger man that going it alone was not a wise option.


Tolerance Book I (Chicago PD/Med FF) by Frances51163Where stories live. Discover now