Chapter One Hundred and Ninety-Three: A Plan

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It was two days later when Jay decided to reveal what course of action he was going to pursue. He could convince them he decided. Well that sounded confident he chided himself as he eyed his companions around the dinner table in their new residence.  The meal had been pleasant with discussions of sport and accompanying good natured ribbing. As the men settled back with their freshly filled coffee mugs Jay made his pitch.  Here goes nothing he thought!

"Guys I need to talk to ye about the case."
"What is it Kid?" Al asked, not surprised it was his young friend who had brought up the subject they were all purposefully avoiding.
"We're not making any progress ..... and the victims are going to keep coming unless we do something."
"What do you have in mind?" Voight asked with his well known bluntness, he sensed he wasn't going to like the answer.
"We need to be proactive ...,"
"You mentioned that before the Gilberts ...," Adam cut in but was quickly silenced by the glares sent his way.
"I did," Jay acknowledged, "Wells wants to get to me. We should let him."
"Yeah cause that's a real safe option!" Antonios' sarcastic response was echoed in various versions around the square oak table.
"You're not going to be bait," Voight spoke with finality in his voice, unfortunately his subordinate was not going to give up that easily on this occasion.
"We have nothing to go on. All our leads are dead ends.  It's the only option."
"We are still tracing the IED components," Mouse reminded hopefully, "if we can find the seller it will give us the break we need."
"We haven't found the seller yet," Jay noted calmly, "and we don't even know if their getting supplies from one seller or more. Whether we like it or not unless we do something unexpected Wells is going to keep evading us."
"You have a point," Al agreed succinctly with a nod before continuing, "we need to surprise him."
"Halstead is not going to be used as bait," Voight reiterated sending a glare across the table to his old friend.
"Sarge it's the only option," Jay insisted, purposefully ignoring the incredulous looks being sent his way.
"What makes you think he won't just kill you on sight?" Antonio demanded after a brief silence.
"He's had the chance to kill me before," Jay pointed out reasonably, "there's a reason he wants me alive."
"Hang on a second," Kevin argued, "you nearly died in the ambo explosion."
"But I didn't."
"That was down to luck rather than design," Adam noted crossly, did his friend really think they were going to let him risk his life?
"Does anyone have a better idea?" Jay ignored his friends' observation and looked around at his companions seeking support.
"No," Antonio sighed in defeat knowing that the younger Detective was well aware they had hit a brick wall in the investigation.
"We'll think of something," Adam stated but even he couldn't hear confidence in the words he spoke.

"So what do you have in mind Kid?" Voight eventually asked, drawing surprised looks his way.
"Well since it's obvious he's keeping tabs on us ....,"
"On you," Adam corrected.
"Whatever," Jay shrugged dismissively, "why don't we let him think I'm taking a break from the case?"
"He might believe that," Al conceded assesing his friend, "you do look like hell Kid."
"Gee thanks," Jay rolled his eyes in disgust, "anyway set me up in a hotel room and ...,"
"Wouldn't he expect you to stay where we are?" Antonio questioned with a frown.
"Not if I'm supposed to be taking it easy because I'm unwell."
"Antonio has a point," Kevin put in thoughtfully, "Wells will smell a trap."
"Not if he thinks I've been thrown off the case."
"No way! We spoke about this before," Adam recalled, "he's focusing on you for a reason. He's likely to follow you wherever you go. Besides he wouldn't believe you'd been thrown off the investigation."
"What he said," Kevin concurred.
"I don't think he'd fall for that," Voight noted, "but like Al said he would believe you're unwell after your swim in the Hudson ...,"
"I'm fine ...,"
"We'll put that on your headstone," Adam scoffed.
"But what's the point of leading Wells to Jay?" Burke finally asked, his confusion obvious.
"If we do it right it might be our only chance of catching him."
"There's one big problem," Al stated, "his accomplice seems to have gone rogue, if we go with the theory that Wells did not arrange the house explosion "
"If we have Wells he can lead us to the guy," Adam explained drawing sceptical looks from nost of the men.
"Wells isn't going to give us the guy just because we ask," Kevin shook his head at the notion.
"If they're after splitting up Wells might want revenge," Jay suggested around a cough, "it might suit him to use us."
"We'll see what Parker says in the morning," Voight spoke decisively, ending the speculation.


Six o'clock the following morning found Jay lying in bed wide awake.  His cough had worsened overnight resulting in a restless night. CThe headache didn't help matters either.  He still couldn't believe Voight had agreed to his plan but he wasn't naive enough to think the older man was going to allow him to do things all his way.  That just wasn't in the Sergeants' nature, not when he was dealing with the Units' safety. Of course Jay appreciated the tenacious protective trait but at times it could be hard to deal with, especially when he was anxious to get things moving.

Downstairs in the spacious kitchen Adam, Antonio and Kevin were discussing the situation, unknowingly echoing their friends' thoughts.

"I didn't think Sarge would let Jay do it," Adam sighed in discontent, "he's usually super vigilant where danger is concerned."
"We all know it's a risky job," Kevin put in, "but I hear you man.  This isn't like Voight."
"Something tells me Jay isn't going to be on his own," Antonio spoke knowingly, "Wells is a loose cannon.  Sarge won't let Jay alone with him."
"Jay won't like that," Adam muttered, shaking his head, "once he sets his mind on something he does it."
"I'd love to be a fly on the wall for that conversation," Kevin grinned despite the seriousness of the situation.
"You'd need earmuffs!" Adam tossed back.
"No," Antonio argued, "after Jay Sarge is the quietest on the team.  Then Al.  They say plenty though without shouting."
"I'm quiet too," Adam pointed out smugly.
"Sure you are," Kevins' voice dripped sarcasm, "you're as quiet as a herd of elephants!"
"Hey ....," Adams' response was cut off by a new voice.
"Is the Kid up yet?" Voight asked as Al followed him into the kitchen and headed for the coffee pot.
"No," Antonio replied, wondering if any of their conversation had been overheard and sincerely hoping it hadn't been.
"I heard him moving around during the night," Kevin stated, "think his cough is getting worse."
"He won't let being sick deter him from his plans," Al observed as he poured milk into his steaming mug.
"If he's too sick he won't be working," Voight spoke firmly.
"This needs to end sooner rather than later," Al eyed his longtime friend recalling they had had a similar conversation when they were dealing with Halstead Senior.
"You won't get any argument from me," Voight insisted, "but we need to end this with Jay in one piece. So any ideas on how we do that?"


Tolerance Book I (Chicago PD/Med FF) by Frances51163Where stories live. Discover now