Chapter Ninety-Nine: Testing Times

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The silence in the office after Jays' words stretched on.  Browns' initial anger had morphed into disbelief that his authority should be questioned.  Jimmy and Paul eyed the unpredictable man wondering how he was going to deal with the challenge.  Jay walked close to the unconscious man and knelt down beside him checking his pulse.

"Sullivan you heard my instruction.  Just do it!"
"I can't," Jay straightened up wearily, "he's dead."
"He was alive a few minutes ago!"
"So what difference does it make? You wanted him dead.  He's dead," Jay casually took out a knife and turned to cut through the bindings.
"What the hell are you doing now?"
"Figured the quicker we dump him the better.  Plenty of places around here to leave him," the Detective continued with his task as he spoke then paused, "unless you want to leave him here in the office?"
"Jimmy, Paul bring him outside.  Dump him," Brown ordered as if the idea was his, "you Sullivan stay with me."
"There was an alley two blocks back that had cardboard boxes.  Could be a good place to leave him," Jay suggested casually as he watched the big men pick up the inert figure with an ease which spoke of experience, this experience was what Jay hoped would work in his favour as neither man checked for a pulse.
"Yeah know the one you mean Jay," Paul looked to Brown for approval before adding, "I was going to suggest there myself."
"Okay just get it done and don't get seen," Brown cautioned automatically as he watched the two men carry the lifeless bundle out before turning to the newest member of the operation with a sneer, "you think Petrocelli will listen to you over me?"
"'Mr.' Petrocelli will do whatever he wants," Jay made a point of referring to the main man with respect, "look I'm not looking for trouble.  I just want to earn some money to pay off medical bills."
"You never elaborated on what medical issues you had," Brown pointed out suspiciously.
"Nope I didn't," Jay agreed easily as he forced his stance to relax so that he wasn't seen as an adversary but rather an annoyance, "Mr. Petrocelli never asked.  I'll tell him if he does."
"You seem to think he has a liking for you."
"A liking?"
"Because of his son," the older man stated impatiently as he moved forward and stood in front of the smaller man, "don't get any notions."

Jay looked at the man before him trying to gauge how far to push him.  He couldn't be seen as a pushover but he didn't want the other man thinking he was out to seize power in the operation.  That would only antagonize the man further and he needed him playing his present role rather than concentrating on getting rid of him.  Jay hadn't forgotten the so called cab accident but wanted to deflect the second in command from focussing on his demise.  Time to do some serious groundwork.  He hoped his friends were close by so they could rescue the young man in time.

Two Blocks Away

As soon as the car had driven out of sight Adam and Hank and gone down the alley. Finding the prone man both men sighed heavily in relief that it wasn't their friend.  Adam automatically checked the pulse not expecting to find one but quickly radioed for the ambulance upon realizing they were not dealing with a body. Al, Antonio and Hank watched the emergency vehicle pull away ten minutes later with the patient and Adam in tow.

"You think Jay did this?" Antonio asked reluctantly.
"Could have been a test," Al offered before Hank could respond.
"Whatever it was Jay is okay for now," the Sergeant looking at the departing ambulance, "we keep eyes on the warehouse at all times and on Jay. Moretti has four men on Petrocelli. We need to get that warehouse rigged up."
"Going to be difficult if it's the distribution centre."
"Get onto Mouse.  I want whatever he can give us. We'll do it to tonight."
"Sure Boss," Antonio headed off to his SUV.
"You're worried," Al spoke solemnly once the two were alone.
"Comes with the job," Hank sighed, "there are still a lot of variables which could effect the operation."
"Like Petrocelli seeing Jay as his son."
"Yeah.  And we still have to deal with Morettis' Brother-in-Law."
"Not to mention we still need to deal with Halstead Senior."
"One problem at a time.  Mouse is still doing checks but he hasn't found anything yet," Hank shook his head, "the sooner we get Jay out of this the better."
"No arguments from me." Al noted as they headed back to the vehicles.

Petrocellis' Warehouse

As soon as Jimmy and Paul returned from their short trip they found Jay alone in the office with Brown nowhere in sight.

"Where is he?" Paul asked with a frown.
"No idea," Jay shrugged, "told me to wait here for ye. He went out back ages ago on a call."
"Man I thought he was going to shoot you when you refused to kill that kid," Jimmy admitted ruefully.
"Heck I've survived worse than Brown," Jay scoffed, stopping himself asking about their recent task, "don't know why he hates me. I'm not about to run off with his empire."
"Brown hates change," Paul offered seriously, "people confronting him don't usually walk away."
"Guess he's having an off day," Jay chided as the door opened and Brown walked in ahead of Petrocelli.

Jay wondered how Petrocelli had arrived but knew he had bigger concerns. Especially if the glare Brown sent his way was any indication. The main man walked over to the one desk in the room and took the seat behind it after glancing briefly at the bloodied chair and floor before giving Jay his full attention.

"I understand you refused to carry out an order. Care to tell me why?"
"Didn't think it was the right move," Jay shrugged casually, he had had plenty of time to decide on an explanation for his non compliance as he waited alone in the drafty office and he hoped his words worked, "didn't feel right."
"Hah!!!" Brown scoffed angrily looking from the young man to Petrocelli and back.
"I am not used to people questioning my orders and when Brown gives an order it is from me. So now what do you have to say for yourself?"
"Mr. Petrocelli the truth is if you had given me the order directly I still wouldn't have done it," Jay straightened his shoulders ignoring the gasp from Paul beside him, "it just wasn't the right thing to do."
"You've made a big mistake Sullivan!" Brown roared, approaching the smaller man with a clenched fist.
"Brown stand down!" Petrocelli spoke softly enough but the menace in his voice was unmistakeable to all the men.
"But ...,"
"Jay I would like a word with you in private," the heavyset man observed after nodding to a confused Paul and Jimmy who took the hint and departed after glancing at their new recruit, "Brown for now I need you back in Chicago."
"But we haven't finished ......,"
"I want you back home to make sure the Peterson deal goes down alright. Telephone me tomorrow night with confirmation."
"Boss that's not going down until next week."
"I changed things around for eleven tonight," Petrocelli stated dismissively with a gesture towards the door, "you better leave now if you want to catch a flight."
"Of course," the blustering man regained control of his emotions and brushed roughly past the Undercover Detective, "I'll take care of it."

Once the door closed behind him Jay began to wonder if his gamble had paid off or if he was about to become a liability.  He had decided that his character would not easily kill someone and figured Petrocelli would believe that.  Glancing at the older mans' eyes however provided no clue as to whether or not he had chosen the right approach to the situation.


Tolerance Book I (Chicago PD/Med FF) by Frances51163Where stories live. Discover now