Chapter One Hundred and Three: A Possible Reason

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Silence reigned for a few moments as the ramifications of what Voight said sank in.   O'Sullivan busied himself with filling in a form wondering if there was going to be an unpleasant argument and hoping his young patient came out of it alright.

"Serge it's too late for that," Jay quickly stated glancing to Adam and Antonio for backup.
"We'll never get this close again," Antonio finally offered.
"If he's thinking of handing over the reigns to you Brown is not going to be thrilled," Adam stated seriously, not happy with the prospect.
"Look it's just an idea," Jay coughed as he stood up and began closing his shirt buttons, "Jimmy and Paul haven't said anything."
"Halstead you and I both know that your instincts are usually right," Voight looked at his subordinate, "but you are also unwell."
"I'm fine," Jay insisted and looked at the Doctor, "tell him I'm good."
"Can't do that," O'Sullivan negated the request finally looking at the men, "you're not well.    Your chest infection isn't improving and ....,"
"It's a chest infection," the pale Detective reminded derisively, "I've had plenty of them.   I can still do my job."
"Boss we also have to consider there still might be a military target," Antonio put in ignoring the glare Adam sent him.
"Halstead you telling me you're alright to see this through?" Hank finally asked looking at the man squarely.
"Serge if I didn't think I could do it I'd tell you."
"Okay for now you stay in and test your theory.    If you're right Brown is going to be coming after you."
"I can handle him," Jay assured with his usual quiet confidence which they all reganised.
"Hell sooner we're back in Chicago the better," Adam grumbled, unhappy with the entire situation.
"Is Will okay?" Jay double checked before heading over to pull back the cubicle curtains.
"He's fine.   Just worried about you."
"How's ...... the old man?" the quiet question was asked without the Detective meeting anyones' eyes.
"He's recovering with no complications," Hank replied wondering why the question was made now as it hadn't been brought up before then he thought of something, "the fact that you look like Vincent is probably helping  the case but also the fact that you seem to have some of the same traits as he did.    Whatever paternal feelings he may have for you don't let your guard down."
"He wouldn't," Adam defended automatically earning a warning look from Antonio who could see where his Superior was going.
"Serge I'm not a damn Rookie," Jay stated tiredly, the weariness obvious therein unintentionally conveying the truth of the words, "besides it's just an idea."
"Well we'll do some checking," Hank nodded, "we were looking for a reason for him to set up in New York after all these years. "
"Could be just what De Luca and Lombardi said.   He's moved his son from there."
"Could be," Hank agreed eyeing the young man, "I'm letting you stay in but the first sign of trouble get out of there.   I don't like this."
"Me either," Jay admitted as he looked around the room after checking his watch, "what's Brown doing in Chicago?"
"He's been staying in the mansion ever since the meeting when he got back.    He hasn't even ordered takeaway," Antonio explained.
"We have eyes on him?" Jay stilled.
"Just told you ......,"
"Has anyone actually seen him?"
"Not since he returned," Adam frowned.
"You think he's in trouble?" Hank asked without much concern, he had no problem with Brown being hurt or worse.
"He doesn't cook and he always gets takeaway, whether or not he eats it," Jay eyed his friends, "get someone into the house."
"We can't just ......," Adam began but found himself interrupted.
"If he's dead that means there is someone else working at the top that we don't know about," Hank spoke before Jay could, "and that person might be involved in going after a military target."
"Damn!" Jay cursed as the ramifications of Browns' possible demise sank in, maybe he was totally off earlier about Petrocelli eyeing him as a successor, especially if there was someone  else in the operation  that he knew nothing about.
"If you can make it get to the Pier the day after tomorrow," Hank suggested after glancing at the medical professional, "Dr. O'Sullivan will tell Will you're doing okay for now."
"That really isn't the case," O'Sullivan argued, "he should be at home in bed."
"Heck Doc been a  big boy for a while now.   I don't need mollycoddling," Jay grinned cheekily as he gave the flummoxed man a wink and headed out.

The three Law Enforcement Officers watched their friend go with mixed feelings as O'Sullivan excused himself.    They all wanted the Detective to succeed in his mission but concern for him weighed heavily on their shoulders.

"We were wondering why the old man went after Jay after all these years," Hank began thoughtfully, "we can't get access to his Medical Records but we can get access to Petrocellis."
"What for?" Antonio scratched his forehead absently.
"What if Petrocellis' recent actions are because he has a serious illness.   The Kid thinks his behaviour has been different lately.   A terminal illness would support the theory that's he's moving on."
"Moving on as in passing the business onto the next generation," Adam accepted the possibility easily, it made sense, "the thing is though how likely is it that a mob boss we've been after for years decides to give our guy the reigns?    I mean even saying it sounds far fetched."
"True but if there's one thing I've learnt on this job it's to expect the unexpected."
"Yeah but usually it's something bad," Antonio sighed heavily, worried about the whole situation as he took out his cell, "I'll get onto Mouse and get him to do some digging."
"You do that and while you are we're going to have a talk with O'Sullivan," Hank stated as he motioned for Adam to follow him, "then we'll get onto Chicago and find out about Brown."


The following early morning hours found Jay feeling out of sorts as he turned over on the bed and checked the time.    Hell it was only ten before three.    He debated tossing and turning another while but eventually gave in and got up.   Pulling on his jeans he padded barefoot downstairs to the roomy kitchen and blearily assessed the refrigerator contents opting for a carton of milk.

"You are not usually up at this hour," a quiet voice greeted in the darkness as the Detective closed the double doors and carried his prize over to a counter in the dim light from the hall.
"Couldn't sleep," Jay offered glancing at Petrocelli where he was sitting at the kitchen table nursing a bottle of whiskey.
"I too could not sleep," the older man pointed out and extended an arm to the table, "have a seat and drink with me."
"Yes Sir," Jay made short work of pouring himself a full glass of milk and walked over to sit down opposite the watching man.
"Have a whiskey."
"Rather not," Jay politely declined as he sipped the white liquid, "plays havoc with meds."
"Ah yes of course.   I should have remembered."
"So what did you want to talk to me about?"
"You really do remind me so much of my son," Petrocelli picked up his half full Waterford crystal glass and twirled its' contents, "you are so confident and so self assured."
"I'm not sure what .....,"
"Even Jimmy and Paul would never refuse a drink with me and they've been with me for nearly twenty-five years," Petrocelli leaned back in his chair and took a sip of the amber drink, "yet you refuse to drink with me.   I find that very interesting."
"Look Mr. Petrocelli I didn't mean any disrespect," Jay hurriedly clarified, wondering if he had just overplayed his role.
"Few people live to disrespect me young man," the big man finally raised his right hand from under the table and revealed he was holding a handgun.

Jay looked across at the man trying to figure out how things had gone so bad so quickly.  So much for being offered the reigns!   It looked like he had just signed his own death warrant.    This was not good, not good at all!


Tolerance Book I (Chicago PD/Med FF) by Frances51163Where stories live. Discover now