Chapter One Hundred and Eleven: Williamson

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As Jay reached his bedroom door he turned to the Surgeon who had kept pace with his slow progress up the stairs.

"I'll see you later Doc. Promise to call me if Voight phones?"
"He said he'll call you," Conor frowned as he took the initiative and opened the bedroom door walking in before the other man could stop him, "tell me what's going on."
"What do you mean?" the Detective walked over to look out the window at the darkening landscape.
"I want to know what you're thinking," Conor explained as he turned on a small bedside lamp in deference to the other mans' obviously aching head.
"Don't know what you mean," Jay momentarily caught the older mans' eye in the reflection of the window before looking away, "I just want to lie down so go back to the game."
"Jay I can't even begin to understand what you've been going through but you can always talk to me about anything. Anything at all," Conor persisted gently, "and I know I said it before but whatever you say is between us."
"I appreciate it Conor," Jay turned around to face the concerned man, "but I don't need to talk so please could just leave me be?"
"Sure Jay I'll leave you alone.  I could give you something to help you sleep if you like?"
"Nah I'm good," the brown haired man spoke around a cough, "see you later."
"Okay," Conor headed for the door unhappily, wishing there was some way to get his young friend to open up but knowing he couldn't force the issue, "least I can win while you're up here!"

Three hours later darkness had long descended and Voight and the rest of the Unit returned to the house after a call advising of their imminent arrival.  The Sergeant, true to his word, had phoned his beleagured Detectives' cell but it had gone straight to voicemail.  He had subsequently phoned Adam who hastily checked and found his friend sleeping heavily.  Unwilling to disturb what appeared to be the first real sleep the young man was having in a long while Adam had waited until the cars pulled up outside before reluctantly waking him up.  Once downstairs Jay eyed the new arrivals and could sense something had happened.  Leaning against the kitchen counter he quickly brushed off Antonios' concern about the bandaged hands and instead looked at his Superior as he folded his arms.

"He turned up," Hank sank down on the stool nearest his Detective not liking the drained features, "took a while to sort out. There was only a small number of people at the crematorium ....,"
"Who is it?" Will cut in impatiently where he stood by the refrigerator after taking out a bottled water.
"Someone Jay knows," Al joined in softly, "you too probably."
"Who?" Jays' voice was hoarse from weariness as he looked from the Sergeant to the other members of the Unit.
"Michael Williamson," Hank spoke watching his subordinate carefully and noting the flinch he tried to hide, "you remember him?"
"He was in the same year as me at school.  Why would the old man use him? Doesn't make sense."
"Williamson," Will repeated the name quietly trying to remember something then it came to him, "wasn't he one of the guys who picked on a couple of students until you stepped in?"
"You don't know what you're talking about," Jay shook his head and turned away from the men as he shoved his sibling away from the refrigerator and took out a loaf of bread and a block of cheese with a tub of butter.
"Jay once we took him downtown he talked," Antonio put in sharing worried looks with the others, "we know what happened when ye were in school."
"So how did he get in touch with the old man or was it the other way around?" Conor walked over and took out a carving knife then began to cut four thick slices as he decided to try to deflect part of the conversation as it was clear his friend didn't want to discuss it.
"Turns out they connected up a few years ago.  Williamson has the same fondness for cruelty," Al noted going along with the diversion.
"With kids?" Adam asked before thinking and shrank back from the glares sent his way sending a silent apology with his eyes.
"Yeah," Hank confirmed, "they both liked keeping a record of their ...... actions."
"So did he give the old man money?" Jay queried one of the unknown factors they had been unable to pin down as he took the slices and began buttering them.
"Yeah.  He suggested the guns and provided the funds," Antonio explained as he rubbed a hand down his face.
"What about the guys who beat Jay up? Did he pay for that as well?" Will demanded.
"Yeah he did," Antonio looked at his friends' stiff posture as he spoke, "turns out he received an inheritance from an Aunt.  Most of it he used to go after Jay."
"You said you would call me straight away," Jay put down the knife he held abandoning the sandwich making process as he turned to look at his Sergeant, "you didn't."
"I told you he rang Jay but you must have been too tired to hear the call," Adam interjected a reminder with a frown.
"He rang when he was on the way here," Al added.
"Kid we didn't talk to him for long once we brought him in," Hank knew why his subordinate was angry, "what we learnt he volunteered on the ride to the precinct."
"He have any help 'volunteering'?" Jay asked calmly but everyone in the room sensed the turmoil under the surface of the quiet question.
"No Jay he didn't," Hank looked at the young man he looked on as a son and picked his words carefully, "I'm not saying it was a gentle arrest.  He tried to run but I give you my word we did it the Halstead way."
"Okay," Jay relaxed slightly and ignored the implied compliment.
"What does that even mean?" Will raised an eyebrow looking at the Policemen in the room for an answer.
"Means Williamson wasn't coerced into giving up information," Al obliged sardonically.
"Okay so this means it's finished," Jay turned back to the counter and began cutting off slices of cheese after taking out a chopping board, "witness protection is finally over."
"Kid we need to interview Williamson in the morning before we make a decision on that," Hank stated in a tone that brooked no argument.
"Tomorrow then," the Detective kept his gaze on his task, "I'm moving back to my apartment and you're all going back to your normal lives."
"Hey anyone would think you didn't enjoy our company!" Adam grumbled good naturedly as he began rummaging through the sweet drawer and gleefully plucked out the one remaining red bag of sweet and spicey barbeque Sun Chips.
"No comment," Jay shook his head forcing levity into his words as he went back to fixing his own snack.

Hank caught the looks of worry being exchanged around the kitchen and understood them. Even if Williamson was the final link this was far from over for their friend.  Whether he liked it or not he wasn't going to be left alone to deal with everything.  He needed them now more than ever and if the safehouse was abandoned it wouldn't stop them looking out for him, in any way they could.  The Sergeant saw Will struggling to keep his silence and sent him a nod to let him know they would still stand by him.  The redhead sent a look of gratitude understanding the gesture for what it was, solidarity in their endeavour of taking care of his stubborn, brave and conscientious sibling.  This wasn't over, not by a longshot.


Tolerance Book I (Chicago PD/Med FF) by Frances51163Where stories live. Discover now