Chapter One Hundred and Thirty: Another Foe Caught

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Surveillance Van

Three hours into surveillance the following night Hank turned around from a monitor and took off his earphones as the IT Technician beside him continued to monitor the patrons in Sullys House sports bar.  So far Al and Antonio had not turned up anything through their surveillance at The Junction sports bar.  Although two of Carters' known acquaintances had arrived at Sullys an hour earlier there was no sign of their quarry.

"So have you remembered anything else about Carter?" the Sergeant stood up and stretched his limbs as he looked over at the Detective sitting on a chair by the doors, his left leg outstretched in deference to his hip.
"Nothing important," Jay replied as he took off his headset before asking casually, "you doing a coffee run?"
"That's the idea," Hank nodded easily, knowing the fact that his youngest subordinate was making such a query was as a result of the discomfort he was in, not that he would ever voice a complaint, so he turned to the no doubt surprised Technician and asked, "Steve the usual?"
"Yeah, thanks," the young man nodded never taking his eyes off the monitors.
"Halstead I'll only be five minutes. If Carter turns up you wait for me. You got that?"
"Yes Sarge," the injured man struggled to stop a pout.
"Hot chocolate okay?" Hank checked knowing it would be strong enough to take with tablets.
"Yeah," Jay frowned, he was going to chance meds with a coffee but chocolate would be better, "thanks."
"No problem," the Sergeant opened the door and climbed down.

Jay stood up awkwardly as his hip had stiffened in the cramped surroundings despite his best efforts.

"Damn man you move like an eighty year old man," Steve pointed out as he took a quick glance back at his companion before returning to his post.
"Gee thanks."
"So what's with Voight?  He never gets the coffees."
"Guess he needs to stretch his legs.  Wish to hell I could but I don't think I could get back into the van," Jay joked.
"Yeah you're probably right," Steve concurred unaware the other man wasn't serious.
"This is one thing all those cop shows skip over."
"The endless hours just waiting for a break," Jay commented as he retook his seat gingerly.
"Guess they don't want to bore the audience," Steve suggested distractedly as he sat up straighter on his swivel chair, "he's here. Just walked in. Brown jacket, brown shirt, blue jeans."
"Hell what a time for a coffee break!" Jay cursed himself as he got up quickly ignoring the pain alerts from his hip, he had other things to deal with now.
"Hey man you're not going in there," Steve stated hastily, "you heard Voight.  You're to wait for him. Besides you're injured."
"Steve you don't get to tell me what to do," Jay quickly checked his handgun and reholstered it, "tell Voight I'm going to stay near the door once I have a visual.  I won't approach."
"But shouldn't ......," Steve began as the door opened and he sighed in relief.
"You going somewhere?" the Sergeant asked unnecessarily as he quickly got in and deposited the cardboard tray, knowing immediately what was going on.
"I ...,"
"Ahuh," Hank checked the monitor as Steve pointed to the man they were concerned with then led the way out.
"I'll take the back Sarge," the young Detective stated as they approached the brown railings of the wine coloured building.
"No Halstead. We stick together " Hank tugged the other mans' arm to get him moving in the right direction.
"But Sarge .....,"
"Halstead we're doing this my way," Hank insisted gruffly as they walked under the entrance canopy.
"He'll get ...," Jay stopped talking as their radios crackled.
"Carter is heading your way right now," Steves' voice informed with urgency.
"Halstead go .....," the Sergeant started to instruct his companion then noted his features hardening as footsteps approached and turned to find Carter now standing a few feet away.
"Police!" within the blink of an eye Jays' gun was out and pointing at the grinning man.
"Put your hands up and step over to the railing NOW!" Hank ordered stepping closer to the man, his fury causing the grin to disappear.
"What did I do?" the fair haired, bearded man enquired without too much concern.
"Attempted murder of a Police Officer," Hank explained as the man complied with the order and he roughly handcuffed him, "you have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used ......,"

Jay listened as the Sergeant mirandized the now solemn man and put away his weapon. The anger he felt towards Carter was coursing through his veins but he knew he had to do this by the book.  He listened distractedly as a squad car was called to take the prisoner then the Sergeant turned his attention to him.

"I need you to check with Steve," Hank nodded towards the surveillance van.
"Hey Halstead long time no see," Carter spoke as a grin formed, "you look like you've been in the wars?"
"You keep your mouth shut," Hank warned making sure the grin didn't mature as he shoved the prisoner in the other direction before looking back at his subordinate, "get on to Al and Antonio."
"Yes Sarge," the injured man walked away after a final look at one of the figures from his nightmares, funny he didn't seem so frightening now he realized.

An hour later Jay stood in the Observation Room with Adam at his side watching Hank and Antonio interviewing the prisoner.

"Hey is he giving up anything?" Kevin walked in and took the other spot beside the injured man.
"According to him it was just a coincidence he was driving behind Jay when the 'accident' happened," Adam shook his head, "he's denied knowing the driver of the truck."
"Voight didn't tell him yet that Williamson gave him up?" Kevin guessed.
"Nah, he's letting him think he's in the clear."
"How about you Jay? You doing okay?"
"I'm fine," Jay replied distractedly, his gaze remaining on the handcuffed man.
"How about heading out?" Kevin suggested after sharing a look with Adam.
"They're only getting started," Jay frowned shooting his taller friend a glare, "I'm staying."
"It's late Jay. They're not going to finish tonight.  Voight will let him have a sleepless night after he breaks the news about Williamson," a third voice broke in from the door.
"It's not late," Jay looked around at Al before returning his attention to the other room.
"It's eight thirty," Al walked into the room and motioned for the other two Detectives to leave them then continued once they were alone, "you shouldn't even be at work let alone out on the streets."
"What's your point?" Jay demanded, he was tired, in pain and couldn't keep the irritation out of his voice.
"Voight has gone out on a limb for you.  Crowley finds you here this late all hell will break loose," Al noted laconically as he turned his back to the glass and faced the younger man, "it's time to go home Kid.  You'll be back tomorrow for the rest of the interview."
"Damn.  Sorry Al I didn't realize .....,"
"I know that and so does Voight," the older Detective smiled in relief, relieved the guilt trip paid off, and placed a hand on his companions' shoulder to turn him around, "now move it."

Adam glanced at his passenger ten minutes later as they headed for the apartment. He was surprised to see some of the tension which had been a constant presence on his features since Carters' name came up seemed to have gone.  It was about time something went right for his friend.

"You can head back to your apartment tomorrow," Jay kept his eyes on the night time world passing outside.
"What are you talking about?"
"Carter won't hold up against Voight in the morning.  He'll tell us where Martin Williamson is."
"Sarge said once Williamson and Carter are brought in I wouldn't need an extra pair of eyes with me."
"Think you're getting a bit muddled up there buddy," Adam tried not to sigh, "it depends on what Carter gives us."
"It was just the two of them," Jay looked at the driver.
"Hey you saying you don't like me as a roomie?" Adam decided to lighten the atmosphere to avoid an argument.
"I'm saying ........ I just want my life back," Jay muttered softly returning his gaze to the streets.

Adam didn't know how to respond to the abject desolation he heard in the quietly spoken words so kept silent hoping Carter would in fact confirm there were no other accomplices.   The alternative didn't bear thinking about.


Tolerance Book I (Chicago PD/Med FF) by Frances51163Where stories live. Discover now