My Fair Idiot {Zemo}

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*Falcon and the Winter Soldier*

Sam, Bucky and Zemo had barely escaped from that shipment lot with their lives and they had Sharon to thank for that.

They were currently sitting on Zemo's private jet, with no idea what to do next. They needed refuge, a place to get their thoughts together while they planned their next move.

"So what now?" Sam asked.

Zemo smiled, knowing exactly where to go.

"I know a place," he said.


After the jet landed, Zemo had organized for a sleek black car and chauffeur to take them to their destination.

Sam and Bucky weren't sure what to expect but it certainly wasn't a quaint suburban home in a guarded cul de sac.

"One thing to keep in mind before I ring this doorbell," Zemo began. "Act natural."

"Natural?" Sam repeated. "So what, no more 'Smiling Tiger'?"

"No, none of that. In fact, it would be great if you didn't mention any of that."

And without further explanation, Zemo rang the doorbell and a kid answered the door.

He had light brown skin and curly Y/H/C hair that was slightly covering his big Y/E/C eyes.

"Zemo," Bucky spoke up. "That's a kid."

"I know," Zemo smiled. "Dmitri, my boy! How are you?"

"Dad!" the boy yelled before running into Zemo's arms.

Bucky and Sam shared a confused look between them and had a telepathic conversation wondering what was going on here.

Zemo stood up with Dmitri in his arms and turned to Sam and Bucky.

"Come on, guys. Let's get inside before the neighbours start talking," he said before walking in, Sam and Bucky trailing behind him confusedly.

"Mom!" Dmitri yelled. "Mom, come down here!"

A woman instantly came running down the stairs, looking incredibly distressed.

"Dmitri?! What's wrong?! Who do I need to kill?!" she asked.

Zemo put his son down and stared lovingly at the woman. The moment she saw him, she calmed down and stared back at him but in shock. She began quickly walking towards Zemo and he held out his arms, expecting a welcoming, long overdue hug but was instead met with a hard slap across his face.

Sam, Bucky and Dmitri flinched collectively.

"Oof," they winced.

"Are you kidding me?!" the woman asked. "You get arrested for seven years and come back home expecting everything to be fine? Are you insane? Have you lost your mind? You idiot!"

Then she began yelling at him in Russian and throwing her arms around, clearly showing off her frustration with the man standing in front of her.

"Hey, what's she saying to him?" Sam asked Bucky.

"You don't wanna know," Bucky told him.

"It's bad, really bad. The kinda stuff that would get me grounded," Dmitri told him.

"Well?" the woman questioned. "Are you not going to say anything?"

Instead of responding with words, Zemo kissed her. She stood still for a moment but began kissing him back, obviously happy—but still very angry—to have him back.

"Sam, Bucky, this is Y/N Y/L/N," Zemo introduced after they pulled away from the kiss. "My wife."

"Wife?!" Bucky and Sam exclaimed at the same time.

"Dude, you're married?" Sam asked.

"Wait, did you just say 'Bucky'?" Y/N questioned Zemo. "As in, Bucky Barnes, the Winter Soldier?"

"I'm not the Winter Soldier anymore," Bucky spoke up.

Y/N walked up to him and he was worried that she was going to attack him or something but instead she hugged him tightly.

"I am so sorry for everything you went through," she apologized. "For everything my husband put you through."

When she finished the sentence she glared at Zemo.

"You are not a bad person and you never have been. I hope you know that," Y/N told Bucky with a reassuring smile.

Bucky couldn't explain why but her words put him at ease and for a moment, he almost believed them.

"Why are you guys here anyway?" she asked, after walking away from Bucky and back to Zemo.

"We need a place to recuperate and come up with a solid plan," Zemo told her.

"Of course you do," Y/N sighed. "The first time you're home in seven years and you are already in some sort of trouble. Dmitri, show Mr Bucky and Mr Sam to the guest room."

Dmitri happily nodded before holding Sam and Bucky's hand and leading them to the guest room.

Y/N was about to go back upstairs when Zemo stopped her by holding her hand. She back to him and looked at him expectantly.

"I'm sorry, Y/N," he apologized.

"Sorry?" she questioned. "What exactly are you sorry for? Joining Hydra in the first place? Brainwashing an innocent man into unwillingly committing heinous acts? Or getting arrested and abandoning me with our child for seven years?"

"All of it," he said. "Everything. In prison, I had a lot of time to think and reflect on everything I've done.

You and Dmitri are the only things I ever did right and I was a fool to risk all of that for the Winter Soldier programme."

"You really mean that? Like, genuinely?"

"Of course I do," he told Y/N.

"Then... I suppose... due to the fact that you're genuine... I forgive you," she reluctantly said.

Zemo smiled and kissed her cheek happily.

"And since we're on the topic of apologies; I am sorry for slapping you across the face."

"I deserved it," Zemo shrugged. "Thank you, Y/N."

"No problem, my wonderful idiot of a husband."

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