Falling {Harry Styles}

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"Hey!" you and Harry greeted enthusiastically then you laughed.

"Harry, I was supposed to say 'Hey'," you playfully complained.

"Right. Sorry about that. Go ahead," he said.

"Hey!" you two said in unison again.

"Harry!" you scolded.

"What?" he asked.

"Ugh, whatever. You've reached—"

"The Styles household," Harry interrupted.

"We didn't agree on that name," you told him.

"I mean, we all know it's inevitable so what's the point of avoiding it?"

"We're not home right now so—"

"So leave a message!"

"I hate you."

"No, you don't," Harry sang.

You gave him a kiss.

"And I never could."


"I see you still kept the message we recorded together," Harry began. "It seems like forever ago now. I know my voice is probably the last one you want to hear and as soon as you hear this you might delete it. I don't blame you. I can't blame you. It was all my fault."


"I was at the park today and saw a woman throw a coin into the fountain. She reminded me of you. Her face was so heavy and her shoulders were slumped but her eyes..." he sniffled. "They still held hope. More than I've seen in a while."


"Knock knock," Harry slurred.
"Who's there?" he asked in a high pitched voice.
"Harry," he said in his normal voice.
"Harry who?"
"Harry up and answer my calls Y/N!" he joked then burst into laughter.


"I'm sorry about my previous message. It was a mistake. Bad things happen when I'm drunk but I guess you already knew that," he said then let out a humourless chuckle. "I'm such an idiot. I didn't mean it. I should've never gone to that party. I should've never gotten drunk. And most of all, I should've never... ever cheated on you."


"I'm starting to think you are home and just ignoring my calls on purpose, Y/N. I get why you don't want to talk me, I do, but I am still madly in love with you and I can't help calling you. I would give up the universe and more just to hear your voice again. But anyways, I'll talk to you later. "


"I wrote a song about you. Well, about us really but mostly you and I'm aware that I've written way too many songs about you and this isn't the last one. I just think you should listen to it, is all. It's called Falling."


"Y/N, this is the last time I'm calling. And I mean it this time. I'm not helping anyone by calling you, in fact I'm just hurting us both. I still love you and I always will."


You sat in the living room with your back to the wall, knees pulled to your your chest and tears streaming down your face.

That last message was made a month ago and here you were, still listening to all these old messages.

You couldn't get over him. There were so many moments where you wanted to swallow your pride and just answer the phone but something's always stopped you and now you were regretting it deeply.

Meanwhile on the other side of the world, Harry was looking at old pictures of you two with his back against the wall and tears streaming down his face.

In the public eye he always seemed so happy and energetic but behind closed doors, he was broken. He was falling. And so were you.

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