Homecoming {Peter Parker}

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*Spider-Man: Homecoming*

You were just chilling in your room, listening to The Ramones while working on the updates for your super-suit when you heard a knock on your door.

"Friday, open the door," you said, not once looking up from your work.

Friday did as asked and a downhearted Peter shuffled in.

"Y/N?" he sniffled.

Freaking out, you jumped up and quickly covered up your blueprints.

"Peter! What are you doing here? And are you... crying?" you asked.

Suddenly your blueprints didn't seem that important anymore. You rushed to his side and lead him to your bed where he just dropped onto it.

"Friday, stop the music!" you commanded then turned back to your distraught friend. "What happened?"

"I lost the Stark Internship," Peter told you.

You gasped.

"Oh my gosh, Peter, I'm so sorry. Is there anything I can do to fix this?" you asked.

"No, your dad made it pretty clear," Peter answered solemnly.

"Well, he can't just end it like that. Damnit, I'm a Stark too. I should've had a say in this too," you said, slowly getting angry. "There's no way this is happening. Not on my watch."

You then stood up angrily and placed your hands on your hips while pacing around.

"Friday, call 'Dumbass'," you said.

"I cannot reach your father, Ms Stark. Would you like to leave him a message?" Friday asked.

"I'd like to leave him more than a message," you muttered under your breath before answering Friday with a 'yes'.

"You may now leave your message."

"What up, Anthony?" you began. "Guess who I'm with right now? Peter freaking Parker. And guess what he just told me? You removed him from the Stark Internship. Now, I'm confused because I have just as much a say in what goes on with the internship as you do! How can you fire Spider-Man without asking what I thought about it?"

Peter quickly straightened his posture and stood up.

"Wait, what?" he asked. "You knew?"

"Of course, I knew. Who do you think made you the suit?" you asked, barely glancing at him. "Now, back to the matter at hand; how dare you, Anthony? You had no right to remove Peter from the internship!"

"Y/N," Peter said.

"And another thing! Where the hell did you get those clothes that you obviously gave him after taking away his suit? Like damn, dad, you could've at least hooked the dude up with some Versace. I know you had some on you. You always do!"

"Y/N," Peter repeated, a little louder this time.

"You made him cry, you know that? When I first saw him I thought I was looking at Pepe the Frog. Do you know how badly you need to make someone cry for them to look like a meme? You're wrong for that, Anthony Edward Stark. That's right, I'm bringing in the government name."

"Y/N!" Peter exclaimed.


"Stop it, please just stop," he pleaded before falling back onto your bed.

Your expression softened and you felt yourself get less angry. You sighed, knowing this message wasn't going to help anyone.

"You know what, Friday? Don't send the message."

"Very well, Ms Stark," the AI said.

You laid down next to Peter and turned to face him and he did the same.

"I'm sorry," you told him.

"It's okay."

"Maybe... maybe you no longer being Spider-Man doesn't have to be a bad thing."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, it's taken up so much of your time. You've been missing school, you haven't been hanging out with your friends as much and you've quit all of your after-school activities. Not being Spider-Man would allow you to get back to that," you explained. "Plus, you'd have more time to get yourself prepared for homecoming."

"Homecoming was the last thing on my mind. I don't even have a date," Peter told you.

"Me neither," you told him, subtly hinting at the fact that you wanted to go with him.

"Would you... would you maybe like to go...together ?" he asked you nervously.

You smiled at him while blushing.

"I would like that, Peter."

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