Me and My Husband {Barry Allen}

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*The Flash*
Part 2 to 'Washing Machine Heart'

"Y/N, I'm so sorry."
"You weren't supposed to find out this way."
"It didn't mean anything."
"I love you so much."
"It was a mistake."
"We didn't mean to hurt you."
"Please don't leave me."
"Can we please try to fix this?"
"Maybe we should try couple's therapy."

"Okay," you answered in a monotonous tone.

"Is it really?" the therapist asked you.

"What?" you asked, snapping out of your daze.

"I asked you how you felt your relationship was going and you said 'okay'. Is it really okay?" the therapist asked.

You looked over to Barry and saw him looking at you with a worried expression. You reached over and placed your hand on top of his before plastering a huge smile on your face and turning back to Dr Smith.

"You know what? I was wrong. It's more than okay. It's great. Wonderful even," you lied.

"Is that true, Mr Allen?" Dr Smith asked.

Barry looked at your worriedly before turning back to Dr Smith and also smiling at her.

"Yeah, it is. We're doing so much better," Barry lied.

Dr Smith looked at you suspiciously but didn't question you two further as your session was already over.

"Okay then, see you next week."

"See you then, Dr Smith. Goodbye!"

The car ride back home was filled with awkward silence. You couldn't exactly pinpoint why but you started sobbing uncontrollably.

Barry didn't know what to do so he just carried on driving and turned to face you when he pulled up in the driveway.

"Y/N-" he began, only to be interrupted by you.

"Get out," you said through your tears. "Just leave me alone."

Barry nodded solemnly and headed into the house.

A few hours passed and once you got yourself back together, you took a deep breath and went into the house and saw Barry sitting on the couch.

"Y/N, we need to talk," Barry said.

You nodded and sat next to him but there was a notable space between you two.

He reached out to hold your hand but you pulled away. It broke his heart but he understood why you did it.

"We can't keep lying, Y/N," he began. "To Dr Smith. To everyone. We are not okay and we aren't getting better. We don't even sleep in the same room anymore."

"Yeah, well whose fault is that?" you retaliated. "Don't act like this is coming out of nowhere, Barry. You cheated! You hurt me!"

"I know and I'm sorry. I am so sorry I hurt you," he apologized while tears began streaming down his face.

"You told me I had nothing to worry about, that I was seeing things. I thought I was losing it. And when I caught you two, it felt like my whole world was crumbling.

All those lonely nights I've spent crying myself to sleep, all those intrusive thoughts about you and Iris, all the doubts that you planted in my mind! All of it was for nothing! You messed me up so bad, I still thought that I was just seeing things but I wasn't. Iris is a bad friend, Barry but you're an even worse husband. And I don't know if I can ever forgive you."

And with that, you went up to your previously shared room, locked the door and hid yourself under the covers.

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