It's Never Over Until It Is {Grant Gustin}

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The room was quiet. You were on the couch, staring at the TV in front of you and Grant was sitting with his back against the wall and his head in his hands.

You two had just finished an argument but it wasn't just an argument. It was a full blown fight, filled with verbal, emotional, mental and almost physical abuse but thankfully it didn't get that far.

Maybe in another time this fight wouldn't have been such a big deal but it was your fifth one this week and the other four were exactly like this. It's gotten so bad that you two couldn't stand being in a room together for more than a few minutes, let alone sharing a bed with each other. You two still lived together but it was like you didn't.

You opened your mouth to say something but got stopped by your phone ringing. You got off the couch and went to answer it in the kitchen.

"Hello?" you asked.

"Girl, where are you?" your best friend asked you.

"Hemera, what are you talking about?"

"Our double date. You and Grant are meeting me and David today. Remember?" she reminded you with an annoyed tone.

Once you remembered the promise you made to her a month ago, you face palmed and let out a sigh.

"I totally forgot. Hemera, I'm sorry. Grant and I can't come today," you told her.

"Why not?" you heard someone ask, but it wasn't Hemera.

You turned around and saw Grant standing there. You put Cara on hold.

"You know exactly why," you stated.

"No, I don't," he said. "Please enlighten me."

"Not now, Grant. Please, not now," you pleaded.

"If not now then when?" Grant asked.

"Like twenty minutes ago. Or earlier on this week. That's when," you retorted. "I just don't think that we should be around other people when we barely —"

"Want to be around each other?" Grant finished. "Yeah, I get it. That's why I called an Uber to come get me."

"What?" you asked.

"I bought an apartment on the other side of town. Most of my stuff is already there. You can keep the rest," Grant said.

Then he walked out of the house and maybe even out of your life.


These past few weeks were good for you but also very hard. It was weird not having Grant around but it was worth it if it meant no more toxicity in your life.

You hadn't seen Grant in all these weeks and apparently neither had anyone else. No one knows how his doing or what he's doing. He didn't call any of his friends or family. It worried you a lot but there was nothing you could do. This break up was for the best, right? Right?

Your thoughts were interrupted by your phone ringing. You answered it and heard someone crying on the other end.

"Hello?" you questioned.

"Y/N!" they cried.

"Hemera? What's wrong?" you asked.

"They got him," she cried. "His was on his way home when he was pulled over by some cops then they shot him."

"Hemera, who?" you asked again.

Your heart started beating out of your chest and your vision started to get blurry. Was she talking about Grant? Did he get shot?

"Daniel," she cried.

As evil as it might sound, you were kind of relieved but still incredibly worried. You had been friends with Daniel for a long time. He's the one that introduced you to Grant. They've been best friends for years.

"Oh my God, where are you?" you asked.

"I'm still at home. I'm too scared to leave. I need you here please," she pleased.

"Alright, I'll be right over."


You burst into the house and started frantically searching for Hemera but with no such luck.

"Hemera!" you called out.

"Daniel!" another voice yelled but you were too worried to notice.





Eventually, you did hear the other voice and felt kinda scared but that didn't stop you.

"Hemera?" you questioned.

"Daniel?" the other voice questioned.

Apparently they were pretty scared too.

You decided to go check in Hemera and Daniel's room and so did the voice. When you entered, you saw Grant standing there.

"Grant?" you asked.

He turned around and widened his eyes when he saw you.

"Y/N? What are you doing here?" he asked.

"Hemera told me that Daniel got shot," you answered. "And why are you here?"

"Daniel told me Hemera was involved in a car accident," Grant said.

Once you both realized that you got played, you started laughing hard. When you calmed down you both smiled at each other.

"They played us," Grant said.

"Like fools," you agreed.

"I ran like four red lights to get here," Grant said.

"I couldn't stop crying my entire way here," you laughed while wiping away your tears.

"Wanna know the craziest part?" Grant asked. "When Daniel called and he said 'she got hurt', I thought it was you and I literally felt my heart stop beating."

"When I thought Hemera was talking about you, mine couldn't stop," you admitted.

"I miss you!" you and Grant exclaimed at the same time.

"Wow, I thought I was the only one," you stated.

Grant shook his head and walked up to you.

"These past few weeks, the only thing on my mind was you and how I messed everything up."

"No, " you protested. "You didn't mess us up. I did. I kept picking unnecessary fights with you over nothing."

"I entertained those fights. I didn't try to fix anything. I guess we both messed up, huh?"

You hugged Grant tightly and he held you like he never wanted to let you go.

"I wanna get back together, Grant," you told him.

"I do, too," he said.

"Oh shit," you groaned.


"We owe Daniel and Hemera big time. They're never gonna let us live this down."

Grant laughed and kissed you passionately. You kissed him back, happy to have him in your life again.

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