Real Life Love Interest {Aaron Taylor-Johnson}

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"Action!" the director yelled.

"It's not that bad Ariane!" Aaron yelled.

"Not that bad, Nathan? I left you behind for two months and I come back, you got another girl pregnant!" you screamed back.

"It was an accident," he defended while running his fingers through his hair in frustration.

"Oh, so you were walking, you tripped and your dick accidentally landed in her vagina. My bad," you remarked sarcastically.

Aaron was about to say something else but he smiled and that smile lead to a chuckle and the chuckle lead to a full blown laugh.

You tried to stay serious but ended up laughing instead.

"Cut!" the director yelled. "Y/N, Aaron, this is the third time today!"

"I'm sorry, Greg but I can't help it. This scene is too much," Aaron apologized.

"And you, Y/N? What's your excuse?"

"I didn't have breakfast this morning," you said.

"Okay, I think we need to take a break," Greg groaned before walking away.

Aaron turned to you with a smile. You gave him a fake angry look.

"What's wrong love?" he asked.

"Don't 'love' me. I'm mad at you," you said.

He started poking your sides and telling you to stop being mad at him. You caved and started laughing.

"Fine! Just stop poking me," you said.

"So, lunch?" he questioned.

"What?" you asked.

"You said you didn't have breakfast. So, let's go and have lunch," Aaron said.

You thought about it for a moment before agreeing. Aaron smiled widely and took to the diner closest to the set.

"I'll have a chocolate croissant with a coffee and the lady will have the breakfast special with a passion fruit and granadilla drink," Aaron ordered.

"We stopped serving breakfast at 11:30,"the waitress said.

"Come on..." Aaron stopped to read the waitress' name tag. "Antoinette. Do it for me. Please."

He gave her puppy dog eyes and she reluctantly gave in and agreed to get you a breakfast special. She walked away and said she'd be back soon.

"Aaron," you began.

"Hm?" he hummed.

"You need to stop getting distracted all the time. It's hindering film making," you told him.

"What? Name one time, other than today where I got distracted," he said.

"There was last week when you would start randomly singing," you listed.

"It's not my fault. I had just listened to the Rocket Man soundtrack and I couldn't help myself," he said. "Plus, you also sang with me."

"Only 'cause Elton John is the shit," you defended. "What about yesterday when you told me to go on an adventure with you and we ended up getting lost."

"But that was fun so it doesn't count," Aaron said. "In fact, all the times we got distracted were fun so they don't count either."

You rolled your eyes at him.

"Whatever, Aaron. Let's just rehearse our lines while we're here okay?" you suggested.

"Okay, cool," he shrugged.

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