Lie To Me {Luke Hemmings}

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The banquet hall where the charity gala was being held was filled to the brim with celebrities, snobs and millionaires. You felt so out of place here.

You would much rather be at a club or a bar or something but your man invited you here and you just couldn't say no,  especially after he spent a hundred thousand dollars on your dress and jewellery.

The night started off pretty well. You got to meet celebrities, rub elbows with the rich and fancy and eat all sorts of expensive, exotic foods. But then, somewhere during the night, you lost your partner and were left wandering through the huge crowd until you bumped into someone.

They spilt some champagne on your dress and instantly tried to clean it up while apologizing.

"No, this dress was so expensive!" you exclaimed.

The person looked up to you and both of you were in shock.

"Y/N?" you both asked in unison.

"What are you doing here?" you asked him.

"I come to events like this all the time," he answered.

"You never took me to things like this," you thought out loud.

"That's because I knew you'd be uncomfortable. The huge crowd. The rich people. The bright cameras outside. I couldn't do that to you."

You smiled at him gently.

"What are you doing here?" he asked.

"I'm here with someone," you replied, failing to mention that that 'someone' was your significant other of six months.

"Well, you look great," he said, taking notice of your look.

You were wearing a red, one sleeved, floor-length mermaid dress with sliver diamond stilettos, a diamond necklace with matching earrings and your weave was styled in a sleek bun with flattering bangs.

"Thanks," you blushed. "So do you."

You two then kept quiet, which lead to an incredibly awkward silence.

"You know when I said I was here with someone?" you spoke up. "I meant I was here with my—"

"Babe," someone interrupted.

Your partner showed up outta nowhere and kissed your temple then full on kissed you on your lips.

"There you are. I've been looking for you everywhere," he said then faced Luke and acted surprised to see him there. "You gonna introduce me to your friend?"

"Um, yeah," you said. "Denver, this Luke. Luke, this is my fiance, Denver."

Denver and Luke went to shake hands.

"Denver White; philanthropist, genius, billionaire," Denver introduced obnoxiously while squeezing Luke's hand trying to intimidate him. "Basically Tony freaking Stark."

"Fiance," Luke repeated, seeing as that was the only thing that stuck with him. "You're getting married?"

You opened your mouth to answer but Denver spoke up, interrupting you.

"Yep, sure are," he said. "Next weekend. Save the date."

"Next weekend?" you asked.

This was news to you.

"Since whe—"

"Since we discussed it, babe. Remember?" he asked as he kissed your temple. "Well, I'm gonna go get you a drink now. See you in a moment. Let me guess, red wine?"

"Actually, I don't —"

Then he walked away before you could finish.

"Want red wine because it..."

"Makes me/you bloated," you and Luke finished in unison.

"So, that is the guy you're marrying?" Luke asked. "Seems like a catch."

"He's really a great guy once you get to know him," you said.

Actually, you lied. You hated the bastard but you had no other choice. Your family and his family arranged for you two to get married, seeing as his family was incredibly wealthy your family was incredibly not.

Your family told you to dump Luke so you could be with him and when you refused, they threatened to cut all ties with you. As toxic as they were, they were still your family and you couldn't bare to be torn away from them so you agreed.

"Do you love him?" Luke asked.

Biting your tongue and avoiding Luke's eyes, you slowly nodded.

"Are you happy?"

"Okay, I'm back and they ran out of red wine, so I got you this juice box instead. It's grape flavoured so, potato, potato," Denver said.

"Thanks," you said with a fake smile.

Fortunately, Denver couldn't tell the difference between your fake smile and your real one. Unfortunately, Luke could.

"Come on, let's go. This party's vibe is dying down anyways. How about we go home and have a little fun?" he asked loud enough for Luke to hear, adding a slap to your ass and a grab.

"Sure," you answered.

"Perfect," he smirked. "See you later, Puke."

"It's Luke actually," Luke corrected.

"What is?"

"Never mind," Luke said with a fake smile.

Denver muttered a, 'whatever' and pulled you away by your arm.

You turned back to look at Luke one last time and by the look in your eyes, he could tell exactly what you were trying to say.

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