The Difference {Jude McGregor}

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*Noughts & Crosses*

"Alright, gather around everyone," Dorn commanded.

Everyone stood at attention in front of him.

"I've got a very important friend joining us here. So I want you to show her some respect."

"It's a chick then," one of the males whispered to the others.

"I wonder if she's fit," another said.

Then they all snickered.

"Hey, shut up! What did I just say to you?" Dorn asked. "Anyways, say hello our newest member, Y/N Y/L/N."

You walked in and understandably, everyone was confused. They expected another Nought like them but nope, here you were; a Cross with mischievous smirk on her face and several tattoos.

"Oy, Dorn. Is this supposed to be a joke 'cause it's not funny," Jude said.

"It's not a joke McGregor. This is our newest member," Dorn responded.

You gave them a little wave and a wide smile.

"It's a pleasure to meet you all, really it is," you greeted. "I understand you all have your reservations about me and that's fine. I'm not here to make friends, only a change. Any questions?"

"Yeah, I've got one," Jude spoke up as he mockingly raised his hand. "Don't you Daggers have enough? Now, you've got to come in here, stomping your big boots, acting like you own everything. I don't like it. Matter of fact, I don't like you."

You walked up to Jude and got right in face then with a smile you said,

"You must be Jude. Ooh, I'm gonna have fun with you."

Then you patted his face and walked away.


You were training while listening to some music when suddenly your headphones were yanked off. You were going to yell at whoever it was but then he spoke up which stopped you.

"Either you train with me or get out," Jude said.

Your anger melted away and a wide grin filled your face.

"My, my, my," you began. "Are you, Jude McGregor, asking me, a Cross, to spar with you?"

Jude rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"Do you want to train or not?"

"Of course I do," you smiled.

You then took off your socks and sneakers and stripped away your sweaty T-shirt, leaving you only in your tights and sports bra.

Jude won't even lie to himself, he looked— no, he gawked. You had a gorgeous body and it looked better with the light reflecting off the specks of sweat.

You saw Jude looking and instead of saying anything you just chuckled.

"Let's get to it then," you said.

Jude threw the first punch but you easily ducked. He tried again only to get the same result. Now frustrated, he tried to kick you down but you were two steps ahead of him. You grabbed his leg and flipped him over with it.

You crouched down and with a mocking tone asked,

"Aw, does the little baby have a boo boo? Want me to kiss it away for you?"

Jude just growled and swung for you. This time he was really close to hitting your face.

"Whoa, calm down, McGregor. I was just joking," you said.

He pushed himself up and went back into a fighting stance.

"You wanna know something about me, McGregor?" you asked rhetorically. "I have respect for everyone, regardless of their race, gender, sexual preference. I only have a problem with someone when they have a problem for me for no good reason but you, McGregor, you can't stand me, just because I'm a Cross."

Then you swung for him and caught him right in the jaw and while he was distracted, you put him in a headlock and pulled him down to the mat. You released him from the hold and straddled his waist. You got really close to his face so that your noses were touching.

"Like for example, I don't have a problem with us being in this position right now," you said as you ran your hand up and down his chest. "In fact, I kinda like this."

Jude actually liked it too. You were the most bad ass woman he'd ever met and not to mention, incredibly attractive. Despite the fact that you're a Cross.

"But you," you continued. "You probably hate this and you're gonna hate this even more."

You kissed him and he kissed back. He placed his hands on your waist and pulled your body closer to his. Just as he was getting into it, you pulled away.

"And that, is the difference between you and me."

Then you got off of him, picked up your shoes and shirt and walked out.

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