I Think I Wanna Marry You {Seth Rollins}

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I woke up to the feeling of warm lips to my face. Then my neck. Then my chest. Then my... you get the point. I woke up to a bunch of kisses. I opened my eyes and smiled immediately at the sight in front of me. My handsome boyfriend was staring back at me with a beautiful smile on his face.

"Aah, Sleeping Beauty finally wakes," he joked.

I just smiled back and playfully rolled my eyes before getting out of bed. I stretched my body while still maintaining eye contact with Colby.

"Well if I'm Sleeping Beauty then does that mean you're my Prince Charming?" I asked him back.

"I sure hope so, or else you're visiting the wrong person's family tomorrow," he replied.

I laughed at his answer and walked out of our room to our connected bathroom. I brushed my teeth and when I was done, got undressed for the shower and put on my shower cap. I turned on the water and waited for the perfect temperature. When it was, I stepped in. I washed my body before feeling one behind mine. I turned around to face him.

"Really, Colby? Now?" I asked.

"Yeah, why not? The water's perfect, the mood is perfect, you're perfect..." he trailed off as his hands started traveling below my hips.

I slapped his hands away and stepped out of the shower. I wrapped my body in a towel and walked back into our room where I moisturized my body. Colby walked in a few moments later with a towel wrapped around his hips.

"You know, what you did in there was really mean."

I softly giggled at his choice of words.

"Mean? Nuh-uh mister. What's mean is me having to wake up to that," I gestured to his body. "Everyday."

"You're right. It's mean to every fan girl who wishes they were dating Seth Freakin' Rollins!" he said.

"Or just to my eyes," I mumbled.

"What was that?" Colby asked me and I shook my head. "No, I think I heard you say something babe. Care to repeat it?"

I stopped what I was doing and slowly turned to face him. I knew what was coming so as quick as the Flash I tried to make a run for it but Colby anticipated my move and got to me first. He grabbed me by my waist and gently threw me on the bed. He jumped on me but used his elbows to lift himself up so he couldn't hurt me.

I tried to escape but it was all in vain because I was trapped. I knew it and unfortunately, so did Colby. He lifted up both of his arms and brought that back to my sides where he then tickled me. I started laughing so hard that I began to sound like a dying walrus. Yep, that's what I probably looked and sounded like at the moment. A dying walrus with tears streaming down her face.

"Okay, okay, okay! I'm sorry for saying what I did! I'm sorry!" I apologized to my best of my ability. "Now please, stop!"

And just like that his hands disappeared from my sides. My eyes were closed as I tried to regain my breath. When I opened them again I saw Colby staring down at me like I was the most beautiful thing on Earth. He leaned down and kissed me. I kissed him back and for that particular moment everything felt right.

After a while Colby pulled away and he started to play with the edge of my towel.

"You know, we could do this thing right here, right now and not have to worry about the hassle of removing clothes."

I smacked my lips at him and pushed him off of me.

"Boy, bye," I said sassily.

"Oh come on Y/N. I'm offering you an opportunity of a lifetime," he whined.

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