I Need You {Niall Horan}

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Your body was moving along with the beat of the song that was currently blasting through the club and the only thought on your mind was how much more booze you could handle before getting truly wasted.

You felt a body come up behind you and grab your hips. Instead of pushing them away, you just began grinding on their crotch.

"Damn, baby girl," the guy behind you groaned. "You move so good."

You leaned back into him so that he could hear you.

"You think I'm good now, you should see how I move with no clothes on," you flirted.

The guy stopped his movements, shocked by your statement. You just giggled and pulled him out of the club to your apartment.


The Sun shone through the window and on your face. You groaned and tried to hide away.

When you felt around the bed, you felt that there was nobody next to you. You removed the blanket and saw that there was, in fact, nobody there.

"Really? Not even a note?" you asked yourself. "Rude."

You got out of bed, slipped on an oversized hoodie, brushed your teeth and headed into the kitchen.

"Hey! How are you!" your roommate, Melanie yelled.

"Mel," you winced. "Quiet down."

"Oh, I'm sorry," she apologized. "Do you have another hangover?!"

"You suck," you said and she just laughed at your expense. "What's for breakfast?"

"Well, I decided to start us off with a simple serving of, 'You blew our grocery money on booze'," she stated sarcastically.

"I did, didn't I?" you asked.

"Yep, you did. So that's why you're working my shift today," Mel said.

"What?" you asked. "Mel, no."

"Y/N, yes."



"What if I see him there?" you asked.

"Uh, I'm counting on it," she told you. "So your dumb ass can apologise."

"Why would I apologise? I did nothing wrong," you said.

"You did everything wrong!" Mel exclaimed. "You ignored him, you cheated on him, you used him for his money and after all of that, you left him in the middle of the night with no explanation."

You shrugged.

"Well, he knew what he was getting into when he started dating me."

"And what? That's supposed to justify your actions?" Mel asked you. "Oh boo hoo, I've had a hard life. I've been hurt so many times so that gives me the right to hurt other people no matter how much I love them or they love me because I'm a badass bitch who only looks out for number one."

You just kept quiet and looked at Melanie with a hurt expression on your face.

"Aw, what's wrong?" she asked mockingly. "Did I hit too close to home? Did I hurt your feelings? Good, 'cause that's how you've made everybody else feel."

"If that's the case, then why are you still here?" you asked her.

"Because you're my best friend and I love you," she said. "And Niall still loves you too so you either fix things with him or I'm kicking you out."


Your feet were hurting from being on them all day and you were ready to just go home. Fortunately, you only had one table to go.

"Hi, may I take your order?" you asked while looking down at your notepad.

"Y/N?" you heard a familiar Irish accent ask.

When you looked up, you saw your Niall holding a menu.

"Niall," you breathed out. "Hi."

"You look great," he complimented.

"Thanks," you said. "So what will you be eating?"

"Nothing," he answered. "I didn't come here for the food. Melanie told me you'd be working her shift and that you had something you wanted to tell me."

"Mel told you that?" you asked and he nodded.

'I am going to kill her,' you thought to yourself.

"Yeah, I have something to tell you but I can't do it out here. We need to go to the back."

You led the way and Niall followed you to back. When you reached the alley, you pinned him against the wall and began making out with him.

When you started kissing along his neck, Niall decided to ask you what you were doing.

"I'm making it up to you," you said then you began working on his belt buckle.

"Stop," Niall said but you kept going. "Stop. Y/N, stop it!"

You pulled away from him with a confused expression.

"What's wrong with you?" he asked.

"What's wrong with me?" you repeated. "What's wrong with you? Isn't this what you want?"


"But all my exes wanted sex in exchange for forgiveness and that's always what I gave them," you explained.

"Y/N, are you hearing yourself? That isn't right. You deserve so much better than that."

"Shut up," you told Niall.

"No, I won't," he said. "Because I'm speaking the truth. You deserve so much better than what you had and you deserve much better than what you have now."

"Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up," you kept repeating while hitting Niall's chest.

Niall pulled you close to him and you immediately broke down. Niall slowly rocked you back and forth to calm you down.

"Why?" you asked. "Why are you so good to me?"

"Because you deserve the whole universe but no one's ever given it to you," Niall answered. "I forgive you, Y/N."

You began shaking your head.

"You hear that? I forgive you and you should forgive yourself and all the people that have ever hurt you."

You nodded and just let Niall hold you.

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