There For You {Brad Pitt}

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~ Requested ~

"No, there's supposed to be 500 people coming, not 350. How could you mess that up?" you asked over the phone. "Listen, I don't care where you get the extra chairs, just get them. This was supposed to be sorted out hours —no— days ago."

Then you hung up angrily and dialled up someone else.

"Johnathan!" you yelled. "I'm at the venue. Where is my screen? The stage is set up, most of the chairs are here, the lights and sound equipment are ready. The only thing missing is the fricking screen. Get it here in the next two hours or I'm coming after you with a bag of razors and bucket of lemon juice. "

After hanging up from that call you dialled up someone else.

"Denise, where's my catering?" you asked. "What? That's like four hours away. The festival is starting in three. Be honest with me, can you find a miraculous way to deliver on time? Because if you can't, I'll happily find someone else. Good, I'll see you in two and a half hours."

You hung up again, thinking you were finally done with the stressful calls but then your phone rang. Not looking at the Caller ID you answered.

"What? What is it?" you asked curtly.

"Whoa, if you're busy I can call back later," your boyfriend said.

"Brad? No, no, no, no. Please don't. I'm pretty sure right now you are the only thing that can keep me sane right now," you told him.

He chuckled over the phone.

"It's that bad, huh?" he asked.

"It's worse. I would much rather be at home, cuddled in your arms, watching Zoolander," you whined.

"I know," he said.

"So, why did you call me? Good news, I hope."

"No, not really," he replied. "The kids aren't gonna be able to make it. Angelina made plans with them for tonight."

"Aw, that sucks," you said. "I was looking forward to meeting and spending time with them."

"I know but hey, you still have me."

"I would much rather have the kids," you joked.

Brad let out a dramatic gasp on the other side of the phone.

"You can't see it but I am incredibly offended by that statement."

You laughed.

"Hey, I've got to go. See you later, okay?" you told him.

"Yeah, see ya."


You felt great. You managed to get the 500 chairs you asked for, the catering had arrived and it was delicious, the projector and screen were set up and ready to go, the sky was beautiful and starry with no chance of rain, most of the guests had arrived and were finding their seats, you took a relaxing shower and looked great.

Your hair was in two space buns and your edges were laid to perfection. You were wearing a short, flowing, silk forest green dress with a deep slit down the middle that showed off your cleavage paired with silver hoop earrings, a matching necklace Brad bought you and black All Stars. You had on some concealer, green eyeshadow, mascara, blush and lip gloss.

Right now, you were waiting for Brad to arrive and when he finally did, you jumped into his arms. He laughed and spun you around. He kissed you passionately and gently set you down.

When you two pulled away he rested his forehead on yours while you held his face and lightly ran your thumb along his cheek.

"I missed you so much," he whispered.

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