Moving On part 2 {Barney Stinson}

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*How I Met Your Mother*

You were so tired. Less than just five minutes ago, you had given birth to yours and Barney's baby girl and decided to rest your eyes for just a minute. Barney thought you were sleeping and decided to start talking to the baby he held in his arms.

"Hi, baby," he cooed. "I'm your dad and that sleeping lady over there is your mom. Not saying that this should affect any way you feel about her but you should definitely take it into consideration when picking your favourite parent."

He then used his free hand to point to himself and mouth the words, 'pick me'.

"I've wanted a kid for the longest time and now, here you are. I can't wait til you meet all your uncles and aunts and cousins. Oh, and you also have siblings. They're names are Peter and Odessa. Your mom had them with this loser named Chase. I can say that now because your mom and him aren't married anymore," Barney said.

You felt like letting out a little chuckle but didn't want to interrupt their moment.

"Speaking of being married, I know it's a little weird that your mom and I aren't but I'm working on it."

"Wait, what?" you asked, not being able to keep quiet anymore.

"Y/N? How long have you been awake?"

"I've been awake the entire time. I was just resting my eyes," you answered. "What were you talking about when you said you were working on it?"

Barney sighed, knowing he couldn't lie his way out of this one because you've always been the only person who could tell when he was lying no matter how good he was at it.

"I guess there's no point in escaping this," he said before handing you your daughter and running out of the room.

You sat there, with your baby in your arms, feeling puzzled and shocked. You were about to question what just happened when you heard some music playing.

Within a blink of an eye, Marshall, Lily, Ted and Robin walked into the room, dressed in barber shop quartet outfits snapping their fingers and whistling a familiar tune.

"It's a beautiful night, we're looking for something dumb to do
Hey, baby, I think I wanna marry you," Ted sang.

"Is it the look in your eyes or is it this dancing juice?
Who cares, baby?
I think I wanna marry you," Robin continued.

"Don't say no, no, no, no, no," Marshall sang and as he did, a chorus line of showgirls danced in and started doing the Can-Can.

"Just say yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah," Lily continued and as she did, a troupe of gymnasts flipped in and  began doing a series of somersaults.

While all this was happening, it finally made sense to you why Barney had you deliver in your shared apartment rather than a regular hospital room because all of this would have never fitted in one.

"And we'll go, go, go, go
If you're ready
Like I'm ready," your friends sang in unison before going back to just finger snapping and humming.

Then the door opened and in walked Barney, wearing the outfit that Hugh Jackman wore at the beginning of 'The Greatest Showman'.

He kneeled down beside and began singing.

"It's a beautiful night, we're looking for something awesome to do
Hey, Y/N, I really wanna marry you," he sang.

By now, you had tears in your eyes and were about to answer but Barney wasn't done yet.

"For this next trick, I'm going to need a volunteer from the audience," he said, no longer standing on his knees.

Then he turned to you and smiled.

"How about you, lady with the baby?" he asked.

Lily then stepped forward and gently took your baby girl out of your arms. She placed her in the cot beside your bed.

"I have in my hands a box," Barney announced before showing off the box.

It was a fairly small velvet box that one would use to place an engagement ring.

He then opened it.

"Notice how it's empty," he said as he showed everyone.

He closed it again and began saying an incantation of sorts. He threw it into the air and it exploded into a puff of smoke.

"Excuse me, good sir," Barney said, facing Marshall. "Would you mind giving me your watch?"

"I don't have a wat—" Marshall began but stopped when he saw a shiny, silver Rolex on his wrist.

He gasped and gave it Barney.

"And, you, young lady standing next to him. Would you kindly lend me your necklace?" he asked Lily.

"I'm not wearing a—" she also began but stopped when she felt it around her neck.

She also took it off and handed it to Barney. He then walked up to Ted and pulled a different box from behind his ear. He placed the necklace and watch into it then began shaking it while chanting yet another incantation.

"Excuse me, Miss, would you mind looking into this box and telling me what you see?" he asked Robin.

Robin looked inside and answered with a,


"Exactly. Nothing! Wait, nothing?" Barney questioned.

He then began scrambling around and told everybody to do the same. You almost began looking until you felt something heavy on your ring finger.

You gasped at the gorgeous Y/FAVOURITE/GEMSTONE ring placed on your finger.

Barney smiled and went back on his knees in front of you.

"So what do you say, Y/N? Will you marry me?"

You were bawling at this point and could barely get a word out so instead, you nodded.

"Yeah?" he asked and you just nodded again.

He smiled, got off of his knees and kissed you while everyone around him cheered.


"And that is how your dad proposed to me," you told your daughter before kissing her forehead.

"That was a really long story. All I said was, 'your ring is really pretty'. I didn't ask for its life story," she complained.

You just laughed at her.

"But did dad really get gymnasts and showgirls to dance there?" she asked.

"He sure did," you nodded.

"And he did that whole magic trick?"


"And you still married him?" she asked you. "He sounds like a wackadoodle."

"I feel offended by that," Barney said as he walked into your daughter's room. "I'll have you know that your mother loved that proposal."

"Almost as much as I loved you," you smiled before kissing Barney.

"But why?"

"Because that proposal was legen... wait for it..."

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