I Think I'm Okay {Nate Maloley}

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The party was loud. So loud that Skate could barely hear his thoughts, which was good because that was what he needed right now. Even though the music coming out the loud speakers were helping, they weren't good enough. He needed something else to distract him from the mess that was his life. Maybe the alcohol and drugs that were waiting for him in the kitchen would help.

Without another thought, he ran into the kitchen and grabbed the first beer he saw. When that finished, he chugged another and another and another until there wasn't a single drop of beer left in the kitchen. Realising that it wasn't enough either he eyed the white lines on the counter.

As soon as he got close enough, he snorted the first line of his sweet release. He loved it. In fact he loved it so much he snorted the other four lines. The other people in the kitchen started cheering him on as if this was entertaining.

A guy that Skate had never seen before walked up to him and patted his back like he was his friend.

"You think that's great, you should try this," he said as he handed him a joint.

Skate grabbed it and took a long drag. He exhaled the smoke and started laughing crazily. He hated this but he couldn't stop, it was all that was helping him right now.

"My man!" the stranger cheered.

Skate cheered with him and moved back to the living room where the music was the loudest. The song currently playing described him perfectly.

'Watch me take a good thing and fuck it all up in one night
Catch me, I'm the one on the run away from the headlights
No sleep, up all week wasting time with people I don't like
I think something's fucking wrong with me'

He started thrashing around to the song. People made room for him in the middle of the 'dance floor'. Everyone was cheering. Well, almost everyone.

You stood in the corner of the room, watching Skate with worried eyes. He'd been like this ever since you two broke up a few days ago. You'd been watching him all night to make sure that nothing bad happened to him. He didn't know you were there if he did he would've caused a whole scene and you didn't want that.

Meanwhile, Skate grabbed a random girl from the crowd and started kissing her. No, scratch that, making out with her. Everyone's cheering got louder while you just got sadder. When they pulled away, the girl looked like she'd just found Jesus whereas he looked worse than before. He stumbled through the crowd and grabbed someone's car keys from the couch.

He snuck out of the front door and you followed after him. You saw him get into a car that wasn't his and start it. You ran into the passenger's seat and grabbed the keys out of his hands.

You two sat in silence for a while before he spoke up.

"What're you doing here Y/N?" he asked.

"Making sure you don't kill yourself," you answered simply, still not looking at him.

"Who said anything about killing myself?" he asked monotonously.

"I saw you in there. All the drinking, smoking. You're obviously intoxicated and you were about to drive this stolen car which would've resulted in you crashing and possibly dying."

The car was silent again.

You rested your left hand on his right hand which was currently gripping the wheel so tightly that his knuckles were white. You could feel him tense up a little. You turned to face him with sad eyes.

"Nate, I'm worried about you," you said.

"You weren't when you left me," he responded.

"Are you fucking kidding me right now? You kicked me out. You broke up with me!" you exclaimed.

.Nate just sneered. He turned to face you and you could see the anger burning in his eyes.

"Because you were going to break up with me anyways so I beat you to it!" he shouted.

"I was never going to leave you!"

"Liar! Everyone leaves me in the end. Why should you be any different?" he cried.

"Because I love you!"

Both of you were shocked into silence. You two had never said those words to each other despite the fact that you've been together for over a year. None of you were ready but now apparently seemed like a really good time to you.

"You love me?" he breathed out.

"Yes, of course I do. I love you Nathan Maloley," you said. "And I know that me admitting to loving you isn't going to suddenly fix anything because that's not how life works but I am willing to wait until you can say it too because—"

"I love you too," he said quietly.

You smiled at him and looked down at the car keys you were holding then the party you two just came from.

"Let's go put the keys back where you found them, take a walk and see where we end up," you suggested.

He nodded and you leaned over to rest your forehead on his.

"I think we're gonna be okay," Nate whispered.

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