Never Gonna Happen {Aiden Williams}

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*All Together Now*

"Y/N interview. Take one."

"Hi, I'm Y/N Y/L/N and I'm from (Y/H/T)," I introduced. "I am currently working as a barista at Starbucks and it's all good and well but not really my passion. I have loved singing and music my whole entire life. To be on 'All Together Now' is honestly a dream come true and I'm just hoping I don't mess it up."


I walked out onto the stage and faced the judges in front of me.

"Hi everyone! My name is Y/N and honestly just being here is a dream come true so I really hope you enjoy my performance."

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Aiden straighten his posture and look directly at me as though he interested. I felt myself blush but I quickly pushed it to the back of my mind.

My music started playing and I began singing.

"There's an angel in the window
On a West Virginia church door swinging open
And it's pointing to the exit sign," I started and I could hear the crowd already start to cheer which gave me a bit more confidence

"Said you'll never walk in water
If you're waiting til the river's frozen over
In a Shanandoa Summer," the lights changed and the judges were able to join in.

The first one to join me was Aiden and I felt my heart skip a beat.

"Well it was almost heaven
Choirs singing in robes of white
And almost heaven
Lovers laying side by side
When we reach forever will there be a place where you and I may call home," I continued while more judges started joining in.

"I'll make room for you
If you stay your eyes on me now
Lover you can lean on me
Love I can lift you higher
Oh I'm making room for you
If you keep your eyes on me now
Lover you can lean on me
Love I can take you higher
Oh I lift you higher," I sang, mentally preparing myself for my big note.

"Oh and it was almost heaven," I belted out as the crowd got louder.

"Oh it was almost heaven
Oh when we reach forever will there be a place where you and I may call home
In heaven
Make a home
In heaven," I finished.

The audience cheered louder than I'd ever heard it and a lot of judges were standing up.

The lights changed again and I saw my score. I felt my knees go weak when I saw the big, bright 95 shining on the screen.

"Congratulations Y/N, you scored a 95 which means you are in the top spot but before that let me just shuffle all the way over here," Rob Bennett said as he moved over to where Bud and Aiden where standing.

"Aiden, you were the first one to stand up. Can you tell us why that is?" he asked.

"She just has this type of voice that interests you. Her tone is so unique, sweet, beautiful..." Aiden stated while looking me in my eyes.

My face heated up badly and I shyly smiled at him.

"Are we still talking about her voice here?" Rob asked then the audience laughed. " 'Cause I'm starting to feel like a third wheel here."

Aiden winked at me while Rob was shuffling over to another judge.

"Paulus, you didn't stand up for Y/N. I mean, it's not really a surprise but still, it's very disappointing."

"I found the performance quite boring to be honest," Paulus said.

The audience booed him and he just shrugged his shoulders.

"What could Y/N have done to better her performance for you."

"Not be boring?" he questioned.

"Ouch," I joked then laughed. "I understand where you're coming from though and at my next performance I'll try to not be boring."

"Could you please?" Paulus asked.


Once the show ended I walked backstage and was about to leave when a familiar voice stopped me.

"Y/N, wait up."

I turned around and saw Aiden. My breath caught in my throat and my palms started to sweat.

"H-hi," I managed to come out. "Aiden, what are you doing here?"

"I just came to see my little star. You were absolutely amazing out there, regardless of what Paulus said," he said.

"Thank you but why are you really here?" I asked him, clearly seeing through his act.

"You got me. I'm not really here to just see you," he confessed.

"Yeah, so I gathered," I giggled.

"I actually came to ask you if you'd like to go out with me sometime."

I smiled and almost immediately agreed but then I realized that it couldn't happen.

"Aiden, I'm so sorry but I can't go out with you."

His face dropped too.

"Oh. No p-problem. I t-to-totally understand. It was dumb to ask anyways—"

"No," I cut him off. "I would love to go out with you but if anyone were to find out then it could hurt my chances of winning and even if no one were to find out, I don't want an unfair advantage."

I leaned up and kissed Aiden on his cheek.

"I understand. Until the competition is over we can't be together but that's fine 'cause I'm willing to wait for you."

He grabbed my hand and placed his lips upon it.

"Until then," he repeated then he walked away.

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