Milkshake And Fries {Jughead Jones}

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"Hey Pops," you greeted the old man.

"Hey, Y/N," he greeted back. "Your order's in the back. I'll just go get it."

"Thanks Pops," you said.

He smiled at you and he went to go fetch your order.

You sighed heavily and took a look around the almost empty Chock'lit Shoppe. The only other person there besides you was Jughead Jones and he was typing away on his laptop as always.

You two hardly ever spoke. You never saw reason to. It's not like you were friends anyway. But tonight, you had a sudden urge to talk to him.

Pops came back with your order. You thanked and paid him and just as you were about to leave you stopped yourself. Instead of walking out the door you slid across Jughead in the booth he was sitting in.

"Mind if I sit here?" you asked.

"What's the point of asking if you're already sitting down?" he asked back without looking up once.

You shrugged your shoulders with a hum before taking out your extra large fries and large (favourite/flavour) milkshake from your brown doggy bag.

Jughead reached over, grabbed some of your fries, and ate them.

"Dude!" you exclaimed.

"You sit at my booth, I eat your fries," he explained.

"You said it was fine," you told him.

"I didn't say it was fine," he told you.

"You didn't say it wasn't either," you retorted.

He lifted his head from his laptop and raised one eyebrow at you. You lifted one back and you two just stared at each other in silence until Jughead spoke up.

"Good point."

And then he went back to typing and eating your fries.

"Whenever I see you at Pops you're always typing away on that laptop," you said.

"And whenever I see you at Pops you're always ordering extra large fries with a large (favourite/flavour) milkshake," he said.

You shrugged.

"I guess I'm just a sucker for fries and milkshakes."

"Then I guess that makes me a sucker for literature."

"I guess so," you sighed, feeling defeated.

It was clear that matter how much you tried to talk to Jughead he wouldn't be into it and you didn't want to force him to be. It sucked too because he seemed like a pretty interesting dude.

Jughead saw your defeated look and felt guilty. He didn't mean to be so closed off but he couldn't exactly help it.

"Wanna read some of it?" he asked you.

"What?" you perked up, thinking you heard him wrong.

"Some of my work. You wanna read it?" he asked again.

You nodded and got up from your seat. You walked over to Jughead's side and slid in next to him.

Your eyes scanned over the screen and you hummed in approval.

"Wow, Jug, this is actually really good," you said, still reading.

You were so interested in what you were reading that you didn't realize how close you were to Jughead and how red his cheeks were.

He's had a crush on you since you and Betty met him Archie when you guys were kids. You just had that thing that drew him to you. The fact that you guys never spoke made him upset but then again, it's not like he was making an effort to talk to you and neither were you.

You looked up from the laptop and gasped at the close proximity of your guys' faces.

"Um, you're..." you gulped. "You're really good."

"Thanks," he smiled.

"You have a nice smile," you said and Jughead blushed even deeper.

"Thanks," he said again.

"No problem."

"So, why'd you come here tonight?" Jughead asked.

Your face dropped and you moved slightly away from Jughead.

Jughead frowned at this and tried to apologize to you.

"No, it's fine. It's just.." you sighed. "Well, tonight was homecoming. I put on makeup, wore this fancy ass dress with matching heels and I even got my hair done. All for some guy who clearly isn't worth it."

Then realization dawned on Jughead. You were going to tell your crush how you felt tonight but something clearly went wrong. Sensing your sadness, Jughead wrapped his arm around your shoulder and you leaned your head on his.

"Who were you gonna tell?" Jughead asked.

"Reggie Mantle," you confessed and you felt Jug tense up. "Don't worry Juggy, he's an asshole. I don't even know what I saw in him in the first place."

"What did you see in him anyway?" Jughead asked.

"I don't know. I was lonely during the summer vacation and he was there. He was what I needed and he seemed so cool and totally not douche-y. I guess I was just super infatuated with him."

"Oh," was all Jughead could say. He didn't really know how to react to that. He was happy, obviously, but he didn't want to let you know that.

"You wanna know the worst part? I wasted so much time time there but I never even got to dance."

Jughead gently pushed your head off his shoulder. He slid past you and walked over to the jukebox. He put a quarter in and selected a song. 'I Can't Help Falling In Love' by Elvis Presley started playing.

"M'lady, may I have this dance?" he asked with his hand out.

"You may," you replied as you stood up.

You put your hand in Jughead's and he pulled you closer to his chest.

You two just swayed from side to side, even after the song ended, not wanting the moment to end.

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