The Proposal {Richard Madden}

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Part 2 to 'The Late Late Show'

Your best friend was acting unusually nice today. Not that she wasn't nice — in her own way — any other day but today, she was just... off. You didn't know what it was.

She took you to a fancy restaurant for breakfast, to buy some new clothes, get your hair and nails done and was currently treating you with a spa day. Of course you were curious as to where all of this money was coming from but you didn't have to pay for it so you didn't care.

Another weird thing you noticed was that Harley kept checking her phone constantly, as if she was expecting an important text or phone call.

You were in the middle of a deep tissue massage when she burst into the room, completely destroying your relaxed mood.

"Y/N, we need to go," she told you.

"What? Go? Go where?" you asked.

"It doesn't matter. We need to go," she stated.

"But I'm in the middle of a massage, Harley," you told her.

"Yeah, not anymore," she deadpanned then she pulled you off the massage table and dragged you out of the room. "We're going back home."

She made you take a shower, to wash all the oil off your back, get dressed without moisturising and drive back to yours and James' penthouse.

When you got there, you were rightfully angry and decided to go off on Harley.

"Listen up, you little Harlequin," you began. "I was fine when you called me at five in the morning and told me to get ready for a girls day. I was fine when you treated me to an expensive breakfast and clothes that your cheap ass wouldn't pay for. And I was fine when I got that painful full body wax. But I am not fine with you dragging me out of the most relaxing experience I've ever had with no explanation whatsoever!"

She just looked at you with a bored, unfazed expression.

"Are you done now?" she asked.

You were about to say something but she beat you to it.

"Good, because I want you to grab the nicest outfit that you bought today, moisturise your ashy ass skin and be done in fifteen minutes because we are heading out. Am I clear?"

You just smacked your teeth and walked away mumbling,

"It's your fault I'm ashy in the first place."


Harley pulled up to her house where you could hear some music coming from, presumably, the backyard. You two got out and made your way there and you were shocked by the sight in front of you.

All of your family members and closest friends were there, enjoying each other company and just having the time of their lives. When they saw you, they started cheering.

"Harley, what's happening?" you asked. "What is everybody doing here? Did you arrange this?"

"Actually, love," your boyfriend said from behind you. "I did."

You were turned around and saw him wearing a tuxedo.

"Richard!" you exclaimed. "You did this?"

"Yes, I also arranged for the outing you and Harley had today," he said.

"But why?" you asked.

"Well, that is a question that can be simply answered by a song."

And as he finished that sentence, 'Your Song' began playing and when you looked to where the sound was coming from, you saw Taron standing on a stage, accompanied by a band, in front of a wall of Y/Favourite/Flowers and adorned with fairy lights.

"It's a little bit funny, this feeling inside
I'm not one of those who can easily hide
I don't have much money but, but if I did
I'd buy a big house where we both live," he sang.

You felt your heart beating faster and emotions skyrocketing.

"So excuse me forgetting but these things I do
You see I've forgotten if they're green or they're blue
But, anyway, what I really mean
Yours are the sweetest eyes I've ever seen."

Oddly enough, people weren't looking at Taron but rather at you and James which you found weird but didn't give much thought.

"And you can tell everybody, this is your song
It may be quite simple but now that it's done
I hope you don't mind
I hope you don't mind that I put down in words..."

Instead of finishing the song, Taron stopped singing but the band didn't stop playing which confused you until you heard Richard start singing. You turned around and gasped when you saw him on one knee, holding a box with a ring in it.

"How wonderful life is now you're in the world," he sang.

You placed your hand over your mouth as tears began filling your eyes.

"Y/Full/N, you are the love of my life, other than Taron of course," Richard joked causing everyone and you to laugh. "And I can't imagine a better way to spend the rest of my life than married to you. I briefly mentioned marrying you on The Late Late Show two months ago but the way it happened just didn't feel right. This does. You deserve all of this. You deserve the pampering and being surrounded by all your loved ones and I just hope that you think I deserve you. Will you marry me?"

"Of course I will," you answered.

"Really?" Richard asked.

"Yes, really. You could've asked me to marry you at a Chick - Fil - A and I still would have said 'yes'. I would've hesitated but I would have said 'yes' nonetheless."

Richard laughed at your joke and placed the ring on your finger. He got off his knee and pulled you into a loving kiss as everyone cheered.

"God, I can't wait until we have kids," he said after pulling away then everything just stopped.

Everyone stopped cheering, the band stopped playing. Everything was just still.

"What?" you asked.

"What?" Richard asked in return.

"Did you just say, 'you can't wait until we have kids'? As in, it's definitely going to happen?"

"Huh?" Richard asked.

"Did you just mention children? Is that something you're actually thinking about? 'Cause I'm not opposed to it."

"Doesn't anyone want some food? I'm sure you're all starving," Richard said, in an attempt to change the topic.

"Um, yeah. Come on, everyone, let's go get some food. I haven't eaten in a while," Taron jumped in, saving his friend.

Luckily, everyone there cared more about eating than you and your fiance's awkwardness so they all made their way to the table with all the food and began helping themselves.

"Richard," you began.

"Hold that thought, love. I think Harley's calling me," Richard lied, hoping to make a run for it.

You just chuckled and pulled him in for a kiss.

"I'd love to have kids with you, Richard."

Richard smiled and all the stress visibly disappeared.

"Now, let's go to that table before everybody finishes the food."

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