I Really Like You {Zack Martin}

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*Suite Life On Deck*

You were sitting by the smoothie bar where Zack worked, staring off into the distance. Your parents just called to tell you that they were taking you out of Seven Seas High. You were absolutely heartbroken. Everything you cared about was here, your friends, your uncle, Zack.

"Y/N?" Zack asked you, which snapped you out of your thoughts.

"Hm?" you hummed.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"Yeah," you lied. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"Well, I asked you if you wanted Banana Fofana or Raspberry Rocket then you sort stared into the distance like I asked you to hunt puppies," he said.

You shook your head and got up to leave.

"It's nothing, I'm fine."

Then you ran away, so no one could see you cry.

"Y/N, wait!" Zack called out but you just ignored him and carried on running.


You were sitting in Bailey and London's room, trying to figure out a way to tell them the news. Unfortunately, they were so busy arguing with each other that you couldn't think properly.

"Y/N, tell London she's wrong," Bailey said.

"Y/N, tell Bailey that I'm not," London whined.

"Tell her her she is," Bailey said.

"Tell her I'm not," London told you.

And it went on like that until you snapped.

"Shut up both of you!" you yelled and they both shut up. "There are bigger issues in the world than Bailey's overalls not being cute enough for you London!"

"Ha ha!" Bailey taunted in London's face.

"You too Bailey!" you yelled and she instantly looked guilty. "If you spent as much time paying attention to detail as you did arguing with London then you would notice that I'm lea..."

You stopped yourself before you could continue.

"I would notice that you're what?" Bailey asked.

"Nevermind," you scoffed before storming out.


The gang was gathered at the smoothie bar, looking and feeling upset.

"I'm telling you guys, something's not right with Y/N," Zack said.

"And I'm telling you, she's perfectly fine," Cody said.

You walked to them, holding a few of your favourite possessions.

"Hey guys," you said half- heartedly. "I got you some gifts."

"Ooh, gifts?" London squealed. "Gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme!"

You slightly chuckled at her enthusiasm. You were gonna miss it a lot.

"Bailey, I'm giving you Mr Stuffins," you said then you handed her your stuffed penguin.

"Thanks," she said.

"Cody, I'm giving you my favourite book. I know how much you've been dying to read it," you handed him your book.

"But you love this book," he said.

"You'll love it more," you said then you turned to London.

"Is it my turn? Yay!" she cheered while clapping excitedly.

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