Down Memory Lane {Leonardo Di Caprio}

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"One of Hollywood's most favourite couples has just split."

"It's official, Leonardo and Y/N have split."

"The couple, who always seemed to be so in love, has broken up. Which begs the question; if they couldn't make it, what chance do we all have?"


Ah, the early 2000's. What a time to be alive. You and Leo were an absolute power couple and everybody knew it but sadly, you two broke up before you could even get engaged.

You two decided not to tell anyone why you actually broke up because, quite frankly, it was none of their damn business.

"Mom, do you know where my headphones are?" your daughter asked you while basically turning the house upside down.

"No," you answered. "And making our house messier isn't gonna help anything."

"Those are the ones dad got me and I wanna have them when he comes over," she whined.

"Okay, I'll help you look for them," you told her.

"Thanks, mommy," she said playfully while grinning.

She hadn't actually called you 'mommy' in years. You missed those days. Back when she was still your baby girl. You could remember those days like it was yesterday.


You heard her screams from all the way in your room. You could've sworn put her down just ten minutes ago, yet here you were.

You actually felt crying yourself. You hadn't gotten a proper night's rest in over two weeks. Leo wasn't around because he was still filming. He wasn't even around when she was born. So you've been handling everything.

She suddenly stopped crying and that made you really suspicious. You got up from bed and made your way to her nursery. When you got inside, you saw Leo cradling her and rocking her side to side while singing her a lullaby.

"Leo," you breathed out. "You're here."

He turned around and smiled at you.

"Yeah, we're on a break that'll last around three weeks or so. I wanted to surprise you but instead I came home to hear her cries," he explained.

"Yeah, she's been doing that for weeks on end," you said.

Leo's filled with guilt. He hasn't been there for you guys and he felt terrible about it. But he was here now and he was gonna do all that he could in this time.

"What's her name?" he asked you.

"Monet," you told him. "I always liked that name."

"It's beautiful," Leo smiled. "Just like her."


"Found them!" she exclaimed, rasing the headphones in victory.

"Great!" you said. "Now you can clean up the house that you messed up."

Her smile dropped instantly.

"You know, I would but I have homework," she lied.

"It's Spring Break," you told her. "Kinda the whole reason you're going with your dad."

"I have to pack," she lied again.

"You packed last night," you told her.

"But I'm a teenager. I probably didn't do it right."

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