Meeting Greek Gods

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Hi, so im Eva. Enjoy this shitty book and before you start reading drink some water or eat sth xx






NOTE// It has been 2 months (4/4) since I have published this shit (5/2) and all I have to say is thank you, whether you've read the whole thing or the first chapter or whatever and an even bigger thank you to the bad bitches that have added it to their reading list. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

I love you!

P.S stream as it was (HOW GOOD IS IT?)

//Btw I hate the self-promoting part but I also love it so If you want you can read my ON GOING book I Want You To Want Me. (much more interesting tbh)

Thanks again.



''I don't wanna go!'' Louis whined as he was sitting uncomfortably on the passenger sit with his arms folded and a frown on his face, next to his dad on their way to the airport.

He really didn't. He didn't go to a fucking school that nobody, not even his dad had ever been to. He wanted to stay home with his five sisters and he promised his dad like a million times that he would study harder, he would be better at anything, he would be the best son the world have known but Mark, his dad, wouldn't listen. He would start rambling about the Tomlinsons being the best at anything , most educated blah, blah all these shit that Louis thinks are important even though no one outside the family would give a flying fuck. Sure, the name Tomlinson was known-damn right it was!- but it didn't mean that he would learn anything different at a boarding school instead of him being tutored at home ,like he has been for the past 10 years of his life, after his father said that he couldn't keep tutoring a 7-year-old by himself.

''Because that's what a Tomlinson does! They get educated and they take over the family business'' his dad says slightly raising his voice.

Louis understood that his dad was mad. He always keeps his voice at normal volumes but even a small raise means that he is pissed. He couldn't blame him though, to be fair. Louis has been complaining for over a month about his father's decision and they had a lot of fights about it but it felt so strange. He didnt have any friends nor anyone and he was going to live by himself for the very first time. He certainly wasn't ready for that. Definitely not prepared and he was pretty damn sure he would fail.

Its 10 AM, meaning that they had about 1 hour until the plane took off to the unknown school and Louis was rushing next to his father while one of the airport's staff was carrying Louis ridiculously expensive clothes, shoes, jewelry and other stuff that Louis ,himself, doesn't even remember owning, in the first place.

''OK,son. Remember, first of all do you remember the family rules? No drinking, no partying, not close friends or even better not friends at all. Sure, you can meet new people but remember they will always, always want to distract you. They will probably even be jealous of you because you are a Tomlinson. They should look at you in the eyes, not the other way around. You are a Tomlinson and I know that you will make our family proud as me, your grandfather and many many more generations did.''

Louis gave his father his hand and shook it firmly. Louis was never the type to give least not after things became...different.

Louis wasnt cold-hearted. Definitely not but he wasn't the type who would hug their dad at the airport, while everyone was watching and was whispering if that was in fact THE Louis Tomlinson. You see, the Tomlinsons owned a bunch of businesses from restaurants to technology factories and they were one of the most powerful families in England, not to mention pretty wealthy also.

At some point Louis loved the attention and he knew how to handle it as well. Taught from his father at a pretty young age he knew which was his best profile, when to smile or laugh. Damn, he could even control his body language. He had everything under controlled. He would finish school with high grades, find a nice lady, probably his dad will find her to be honest, and he will take over the family business well... businesses.

''Goodbye father. I hope I will see you soon and Im going make our family proud'' he said, reassuring his father for the millionth time, that he wouldn't screw everything up.

''Goodbye ,son. Make us proud'' and he gave him one proud, slightly formal smile.

And as Louis' flight was announced ,he gave a last toothy smile to Mark and got prepared to face his future at the school that he will have to live at for the next 4 years. How delightful.


''Mr Tomlinson, here is your seat. Sit carefully and inform us if you need anything'' a young woman, with her hair in a bun told him.

Louis gave her one of his charming smiles and nodded politely.

Gosh, what would he do in a 6-hour flight all by himself and the worst part? Apparently,there was no TV or anything where Louis could watch a movie. Ugh, he hated that. He opened his phone. No signal or anything and of course he didn't have any games on his phone because father considered them a waste of time.

''Are you Louis Tomlinson?'' a boy looking like a Greek God with piercing hazel eyes and light brown skin, asked.

Another person who is gonna ask about my family and blah blah blah Louis hated these people. So clingy. Sure, some recognition wouldn't harm but all the ramblings and the talking exhausted him out.


''Yeah'' Louis replied with a bored face.

''Cool, because I will be sitting next to you on this flight and I will be your roommate. Now move your fucking ass because you are taking my space'' the boy said in a joyful and playful tone.

''Who the hell are you to talk to me that way? Don't you know who I am? I'm Louis Tomlinson and I'm pretty sure that I won't have any roommates in that goddamn school but sure mate whatever makes you sleep at night''

''Excuse me bro but I'm from fucking Bradford and I have no freaking idea, who the hell you are, so move your arse.''

Louis looked at him surprised at his attitude and just said a simple ''I'm from Doncaster and I've never been to Bradford so I have no idea what are you talking about. Anyways, whats your name Bradford dude?''

The boy looked at him dead in the eyes and whispered ''James. James Bond'' before bursting into laughing.

Louis didn't laugh.

''My name is Zayn but the ladies call me hottie'' and he winked at Louis.

Louis thought that Zayn was annoying as fuck but his manners wouldn't allow him to admit it in front of him, so he just flashed him a quick smile and turned to look by the window.

''Well, Louis Tomlinson I hope that you ain't a messy dude because I like my apartment clean,fresh smelling and tidy for when the ladies spend the night and they will be a lot,trust me.''

''Don't worry lad. First of all, I'm sure that we will definitely not be sharing an apartment and second of all, with these manners of yours the only ladies you will be seeing are the ones under your sheets at a cold winter night on your computer.'' he said and Zayn let a breathy laugh without getting offended by Louis at all and he just said

''Come on man, everyone loves the Bradords bad boy'' and Louis let out a genuine chuckle at Zayns response, with a hint of impression for the odd boy, sitting next to him.

''Ladies and gentlemen he laughs'' Zayn said to practically no one, earning one more chuckle from Louis.

Maybe the Bradford lad isnt bad after all.

''So Zayn...What are you studying here lad?'' Louis asked with curiosity.

''Art'' Zayn replied and asked the same question that Louis did earlier

''Economics'' Louis said proudly. He always was proud cause thats what Tomlinsons are. Proud. A five-lettered word with so much meaning for Louis. Not only because he was a Tomlinson but this was what his mom said, well written,in her letter before she sadly passed away the year before.'' Always be proud boo bear,always''


By the end of the flight Louis thought that maybe having a roommate wasn't that bad.

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