I could have changed

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''What should we do now?'' Louis said, as he took a sip of his coffee.

How would he even sleep at night? It was 9PM and here he was drinking coffee with Harry in the dark in the park, where basically was probably alcoholics and junkies. If Louis got killed tonight he would haunt Harry for the rest of his life.

''Let's talk.'' Harry said and Louis groaned.

''You want to spend the rest of the 1 and 45 minutes we have left talking?'' Louis asked and Harry nodded.

''Nope. We should do something fun, that also includes talking.'' Harry suggested and started to think of something fun.

''We should break into the library.'' Louis said excited and Harry spit out his drink.

''Huh?'' he asked and Louis clapped his hands.

''Definitely. It is closed right now, so we can.'' Louis said and got up but Harry pulled Louis back down.

''No.'' Harry said and Louis groaned again.

''Come. I have an idea.'' Harry said and took Louis' hand in his and started walking.

Louis didn't even bother asking where they were going. His eyes were focused on his and Harry's hands being linked and that warm feeling. Man, he really loved him. So fucking much. He could write books, poems and songs about how much he loved him... he wanted to scream, to plead, to even propose to Harry just to make him stay with him. Why did he have to be so fucking stubborn and not want them to get back together? Stupid Harry.

How was Louis even supposed to pretend that he was friends with Harry?

Scratch that.

He didn't have to pretend. He actually had to be friends with him.


''Where are we going?'' Louis asked, after a while and Harry ignored him.

''Where are we-'' Louis said again but Harry pressed his hand against Louis' mouth.

''Stop.'' Harry said and Louis felt himself getting frustrated.

After some time of walking Louis started feeling tired but Harry's grip was tight around his hand, so he didn't want Harry to stop holding him and continued walking.

''We're here.'' Harry exclaimed after a few minutes and Louis looked around completely shocked.

What the hell?

Why was there a beach in the middle of fucking nowhere and why has Louis never seen it before?

''What the he-'' Louis started but Harry picked him and threw him on the sand.

''Ouch.'' Louis said, as he arched his back, moaning in pain.

''Sorry.'' Harry said and sat next to him, looking at the beach.

Harry sat there looking at the beach, while Louis was looking at him and only him.

Man, he wishes he could turn back time and never asked stupid questions or ask Niall about his nightmares, that didn't even matter that much, if the cost for asking was losing him.

''What?'' Harry asked and looked at Louis, who looked at him lost. Suddenly, Louis pressed his lips against Harry's, whose eyes widened and he tried to pull away.

''We said no kissing and stuff.'' Harry said but Louis shook his head.

''Let me have this for one last time before we say goodbye.'' Louis said and Harry gave in. (A/N LOVE U FOODBYE CONVENIETLY PLAYING IN THE BACKGROUND)

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