For the sake of pleasure

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''You think we broke up?'' Harry asked after a while, shaking his head smiling.

''Yeah? You said you are done with this and that was it or something.'' Louis mumbled, pretending like it wasn't a big deal. Gosh, he already missed Harry and he was standing one meter away from him. Louis lowered his head, still cutting vegetables, when Harry let out a chuckle.

''Oh, I see what you mean. Stupid.'' Harry said and rolled his eyes.

''Stupid?'' Louis said, offended and Harry realized how that sounded and opened his mouth.

''When I said I am done with this, I didn't mean done with this, as in us.'' Harry said and Louis was still confused. What could he possibly mean by that? Didn't they break-up? Were they still together? Huh? Harry noticed how confused Louis looked and he continued.

''What I meant, is I am done with making you talk. No, no, no not what I meant. Ugh... I don't know how to say it but I don't want it to come out offensive to you. So, if I say something that comes off offensive, don't get upset because it is not.'' Harry said and Louis nodded, too confused to protest or complain about this whole situation.

''Look, I don't want to upset you. Ever. So when you get mad, or at least, starting to get upset, I am going to drop things. I don't want to keep the other conversation going because I don't want to make you mad or sad. I just want you to be happy and I see that the girls make you that but I just want to be sure that you can handle this and this is not a pressure for you. You have my support and I will help you with anything, Anything.'' Harry said and cupped Louis' face.

''So we are together now?'' Louis asked, as he didn't listen to anything that Harry had said. Harry laughed and supported his face on Louis shoulder, inhaling his smell and his cologne. He put his arms around Louis' waist, while Louis stood there, not knowing what he was supposed to do.

''If you want to. I told you, I am not the one who is going to break up with you. You will have to do that.'' Harry mumbled, still not looking at Louis, smelling his cologne.

''If I ever do that.'' Louis completed Harry's sentence, who smiled happily by Louis' answer.

''But I don't want us to fight.'' Louis continued, whispering it and Harry tightened his grip around Louis' waist.

''Neither do I, but that's what couples do, right?'' Harry said, sighing and Louis shook his head.

''But not all the time.'' Louis replied and Harry didn't want Louis to feel like that. Like, they weren't normal and all they did was fighting. They weren't just fighting, they had their precious, cute moments, didn't they?

''We have good times, don't we?'' Harry said, almost pleading Louis to tell him 'yes'. He wanted, needed Louis to tell him yes. Yes, they had bad times but in the three days, that they have been something, Harry felt more alive than he had in moths, in years. He felt like he actually had one more reason to get up every morning and believe me, Harry's reasons could be count on his right's hand fingers.

''We did and we do.'' Louis said and Harry raised his eyes, before connecting his lips with Louis', who didn't even understand what happened before feeling Harry's lips on his.

''I have to-'' Louis said but Harry said ''Later'' and continued kissing him.

''The girls are upstairs.'' Louis said but Harry didn't even bothering listening to him. Instead, he started kissing Louis' neck and Louis didn't know if he wanted Harry to stop, for the sake of not traumatizing the girls or he wanted him to continued for the sake of his own pleasure.

''Is something burning?'' Harry said, not really caring about it, as he was too busy, unbuttoning Louis' shirt.

''The sauce.'' Louis exclaimed and rushed to the oven, seeing that the sauce for the pasta was burning.

''Why do you always wear shirts? They are so hard to take off.'' Harry mumbled and Louis looked at him with a serious look.

''I literally burnt dinner, Harry.'' Louis said with a sad expression.

''Why am I so useless?'' he whispered at himself and Harry felt bad for Louis because it was his fault that he distracted him.

''Hey, it's not your fault. It's mine. We can order something. It's okay.'' Harry said and hugged Louis, who resisted at first but finally gave in.

''You can't raise kids by feeding them all the time pizza.'' Louis said and laughed.

''Let's cook, then.'' Harry offered.

''Ugh, fine.'' Louis groaned and Harry smiled.


''It's really good. Did you make it by yourself?" Fizzy asked and Louis shook his head.

''Harry helped.'' Louis said and Harry nodded.

''Where were you? We saw you once and you left without saying goodbye.'' Daisy asked, as she took a bite of her food. Harry didn't know how he was supposed to answer to that. Had Louis told them anything?

''Uhm...I was-'' Harry started, hesitating a little bit, but Louis cut him off.

''He had gone to Paris, as an exchange student, but he didn't like it.'' Louis said and Harry nodded, relieved that Louis saved him.

''Are you crazy? Paris is awesome. We should go.'' Phoebe said and Louis nodded, smiling.

''It was great but I missed you guys so much. So, I had to return.'' Harry said and smiled at them.

''Next time, tell the truth.'' Lottie mumbled and Louis looked at her with a strict look, while Harry looked at her with a sad one.

''What's that supposed to mean, Lottie?'' Louis asked and Lottie rolled her eyes, as she leaned on the back of her chair, smirking.

''It means, that this random dude, who says that he missed us, is actually a fucking idiot that thinks he can come back. You weren't in Paris. You were hiding. I can sense your lies.'' Lottie said and Louis felt stunned but quickly he sighed and leaned forward.

''Watch your language and apologize, now.'' Louis said and Lottie scoffed.

''For what? For telling the truth? Am I wrong Edward?'' Lottie said and looked straight into Harry's eyes, who just looked at her with a sad look and lowered his head, not knowing exactly what to say or what Lottie wanted him to say.

''That's it.'' Louis said and got up and Lottie did the same, still looking at Harry, who took a deep breath and looked in Lottie's eyes.

''Apologize.'' Louis said again and Lottie shook her head, before leaving the table. Louis sat down, sighing and putting his hand on his face.

''I got this.'' Harry said and got up, following Lottie, who went to the garden.

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