It's weird

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''Louis? Do you want to go to the hospital?'' Harry asked, shaking Louis, who was so hot and his cheek were really red. He was half-asleep or close to being unconscious, Harry couldn't understand which one he was but he had really high fever. 39.5 to be exact and Harry was getting better, he barely had any fever, even though, he wished Louis was better but sadly, he wasn't.

''No.'' Louis whispered. He had his head placed on Harry's shoulder, his breath hitting Harry's neck and he would find it completely cute, if Louis wasn't, as hot as a volcano.

''Louis? Please, let's go to the hospital.'' Harry begged him and he could feel his eyes filling up with tears. It was his fault. He should have left or he shouldn't have let Louis get sick. How stupid was he? He let Louis get sick. Now that he is thinking about it, it sounded completely insane and he regretted everything.

''I'm fine.'' Louis said and started coughing loudly.

''No, you are not. Please. I am begging you.'' Harry said and Louis sighed.

''Let's go to bed and if I am not better tomorrow, we'll go, okay?'' he said and Harry nodded, before picking him up and climbing the stairs.

''You are really hot Louis'' Harry said, touching his cheek.

''I know I am.'' Louis said, trying to laugh but it turned out into coughing again.

''Okay, okay, let's get you in bed now, hottie.'' Harry said, placing Louis on the bed, softly and he covered him with a blanket.

''Do you want some more tea? Or anything else?'' Harry asked and sat on a chair, taking Louis' hand into his and drawing small circles on his wrist.

''God, you are acting like I am on my deathbed.'' Louis mumbled, before pushing the blanket off him and Harry rushed to cover him again.

''Don't be stupid. I am just worried.'' he said and started wrapping the blanket around Louis, who started complaining and whining.

''Blanket makes me hot.'' Louis mumbled, before turning around and Harry sighed.

''You have to be warm.'' Harry said and Louis sighed, before turning to look at him.

''You look like you are about to shit your pants.'' he said laughing and Harry smiled a little, glad to see Louis being more energetic now.

''Sleep now.'' Harry said and Louis pouted, before grabbing his leg.

''Cuddles?'' Louis asked, smiling and Harry nodded and Louis clapped his hands, making room for Harry, who went under the covers and hugged him tightly.


Harry got up after one hour, when he had made sure that the boy next to him was asleep and he got up carefully, his feet on the cold wooden floor and he wrapped Louis with the blanket again, as half of it had fallen on the floor.

He went to the kitchen, without turning on any light and trying to be as quiet as possible. He grabbed two bowl and then he headed towards the bathroom, taking a towel and feeling one bowl with cold water. He went to the bedroom and he sat on a chair next to Louis. He looked really peaceful and Harry was grateful for that. The least Louis deserved was a good nights sleep. He turned him a little, always making sure that he wouldn't wake him up. He dipped the cream colored towel and he dipped it into the cold water and then, he squished it. He put his hand on Louis' forehead to measure his temperature and then placed the towel on it. Louis turned a little but thankfully, didn't open his eyes.

He repeated this for a while, until he saw the clock. It was 4AM and he had been there for more than three hours, but he didn't feel tired or anything, which was good and Louis' temperature seemed to be reduced. Suddenly, Louis' eyes fluttered opened and he looked confused around the room, which was dark, so he really couldn't understand what was happening.

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