I'm not mad, I just want to help

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It was 3AM and Harry was just staring at Louis. He really felt like crying right now. Messing everything up was his only talent and he hated it. Hated it. He got out of bed and went to the balcony, closing the door behind him, looking at the stars, sitting on a chair. If only he could go back in time, just one day. One damn day. That was all he needed. He would have told Louis everything. There. In the tent, when everything was so much better, when everything was perfect.

''What are you doing here, Curly?'' Louis asked, opening the door. He was only wearing some blue sweatpants and nothing on top. His hair was messy and his eyes were a little bit swollen from sleeping but overall, he looked perfect as always.

''You're still drunk?'' Harry asked and Louis let out a small laugh.

''No. For real this time.'' Louis said, leaning on the door, cool glass touching his back, having a smirk on his face. Harry looked at him confused but he just continued standing there, his eyes focused on Harry, not looking anywhere else.

''How did it go?'' he asked, after a while.

''Um...good. I mean, I don't know. I am going to see Gemma next week for coffee but with Robin, I have no clue what's happening. I don't think I can build a relationship with him or whatever.'' he said and sighed. Robin was pissed at Harry, apparently and he couldn't deal with him right now.

''I'm sorry but at least, you'll see Gemma'' Louis said, trying to cheer him up.

''I'm sorry.'' Harry said, finally and Louis smiled and walked towards him.

''I don't want you to be sorry because there is nothing to be sorry for. I just want you to tell me, not them. I know that it doesn't matter anymore but I was taken aback and I needed time to cool off about the whole situation.'' Louis said and stood in front of Harry, who placed his head on Louis' tummy, gulping.

''Don't do that.'' Harry said, hugging Louis' legs.

''What?'' he replied, running his hand through Harry's hair.

''You always say that it's fine. It's not okay.''

''It is''

''It's not.''

''Look, I will never understand why you torture yourself with thoughts like 'It's not okay' when I say that it is. But it is, Harry. If you want to let the voices get you, they always will.'' Louis said and Harry sighed.

''I love you.'' Harry said and Louis smiled.

Normally, he hates when people say 'I love you' all the time.

Key word: normally.

''Me too. Now, come back.'' Louis said.

''No, let's just stay here for a second.'' Harry said and made Louis sit on his lap. He explained everything. From his first baby steps to the first day he met him and Louis listened, as he did every time but this one...this one was different. Harry felt like a weight has been lifted off his chest and that he didn't have to hide things anymore.


''You passed.'' Louis said, looking at the paper.

''I passed.''

''You passed.'' Louis yelled and started jumping up and down.

''We'll be together.''

''We'll be together.'' Louis yelled again, jumping on Harry this time.

''You guys need to chill.'' Zayn said, patting Harry's back.

''He is third. It's you, some Markinson guy and Harry.'' Liam said.

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