Your new friend- H

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Let's go back a few hours.


''Fucking asshole?''

''What is going on here? Do you know each other?'' Louis asked confused.

''He is the asshole who broke up with me''

''She is the bitch who handcuffed me in my bed'' they both said in union.

''Wow'' Louis said.

And then they both started screaming at each other.

''That's too much. I am out'' Louis said.


''Zayn is having a hard time, isn't he?'' Harry said sitting next to Louis, who was sitting on a bench.

''I guess'' Louis said chuckling.

''Here'' Harry said handing him a beer.


They both stayed in silent, as they were sipping their beers until Harry broke the silence with the three words that Louis wanted but also didn't want to hear.

''I am sorry'' Harry said.

''I was a jerk, I know. I just... I got mad for some reason. You know it was so easy for you to become friends with the lads and I just I got jealous and-''

''You were right'' Louis cut Harry off, sipping his beer.


''I said you were right. I am that guy. The rich one who doesn't care about others and all these shit'' Louis said, scratching the label off his beer.

''No Louis. What I said was not cool and I am sorry. Please you are not that guy. You really like those guys I can see it. Please forgive me.''

Louis then turned his head and looked at Harry in the eyes and the only thing he saw was pleading. It was a pleading look. Harry wanted- No- he needed Louis' forgiveness.

''You are forgiven'' Louis said smiling.

''Oh shit wait I can't forgive you'' Louis said and made a sorry face.

''Why?'' Harry asked almost... sad?

''Because then I have no reason for hating you'' Louis said and laughed.

''Once, you get to know me you will love the crap out of me'' Harry said laughing.

''You wish curly, don't ya?'' Louis said.

Louis and Harry talked and talked until Louis asked the obvious question.

''What are you studying?''


Literature was Louis' dream. He just didn't know it or he wouldn't admit it because he was a Tomlinson and he had to take over the family business.

''Cool'' he simply replied.

''YOU FUCKING BASTARD LEAVE ME ALONE'' Elise's scream was heard and Louis saw Niall and Liam rushed to their side.

''Did you hear that?'' Liam asked.

Louis looked disgusted at Niall, who was eating a sausage with ice cream on it.

''Niall the fuck are you eating?'' Harry asked, having the same thought as Louis.

''It's delicious'' Niall said taking an huge bite.

''NO YOU STUPID FUCK LEAVE.'' Elise screamed again.

''No let me explain'' Zayn said chasing her.

''I don't wanna'' Elise said.

''Please'' Zayn said and then Elise stopped. She then looked at him dead in the eyes and started running, like really running as fast as she could.

''Go get her, tiger.'' Harry said to Zayn, who looked at them for like 5 seconds and then he started running towards the direction that Elise ran.

''Who was that girl?'' Liam asked.

And so Louis explained the whole day and what happened between Elise and Zayn.

''Oh and also this is a lot better'' Louis said pointing at himself and Harry, who nodded.

''I bet you guys fucked. Zayn owes me 50 bucks'' Niall said.

Louis chocked on his beer, while Harry screamed ''No, no, no, no ,no, no''

''One more and I'll believe you'' Niall said rolling his eyes.

''Whatever Niall'' Louis said.

Louis had no idea what happened but when he returned home, he saw Elise and Zayn making out on the couch. Louis made a disgusted face and went to the bathroom and took a short shower. As he was under the hot water, he felt his muscles relax and Louis was happy. He made a new friends today and got rid of an enemy. When he got out of the shower and went to his room he sat on his bed and he saw a new book with a green bow tie on top.

''Little Women- Louisa May Alcott''.

Louis opened his phone and searched for the description of the book.

''The novel is about four sisters, who learn how to be independent and made new friends''

He opened the first page and so a little note falling on his laps.

''Louis, I hope you like this book about friendship, Your new friend- H.''

Louis smiled. So Harry got him a gift. How did he enter the apartment? Doesn't matter.

Harry Styles got Louis Tomlinson a gift about friendship.

And that was the start of a new era.


Louis woke up at yelling again. Why the hell are Elise and Zayn yelling again? Didn't they make up?

''I have asked you a million times to leave me alone. Why can't you just do that?'' Elise asked in a pleading tone.

''I am sorry for the past. Can't we just move on? Like please?'' Zayn said with sad eyes.

''What is going on?'' Louis asked with a sleepy look. He then realized that he was only wearing sweatpants. Shit. He then tried to play it cool and folded his arms leaning on the doorway.

''Zayn here insists on us to talk about the shit that he did in the past-''

''I said I am fucking sorry'' Zayn said through gritted teeth.

''But guys I saw you two making out last night?'' Louis said making the sentence sounding more like a question.

''No it wasn't a moment of peace. Zayn just knows what to do in that area if you know what I mean.'' Elise said smirking.

''Eww I don't wanna know'' Louis said and turned to go to his room until he heard two other voices.

''Hi you guys'' Niall said.

And of course where Niall goes, there is Harold.

''Nice tattoos'' Harry said, looking at Louis.

Louis didn't have many tattoos but the ones he had were meaningful or well most of them.

And there was the awkward silence that Elise decided to break.

''Bye guys. Louis, you have my number, give me a call'' Elise said smiling before opening the door and leaving.

''Don't you dare calling her'' Zayn said with a serious face.

''Sorry Zayn but she is so cool'' Louis said before turning away, so he could change.

Before entering his door he stopped at his tracks and said to Harry...

''Thank you for the present Harold''.

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